Are they even trying with Skull merchant?

At this point it feels like her entire lore is making fun of her. If that’s the intention then it should’ve been more clearly stated
This just hurts to read tbh. This was their chance to redeem skill merchant and it’s only gotten worse
I mean that's what happens when your writers are trying to expand on the lore of a character without any idea of what the community believes works well, what doesn't, and how to improve it. It's a lot harder to see these things in your own work than it is to see them in another's.
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That makes sense. It sucks though because merchant as a concept is cool but her lore just doesn’t focus on what’s actually interesting about her
Instead of focusing on her rise to power in the business world and her indifference towards killing so long as it further her wealth they turned her into a cosplayer who enjoys killing just because basically
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Good thing those tome changes mean we won't get a new tome centered around her for like another 10 years lol
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She was the real trickster.
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She needs her motives to be better explained. This whole "she read father's manga and now she just follows the manga blindly and cosplays it" is kinda cringe and unbeliveable.
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Tbf trucksters base lore wasn't great but his archive was done well and basically fixed his character
Can't say the same about merchant sadly
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After how good Vittorio's tome lore was, SM and both Renato & Thalita's tomes were pretty meh.
I'm still unsure what exactly SM's tome added to her overall lore that we didn't already know about from her base lore.
At least the visual entries are nice.
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That was kinda the issue with knight’s tome too. Both characters have so much base lore that their archives basically just rethread their base stuff
Merchant’s archive should’ve either been about her building her devices or her business ventures
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The thing i really like about Vittorio's lore is that it actually feels like it has room to exist as it's own seperate part, which is where i feel Knight, SM, Thalita and Renato's tomes falls short, personally i think Knight's tome should start after the events of his base and end at the moment where Vittorio's tome cinematic ends at with them reuniting.
As for SM, i feel what she need is a tome that goes in depth about her obsession and why/how she comes to the conclusion that she needs to kill others to be the best.
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Yeah it’s ridiculous for a character who is shown to be very logical and cold.
It would make more sense if her father was exploiting by the boss of a publishing company and merchant used the outfit to mock him for saying the concept of the manga was bad. She would then use the disguise afterwards as a way to honor her father’s legacy when he died
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This... hurts to watch.
The direction of "archive after release" has to be one of the most misguided things I've seen in ages.
There's no time for community feedback on a character, no time to know what works and what doesn't. Knight's tome doesn't really emphasize his relationships with his Faithful Three, despite that arguably being the most fascinating aspect of Tarhos: how such a cruel man could form three genuine friendships.
Instead, his lore tells us what was more or less already implied. He's a cruel misanthropic man that enjoys violence and thinks everyone else is just lying.
Skull Merchant, meanwhile, was an absolute disaster from the get go. Look at the devs describing her: she's an "apex predator," descriptions go on about how she's the character from her father's manga but she's.... really not. She's just cold corporate liquidator that gets away with what she's does due to plot armor and everyone else on the entire planet holding the idiot ball with her targets making her killings more blatant than Trickster's but without some selfish manager to cover for her.
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whats wrong with this photo? like genuinely i dont see it
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“She executed her obsessions with killing and suffering”
That’s a grammatical nightmare
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holy ######### that's bad.
BHVR, I am willing to re-write her lore for free.
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Hell I’m already doing it. It sucks because her lore has potential to be great but merchant has literally been squandered at every opportunity
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It has to be on purpose at this point, right?
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My guess is that they want merchant to be like clown and ghostie where she’s meant to be humorous in how she is depicted
The issue is that this is in complete contrast to Adriana herself who is an intelligent, cold and calculated businesswomen who we should be scared of
The 2 sides don’t mesh well together
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My feeling has been her lore was based on Mark Twitchell, the Dexter Killer.
He was a wannabe serial killer out of Edmonton, Alberta who was also a wannabe filmmaker and into the cosplay/convention scene. Claiming to be inspired by the TV show Dexter he lured men to a set he was using for a horror movie be pretending to by a woman on a dating site. Attacked one who got away, killed one who didn't, was quickly caught after the fact because he was a moron who, among other things, has his whole plan, including what he would do if suspected, on his laptop hidden inside the Recycling Bin in a file titled SK Confessions
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I doubt it personally but other killers have been heavily inspired by real people so it’s not out of the question
But skull merchant’s lore seems to unfocused and erratic to be influenced by a real person
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Knight’s tome should’ve focus on his 3 guards and his interactions with them imo since that’s his defining factor
Agreed on Merchant. She’s sociopathic to some degree and seeing that fleshed out would be more interesting than just a rehash of her base lore
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Knight’s tome should’ve focus on his 3 guards and his interactions with them imo since that’s his defining factor
They're important sure, but i don't know if i'd call them his defining factor.
But regardless, a story that takes place after his base lore ends and up until his reunion with Vittorio is still a tome story you can include Knight's guards in, plus it would serve as a better tome story overall because not only would it not repeat what we're already told in the base lore, but it would also give us more details on his guards and his interactions with them since they're always with him in the trials, as well as showing us Knight's time in the trials and what his encounter with Vittorio would be after meeting him again in the fog.
imo, any stories that takes place before Knight gets taken is honestly not gonna be any better than what his actual tome is because there's so much of that told already in his base lore.
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That explains so much about SM it's kind of funny
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The outfit description made me laugh bc of how cringy it was
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I've been cackling like a idiot for the last 15 minutes just reading this
I assume they meant it to read as "She executed her obsessions and made them suffer" or something along those lines but completely ######### up the translation
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Common skull merchant L
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I know, right?
If you want to learn more I got my info from The Last Podcast on the Left, episodes 346 and 347.
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When I first saw Skull Merchant and only snagged snippets of her lore, my first impression was she was an arms dealer who profited off violence and eventually started committing it herself for fun and profit with increasingly advanced inventions and technology.
Even with her current lore, all she has to be is a wealthy corporate executive who went full Patrick Bateman and thought "I enjoy killing people, and I'm rich and powerful enough to get away with it, so why not?" The manga inspiration is an unnecessary gimmick, her visual design is goofy, and her rise to power and her growing murderous tendencies are almost completely glossed over.
I'm sorry to say this but she feels like a fan-character made for a bad DbD fanfiction.
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Your first impressions would have been a lot cooler of an idea than what we got. I also was under the impression that she was some kind of arms dealer when I first heard her name. I don't really see how the manga character's name even fits with what the manga character does.
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The idea of an arms dealer who likes to test her new weapon on actual people from rival companies sounds way cooler and more in line with the name itself
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She can’t catch a break despite the devs trying everything in their power to make people like her
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The only good thing about her is funny 'dark Brazilian manga' meme, which I think was unintentional.
What bothers me the most is not that she has bargain bin Predator's weapon and power nor her awful perks. I hate how oversexualized this character is. Reminds me of Trickster.
Skull Merchant's biggest sin is that she's not scary at all. This is a horror game and while I'm ok with constant fashion parade on survs I expect killers to be scary and/or disturbing.
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Honestly the oversexualisation and her not being scary aren’t a huge issue to me as she’s literally a manga character which are generally both
My main issue is how her lore just doesn’t work in conjunction. It’s basically 2 characters put together with nearly nothing in common