What is an example of a good map?

Brandon48 Member Posts: 136

Basically is there a certain map or maps you like and if so why? I think each map brings something different to the table whether it be it’s playability, aesthetic, lore, etc but would be interesting to know if there are maps that are universally liked or considered well designed by most.


  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 4,629

    I think it'll always be divided opinion. A map that's good for one killer can generally be bad for another. Mother's Dwelling is my favourite, purely for aesthetic reasons. I love the trees and rain and just general atmosphere.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    I typically prefer multifloor maps so something like RPD is fun for me playing either side

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,416

    Typically MacMillan and Autohaven are the most fun to play on because they are likely the most fair. I enjoy cold wind because I like the tiles and the challenge but I have that luxury as a blight player.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    i like coal tower and wreckers yard for the most part

    darker environment, more or less balanced in terms of pallet count, decent size, outdoor map

    they arent perfect but theyre pretty close imo

    id also argue dead dawg (but theres a pseudo infinite there) and midwich (but nurse exists)

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,327

    For me personally I like the Crotus Prenn tilesets, they aren't too big or too small. They work well for doing hit and run and stealth builds. I also like the Game even with its freakish amount of palettes I find it manageable. Yamaoka Estate tilesets aren't too bad either. I love the look of dead dawg, but I hate the main building on that map. The saloon itself is so dumb because every time I get sent there it is by survivor map offering which means I have to deal with Boil Over gaming in top floor

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,744

    RPD get bad rep. It pretty balance now in my opinion

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    My favorites are the maps with chained tiles and 40 safe pallets like Shattered Square, The Game, Eyrie of Crows, and Garden of Joy. They're really fun to play on!

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 940

    My favorite maps are ones that are winnable as Killer but also decent on survivors.

    Father Campbell's Chapel, Coal Tower, and Ormond come to mind. I know a lot people hate Red Forest but Temple of Purgation is formerly my favorite map on both sides. It's probably Chapel or Ormond now, ever since the rework.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,454


  • FridayNightPizza
    FridayNightPizza Member Posts: 592

    I've always liked Rotten Fields.

  • GhoulNative
    GhoulNative Member Posts: 34

    The Game is amazing

  • Wiccamanplays
    Wiccamanplays Member Posts: 123

    I was going to go on a whole spiel about how bad map balance is in this game but I realised this isn't the place. I like the tone of Macmillan maps, they have a really oppressive, gloomy feel that fits DBD so well. Ditto Midwich and to a lesser extent Yamaoka maps.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,500
    edited May 2023

    It depends on what killer i'm playing and if the map benefits them mostly.

    My favorite maps are Midwich & RPD for their map design, with Garden of Joy as my favorite map in terms of aesthetics.

  • Wampa1
    Wampa1 Member Posts: 175

    Or one and midwich immediately spring to mind,decimated borgo and garden of joy are shocking imo.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,054

    Anything that’s not Borgo or Garden of Pain. After getting sent to those maps by survivor offering over and over this past weekend, I’m at the point of just tabbing out the next time I’m forced to go there. Everyone can play M1 Gen simulator while I go pet my cats.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,058

    Since there is an ongoing (and neverending) argument as to which is killer or survivor-sided I just look at them from an aesthetic point of view.

    My favourite being Ormond due to the snow and wind. Garden of Joy brought back the horror. It also looks great. I miss the pitch black section upstairs, though.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 1,783

    Swamp and Yamaoka maps are perfect imo. Both tend to not be the best for the overperforming Killers, while not hindering the weaker Killers. Swamp also is super interesting in how it actually uses verticality without exclusively using the 2 floor concept like RPD/Gideons. Yamaoka is also similar to a lesser degree in using adjusted verticality (with the pagodas). I also love how Sanctum of Wrath is like a fair version of the 'H' maps like Suffocation Pit or Azarov's Resting Place. Both of those maps can be camped by Killers in the center, or ran by Survivors with busted chained tiles in the center. Sanctum has a decent center structure, but not busted for Survivor, and not fully campable by Killer.

    Macmillain and Autohaven aren't bad per-se, but you can only expect a sweatlord to map offer it, so you are always in for a bad time if you see the offering. Even if the person is on your soloq team, they are gunna play more sweaty, so the Killer is going to play more sweaty to match their energy.

    I know many people aren't the biggest fans of indoor maps, but I thoroughly enjoy the different set of skills needed to succeed on them. The ambiguity of a Killer being on the same floor as Survivors makes greeding gens a risky proposition. Also the lack of distant crows is made up for a head-start Killers can get in chase. They also make Survivor stealth play empowered, so if the Killer greedily brought all slowdown, then the lack of intel will clearly hurt.

    I also love how with Gideons the gens are always on one side of the doors, based on floor. That way you if you know the mapgen rules as Killer or Survivor, you can find how to navigate to gens. (I think top floor the gen is clockwise side of the door, and bottom floor the gen is counter-clockwise side of the door.) I do think Midwich needs more windows, maybe a courtyard ground floor on one side and top floor on the opposite. Also personally I prefer old RPD. The new RPDs feel sided between East/West, whereas old RPD felt in between the 2 current versions for the better.

    Also they need to fix scratch marks on Borgo/Ormond. Either make them a different color on those maps, or allow for a full custom color scratchmarks in general. (Not just the colorblind presets.) I'm not colorblind, but I feel like I am when trying to see scratchmarks on those 2 maps.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 291

    for gameplay I mostly like maps like both Yamaoka and crotus Prenn realms, suffo pit and azarov's resting place, but visually I really find Midwich, Thompson's house and dead daug quite cool. I miss Hawkins too ngl

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

    I like the Macmillan maps quite a bit, but as a killer I'll never run a Macmillan offerings. That's cause there's a 1 in 5 chance that I'll have sent myself to Groaning Storehouse, which is my least favorite map by a significant margin. I'm talking insta-DC upon loading in disdain for that map. All the other maps in the realm are rather well balanced and likable though.

    I also quite like the Red Forest maps.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,213

    I love Indoor maps, both as killer and Survivor. The Game, Midwich, Lerys, RCPD...

    Why? As survivor, i like the stealth approach, and in a lot of maps that is heavily nerfed, lots of open spaces, even if you come across a los-blocker, there is nowhere to go. Indoor maps always have walls, faults and stuff to hide behind. I miss Hawkins, btw.

    As killer, i like them too, because while there are colorblind filters in the game, and they made auras better, indoor maps are still the maps i am most comfortable with, because i can actually see auras and scrach marks.

    I think both sides have a lot to work with on indoor maps, but for some reason a lot of people seem to mislike them.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690

    Gameplay- none

    aesthetics- mostly all

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300


    Ormond= Always like snowy areas and its balance to me for both survivor and killer

    The game= Full of pallets which represents a meat factory

    Leries= At first I did not like it but it grew on me as I got better with window teching, the only time I do dislike the map is if its a killer who votes it and 95% of the time its a scratch myers which lately I start brining shadow step to counter that.


    Midwitch= Hate this map with passion, very killer sided and boring and I get annoyed when a survivor wanna pick it instead of even a killer. I usually just restart my client if I see it

    Swamp maps= same reason as midwitch

    Rpd and Haddon field= Amma just put these both here as I use to like them but not anymore when they got changed into the mess we have now.

    Auto haven maps= Something about them to me feel there killer sided more than survivor honestly. Lack of pallets and alot of dead zones.

    For the rest of maps I did not mention. I have a mix bag of feelings for those maps, a 50 dislike and a 50 like, guess it depends on which killer are on those maps.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 237
    edited May 2023

    Wreckers yard and sanctum of wrath are good and yamoaka maps are generally pretty good and fair overall, yamoaka can have some bad collision tho.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 965
    edited May 2023

    Visually and gameplaywise....I would say "pre-realm beyond thompson house" was the best visual looking and most balanced map out of all . untill Realm Beyond just turned the map into "god ....my eyes , everything is brigther and yellow" + some of the loops were extended by a considerably amount of distance , harvester....is either more safer or unsafe against some killers.

    well thats just my opinion idk about the rest..