I Feel Like I’m The Only One Getting Mori And No One Else

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited April 2023 in General Discussions

I hate to sound hypocritical right now. But I get kind of annoyed by what feels like I’m the only one getting mori. I mean I know that people can be jerks and I know others had dealt with I dealt with. I guess you can say I’m just tired of entitled people since that all I’ve been dealing with a lot lately. I know this weird of me to complain about solo survivor experience over then killer. I But yeah I can see why solo survivor can definitely suck sometimes. Sorry for ranting and rambling again. I appreciate those who have read this post.

Edit: I was just rambling for the sack of rambling. I’m trying not to do as much so I will try to be better not to that especially for certain subjects.Sorry for wasting all your time. Thank you for your patience and understanding and hope you all have a great rest of your night.

Post edited by Robotfangirl67 on


  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    What's wrong with getting mori'd, the animations are (for the most part) great, its a real thematic way to die in game.

    Best mori I ever received was the from the Hag on Hawkins lab, the camera got caught on some barrels and all I could see was my feet sticking out from behind the barrels twitching while the hag's hands and blood splatters kept popping up behind them.

    She eventually got up chewing on my liver turned and left my toon lying there, it was a very cinematic off camera death scene and a fitting end to an otherwise pretty fun game.

    I couldn't have framed it better if I'd been trying.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I was just rambling for the sack of rambling. But I will try not to ramble so much next time. I was having one of my days and I should of not been rambling about it. Thanks for the advice and I appreciate and have a good rest of your night.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,009

    I think BHVR should add a BP bonus for getting Mori'd. Getting killed isn't fun but if it meant a consolation prize, maybe people wouldn't be so bothered by it. Compare it to the BP bonus you get for getting sacrificed as the Obsession.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited April 2023

    I have the opposite experience specifically against Hag, my favorite killer. They'll 2-hook everyone, mori everyone, down me, forget they've hooked me twice, and hook me a 3rd time.

    I even play as Haddie. How often do you hook a Haddie ??

    Mostly joking, but I'd love if the next pink mori Hag I'm matched with could remember to mori me <3

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Nothing wrong with a good vent, just thought I'd throw a different perspective out there. The game is meant to be fun after all.

    What's the best mori you think you've ever been on the receiving end of? Either cinematically/thematically or gameplay wise...

    The other one I can think is against a wraith really close game last one alive wraith closes the hatch but I'm hiding on the far side of the map next to the gate. get the gate open wraith rocks up and downs me and I'm mori'd 1 cm from the exit, soooo close. GG's all round.

    Its the nail biting close games that are the most fun.

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
    edited April 2023

    Oh that’s fine no worries and I appreciate it.I know it’s a goofy game. I just tend to get frustrated over the silliest of things is all.

    But to answer your question about best mori I got was Ghostface’s. I know everyone saids his is the best. I just really like how you get a picture with him which is kind of cool and something different.

    I get it, I had close games too, many times. I can’t think of much right now. I will agree that having close called games can be while intense but also like you said really fun. But thank you again for the other perspective. I should tried to think more on how the game makes me happy rather then negative.

    Post edited by Robotfangirl67 on
  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136

    I've noticed that some streamers are kinda dumb and put their entire Twitch address as their username... and sometimes it isn't sniping but people would do that to you just because they can see your a streamer. (I don't hate streamers just it is kinda dumb for them to complain about how people won't leave them alone yet their username is the Twitch address)

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    Oh I get it completely on how sometimes you don’t get what you want or came for.

    The Haddie part you mention, I would sometimes rarely see them too. I probably should play her more. I’m more of Nea and Feng survivor player. But I’m also willing to change up things from time to time sometimes.

    I get it, I would like to see more Ghostface’s and Wesker’s cause they’re my favorite. But hopefully maybe you will run into her more. Hope you get better games here soon. :)

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited April 2023

    Oh, Nea's I run into are often very cool ! I was more of a Kate main when I started playing, but Haddie grew on me. She's also getting a really cool cosmetic soon so I'm <3

    Ghostface's mori is amazing ! I play as him sometimes and I'll indulge in some moris to get pictures. Photobombs from other survivors are the best !

    Wesker I don't really like to face (don't really like the character or voice lines), but it does feel great to punch him =P

    Have good games next as well !

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I’m not a streamer but I will agree that they should be more careful. I mean with all the dosing and hackers out there. They get take any personal information and leak it out. And that’s not good at all. But if I were them i invest in a vpn or some stronger anti virus protection program. Also they should use the anonymous mode to also keep them safer as well.