Killer games at my MMR are unwinnable now

First of all, my MMR is not inflated, it is the MMR the game put me at, even with Wesker that i have just bought, after winning some games i'm now facing strong loopers games after games.
I cannot win a single one, i'm in a huge loose streak since the patch (just some garbage win here and there tunneling) but playing as usual, withotu tunneling, i cannot win.
Even 3 gens do not last long enough.
As always, the side that can abuse broken things use them and now all lobbies are full of BNP, toolboxes with addons, Resilience and Prove Thyself.
Every killers beside nurse and blight cannot do anything now against good players.
Not mentionning the base kit BT/SB that is now way too strong in the current META.
The killer cannot do anything :
- gen regression ? doesn't work
- slug ? doesn't work
- 3 gens ? doesn't work
- tunneling ? sometimes work
Honestly what the hell is this patch ?
Weird I played Spirit last night and a team took 5 minutes to do 2 gens. They tried slamming gens but PR, Jolt, and blood favor basically stopped their early game snowball. Maybe you're just at an MMR that you do not belong.
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You can play to tie. Force one stage two then tunnel them. Then face camp the second player.
This makes everyone not have fun.
It's so stupid that we lost the ability to 3 gen just because the Skull Merchant was completely broken with kick perks.
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This patch was just fine, honestly I think this is just a matter of adapting to the new changes
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Skill issue
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What were you running before? What are you running now? Is your playstyle very dependent on slowdown?
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Do you have anything better to say or you are jsut here to troll ?
How can skill issue be a problem when there is a MMR system ? :)
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On killers that have no anti-loop yes and even though i was just playing Corrupt and PoR.
But fact is surv were not stacking gen rush perks with adre... i mean resilience + prove thyself and the gen s are flying... add to this toolboxes and BNP...
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It's likely that those Survivors aren't really that good. It just feels that way because of how DBD works.
It's hard to give advice without seeing gameplay, are you able to share any?
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Hillbilly player currently, on the UK servers here. Trials have been working better than usual. Gens are a little quicker, but not ridiculously so. Matches I've won feel earned and trials I lose I can put down to either being outplayed or making mistakes. I also play with randomised builds every trial, so maybe I've been used to relying more on playstyle than perks, so if anything this feels better.
However, although I can't empathise with your scenario, I do feel maybe the matchmaking is a little skewed? My penultimate trial today featured my Hillbilly with 2 perks (one I think was Septic Touch) versus 3×100P and 1×87P survivors, which went about as well as expected and was happy to get 4 hooks honestly! Still a fun trial though and got some helpful experience.
Basically, might matchmaking be off for you? Otherwise, it's more a case of adapting and what helps me is aiming for hooks and hinting over kills. Ironically, I tend to kill way more with that mentality than I did when trying to secure kills.
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Unfortunately no :<
Ye i'm not the best killer, i have played survivors way more since 2017 but i guess i'm too strong to be at an average MMR, too weak to compete in good MMR 😂
SO the experience is awfull.
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Here come all the survivor mains who have never played killer telling you to git gud
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The DBD community, always a delight.
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I would imagine that if you are losing often (what do you consider losing though - there are some players who consider anything less than a 4k a "loss") then eventually you *should* realistically settle somewhere comfortable MMR wise. There would still be outlier games, such as when other killers dodge teams and queue times prioritise chucking someone less experienced in as backfill, but that shouldn't be happening all the time. This is what one of the devs said regarding how MMR works in the game, if it helps!
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The patch is good for me as killer, no DH and Coh.
Seeing streamers said they dont want to play Solo this patch, Im not dare to play survivor yet.
(I mistake clicked on Post button and made a blank comment below)
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Sounds like you were carried by gen regression perks into an MMR you cannot sustain without them.
Edit- this is probably happening to a lot of killers.
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You’re playing a new killer that you haven’t mastered yet in an extremely sweaty meta. I honestly don’t know why you’d expect to get easy or non-sweaty matches.
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Got some videos or something cause I just have trouble seeing it right now.
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As a killer you are solo playing, you cannot rely on others to win games and so you cannot be PL to a higher MMR.
If the system was working, i should not experience this loosing streak facing good teams other and other again, especially with low tier killers.
I did not choose the MMR i'm at, that's the gae system that puts me there
I guess yes. I'm however wondering how a player qith a tier B and lower killer is able to win at that MMR cause for me it looks unwinnable.
Honestly, those survivors were surely terrible, no way you can win with a trapper and those add-ons against good players. The survivors i face have around 2k/3k hours into DbD, i know it doesn't mean much but they are experienced players.
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This is completely out of control now, all gens done in less than 5 minutes... i'm sorry but it is totally unplayable.
Killers have no choice, they have to camp/tunnel or else it is a guaranteed loss.
Survivors have so much tools that they do not need to heal anymore. The gen rush is so huge that why would you need to heal yourself ? With resilience and prove thyself, 5 gens just fly in 4 minutes.
With 20 pallets/windows per map + some semi-infinite spots when you combined a window/pallet, even when injured you can still get a 40 seconds chase...
The current state is completely awful.
With 2 survivors equipped with Resilience + Prove Thyself, how long does it take to do a gen ? It is a global 24% speed boost in repairing a gen for each survivor, you can repair it in around 45 seconds i guess.
It is bullshit.
- Gen regression doesn't work
- Hit & run works against the killer
- Slug doesn't work
The devs nerf to the ground gen regression cause it was too fast, don't you see, 250 seconds for a gen to regress totally, it is OP but doing a gen in 45 seconds is completely ok...
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I'm sorry but prove thyself dont makes gen repairs faster, it just removes the efficiency penalty for multible survivors on one gen (and not even that completely).
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Does that not… make gens repair faster?…
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Wow i'm amazed by this comment. It removes the efficiency penalty for multiple persons.
So 2 on a gen without prove = 52 seconds to do a gen
Same with prove thyself = 46 seconds
But 6 seconds less is not faster for you, i guess it is then slower right ?
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Don't revelate !
And my previous message has an error, if both survivors are injured, have PT and Resilience equipped, the gen is done in 35 seconds, time for a hase against an injured survivor with a m1 killer.
So nothing is effective anymore, on the killer side.
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the man-seconds to repair 5 gens stays the same = not faster
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yes, resilience is now a very strong perk.
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Im not exactly sure what they expect killers to do now?
People are still healing fast, we've lost pretty much all regression, and gens are still flying.
My survivor games have been so easy, my killer ones have gotten much harder.
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It sounds to me that you were hard carried by some gen regression perks, and you refuse to change your game style to compensate the new meta. This just shows you are in the MMR on which you should not be.
P.S. It's just a game. Try not tilt so much. Take a break and have a breath once in a while. Learn to play other perks and styles. Do not go to a match in a mental state where you think you have to win. Set smaller goals along the match.... First down, first hooks etc.
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I have tried many builds.
- gen regression build -> pretty much useless now unless with the knight (i do not play SM but i think strong with her too)
- anti-heal build -> useless, many survivors use We'll make it, Inner healing, second wind and Adrenaline + medkit with syringue
- 3 gening, well not effective at all especially because the 4 first gens are done really really fast
- hit & run -> if they have resilience, it screws your game
At the beginning of the trial, the survivors have the edge because all pallets are on the map. By the end game, most pallets should be destroyed but for this, a trial needs to last at least 10 minutes.
When all gens are done in 5 minutes... you have been able to do 3 chases and many pallets are still available, unless you tunneled one survivor right at the start.
I do not see how tier B killers can be effective now, there is nothing that works. I was maining Billy 1 year ago, i do not even imagine how weak he might be now 😂
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Ok, but you can’t look at it at a grand overview. You have to break it down into the scenario that prove works well in.
For instance, there are countless times me and a buddy will spawn together and immediately hop on a gen w/ prove, and have it popped before the killer even has time to cross the map and pressure us off. God forbid you have 4 survivors spawn on a 4 side gen… it’ll be done in what, 25ish seconds with prove?
Boom, >40 seconds in the game and you’re already down a gen. Prove is also invaluable to breaking 3 gens early.
Prove allows you to hit gens at a rate that can be difficult to keep up with.
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With PT you repair the gen in 46 seconds, without it it's 52 seconds, it is faster... I dunno what is your argument by saying it removes the multiples survivors penalty. If it removes the penalty then the gen goes faster...
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Hmm what if they changed prove thyself to start off with 0 and get better as the gens get done. This being because it's needed to break up a 3 gen but gives the killer less pressure at the beginning of the game?
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right, it doesn't make the gens faster overall. it just puts more pressure on the killer to pressure of the right persons. the tradeoff is that if the killer gets you all the pressure is gone.
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At this point changing perks won't do much, just shifting the balance way too much on one side or the other.
The game's basic features are so broken that nerfing 2 perks shift the balance completely on one side. This mean that the game relies on perks to be played instead of on the overall game design which is : killer/survivors design, map design.
Devs should work on this aspect.
Perks have taken way too much importance in the game cause many of them are way too strong.
I mean they have nerfed regression perks and the game is now unplayable for most killers without tunneling... Devs are using perks as band-aid to compensate a broken game design...
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there is this survivor saying.
how long does a gen takes with a single person? 90 seconds. How long does a gen takes with two people? still 90 seconds.
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4 prove thyselfs are a bit of a waste though, they don't stack. Also, how can you tell me your calculation for the 35sec when both survs have pt and resilience?
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Both survivors with PT and resil active should make a gen take 42.69 seconds
repair penalty is .85 when doubling a gen
PT+resil is +24
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2 injured surv + PT + Resilience = 2x 0,98 x 1,09 individual = 2,136 c/s
1 gen = 42 seconds
Did not do the maths before but still 10 seconds faster than 2 survivors without those perks and 42 seconds is still around one chase.
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Unfortunately for Peanits, it often feels like the matchmaker is giving one side an easy win every game.
DBD is very stomp or get stomped. This is partially due to how quickly a game can snowball--one moment everything can be going well for Survivors, the next they have 2 on a hook side-by-side--but it's also a side effect of MMR's heavy bias towards low queue times.
In OP's case, it appears the MMR is giving his opponents free wins.
It is entirely possible OP has been getting queued with players 2-3x better than them, because the matchmaker is trying to reduce their queue time. That's not exactly OP's fault, and they likely won't see any form of "plateau" in their MMR until greater value is placed on player skill.
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And yet the game gives me those survivors 75% of the time 😂
So your argument is just pointless. How can i not belong to a MMR i have not chosen and did not try to reach ? :<
I did not ask to the game to play there.
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By relying on things that gave you wins that you shouldnt have gotten?
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You mean now that it is my fault if the devs have suddenly decided to buff the genrush META while nerfing the gen regression META at the same time ?
They change the rules and the pace of the game but it is my fault ? Your mindset is priceless.
Now show us your Clown against survivors with 3k hours to see how you win this :)
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Were you winning games off your chases or was it the tactics and perks?
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Tell that to my solo que teammates. I’ve escaped 1 match in the past 3 hours
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They didnt buff the genrush meta, they nerfed the gen kick meta
Also yes it is. You were relying on perks to be able to win, being a one trick pony can only get you so far.
Also sure, I could after work. I dont play Clown a lot but I wouldnt mind
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I still play Billy and I think he's mostly fine. He has a problem with maps but other than that he's not doing bad. You can use a variety of perks on him and still win. My staple build is Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Lightborn, Shadowborn. No meta perks but it works well enough.
I have noticed that matches do go faster now (mainly because survivors spend even less time healing) but it's not like you can't create pressure with the right perks, addons and killer. Kicking gens is useless again because it doesn't really do anything but quick chases can compensate for that. As long as you don't play Freddy (this guy can't helped), you will adapt and get better results soon.
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Looks like your entire build is centered around Gen defense instead of chase & perks that capitalize on the healing nerf. Maybe that was the problem. Tbh, if you’d hooked one survivor and proxy camped till they reached 2nd hook, you could have pretty easily snowballed that match.
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This is the inevitable result of wanting snowball mechanics.
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I have never camped/tunneled before, unless during the end phase.
The problems against survivors is that good survivors know everything about the game and can extend chases far too long against most killers.
Just the checkspots knowledge kick out 80% of the roster from the viable killer list.
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I run Blood Warden, No Way Out, Remember Me, and Terminus on Pig. About 75% of my matches I get a 4K before the perks even activate. I jokingly call it my "Perkless Pig" build, as if the perks never activate, did you need to bring them?
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Honestly it is games after games after games after games, 100% of this kind of build, insta heal and/or gen rush, sometimes a mix of both.
3 gens out during the first chase.
The 2 were almost done 2 minutes later.
How should i play this ? Explain me cause honestly, there is no way.
5 pallets 3 meters away from each others, no anti-lopp power, what should i do ?
What is the point to nerf self-healing when a survivor with we'll make it can heal you in 8 seconds, pretty much nothing while a killer needs 2,34 seconds to break a pallet ?