Killer lore ranking

My opinion on every original killer’s lore after reading all of them + archives cause I was bored. Pretty impressed overall at BHVR’s work as I enjoyed most of them
Not bad ranking, however i like mine better
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Decent ranking but what makes you think Haddie is so low? I love how she connects to the entity and had been teased in archives before launch
Here’s mine for survivors
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Because it's Base Haddie, Tome Haddie is the superior Haddie and it pisses me off to no end how Base Haddie was picked over Tome Haddie for the chapter.
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I need more Dredge lore + his own rift.
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Yeah it could use a tome alongside Haddie. Though it’s story is kinda hard to expand on since it’s story is more about otto’s cult
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It's pretty easy to do that actually, it's tome just have to focus on the memories of the Ottomarians themselves, even the addons are about the objects that the people in the fold had, so it would make sense for the tome to focus on the people themselves.
Speaking of Ottomarians, i'm pretty sure that the Stamper from Dredge's story isn't the same Stamper from Doctor's story as they're from different terras.
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You could definitely do that and it could be a very interesting tome story.
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I can understand that. I like the idea of having different Haddie’s but the to,e Haddie was pretty cool
It should be a skin for her tbh
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Tome Haddie has fought monsters ranging from Abominations with hundreds of eyes lurking in caves to Vampires that's been sealed away for a long time which can possess humans when released, She's killed people from the Black Vale & the monsters she encounters, she's gathering an army of people who can see into the bleed like her which she has named her group ''The Twelve to Midnight'', she's found remnants of characters such as Carmina and Vittorio, she's looking to stop the black vale from sacrificing the world to the entity and is overall a badass.
What does Base Haddie have to make her stand out from Tome Haddie and be just as cool as her? Pretty much nothing, that's why i consider her a poser to Tome Haddie.
Also i still wanna see a tome focusing on the Haley & Jaden versions of Haddie & Jordan in their airship traveling the fog, last time we saw Haley was when she met Saku in one of the Observer Towers before skidaddling back to the Airship and left in a hurry.
Post edited by Smoe on1 -
I’m guessing the entity doesn’t want that Haddie in the realm since she’s so powerful.
Base Haddie has had some run ins with ravage monsters though judging by her scars. An archive could definitely expand on that and bring the 2 versions closer together
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I feel like alot of the lore doesn't really fit game play. Trickster knife throwing doesn't really mess with his lore all that well. I mean he's a singer dancer right you would think that would be something in his kit.
Same with likes SM and her drones.
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I think the reason Tome Haddie isn't in the fog yet is because her story hasn't concluded yet given how they're still continuing her storyline in the npc tomes.
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They rewrote the Doctors lore at some point. DBD wiki has the original and the current lore. Original was way better, it's a shame they changed it.
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Trickster’s is kinda odd but knife tricks were a part of his stage show so I guess it makes sense
As for merchant her drones are mostly her impersonating the character her father made
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I wish to go on record and say the evil Brazilian manga... is just dumb
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how to tell people you only watch pixelbush with one simple list