Feral Frenzy cool-down is 0.75 seconds too fast

Tatariu Member Posts: 3,068
edited April 2023 in Bug Reporting

The cool-down when ending Feral Frenzy is sped up and the animation ends 0.75 seconds sooner than the cool-down state itself.

  • Feral Frenzy cool-down state is 3 seconds
  • Animation during cool-down was 3 seconds prior to patch 6.7.0.
  • Current animation during cool-down is 2.25 seconds

Here is a video demonstrating the problem. I went into my video editor frame by frame and discovered how far off the timing was. Please fix this as soon as possible It's very annoying and feels clunky.

  • Platform: PC (Steam)
  • Character: The Legion
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