How do you play and why?
How do you guys play the game, and a short lil description would be cool to have, too
How do you play and why? 45 votes
Solo Survivor (you poor person)
Solo survivor and killer, 50/50.
As killer, I don't camp or tunnel (unless survivors are obviously nearby), so that's kinda fun. Better than stressing over a kill and those kills come naturally anyway.
My weird way of playing is actually outside of the game. I have to score 9 emblem points to go up 1 Bloodweb level, so it forces me to make every trial count.
I also use DBD Randomizer for every single trial, so all my perks, add-ons and offerings are different every time. Makes for some fun games.
So yeah, as SoloQ especially I like my trials extra hard!
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Solo Survivor (you poor person)
Poor me... at least I am being considered nice...
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Nice Killer (don't tunnel/camp/win often)
First off, let's be honest, many of the 'Nice Killers' aren't nice, they just don't want to be outed as a tunneler.
Secondly, I like to think of the survivor's experience. I wanted to be a survivor mainly, but all of this tunneling, camping, and toxic behavior by the killer really ruined the experience for me. I almost quit the game altogether, but then I started playing Killer, it was much more relaxing and the only way matches were truly toxic to me is if the survivor team was made up entirely of bully survivors.
The way I play is to make the experience fun for the other team because I understand how much it sucks to be camped and tunneled all of the time. So I go out of my way and try to make an experience that I would enjoy as a survivor. I don't intend on being annoying, toxic, or sweaty.
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With a friend or two (understandable)
Whenever I'm surviving, I'm with my friend, which personally makes the game a lot more fun for me, as we get to hear each other's reactions, laugh at stuff, etc. and it's fun!
Whenever I'm killing, I try to just play fairly. I don't camp (I may go back once to see if someone's unhooking a survivor when it seems like that's obviously gonna happen, which means a nice hit on both of them), or tunnel, but I give chase when I feel like I can catch that survivor.
If they're wasting too much of my time, I move on to someone else. I may or may not give last survivor hatch or gate. Depends, really. I just try to play matches normally rn since I'm pretty much a rookie killer, currently focusing on Wraith (love my baby boy Phillip so much) because he's very easy and fun, great for a rookie like me, so that I can later venture onto other killers when I get the chance.
Gonna buy Legion soon, idk, I like how they look and their playstyle seems like my type.
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With a friend or two (understandable)
Survivor : With a friend or two
Either with the friend I started playing with, another one who was already streaming the game way before I could understand any of it (innocent me thought Devour Hope was base kit for some reason because he used it on all his builds), or with a few people I've met in game since. We're typically only 2, sometimes 3, not always on comms. We are the perfect example that SWF =/= busted.
We don't bring strong items, don't play cocky and don't BM. We're very poor chaser but at least we do gens.
Killer : Nice killer
I enjoy being nice and sometimes friendly if the survivors are cute. I very rarely see unkind survivors. That being said, nice killer =/= "don't win often'". Playing kindly, sometimes letting fun survivors go and mostly accepting to lose some makes it so that you don't face very sweaty teams. I can and do win regularly by playing nicely. Just not every game. =)
I play this way because I enjoy knowing that everyone was able to play, get some pips and bloodpoints and have some fun. It's a game and I don't like it when people are miserable or anxious playing it.
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Solo Survivor (you poor person)
Solo Survivor. Solo Q is worse than any killer. I have played 2 games so far today. 1st game I was camped out by Huntress. Second Game I was tunneled and camped out by Trapper. The first game my team ran over like they were going to try to unhook me but were too scared to take a hit. It was a huntress... I have no idea what they were afraid of. Solo Q sucks. I see killers complaining all the time and I'm like the amount of 4Ks I see because the killer slugs the last person because they are sooooo terrified someone might get the hatch.
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Nice Killer (don't tunnel/camp/win often)
As far as my killer playstyle go, I'd say I'm kinda midway between nice and ruthless. I never go into a match with the intent of camping or tunneling, but if throughout the course of the match I feel it becomes nesceasry, or it just seems like the smart choice at the moment, I have few reservations about camping/tunneling.
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With a friend or two (understandable)
Mostly solo, sometimes with one other person.
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Ruthless Killer (tunnel/camp everyday)
I play to win so while in game i do everything i think is necessary to win, so yeah i'm a ruthless bastard...but then i'm very be polite in the end chat, often i compliment with my opponets if they are not rude.
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Nice Killer (don't tunnel/camp/win often)
I'm a brainlet and don't know how to change the poll now sorry
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Ruthless Killer (tunnel/camp everyday)
That line from the trailer on steam where they say pick the killer that maximises the torment you deliver on survivors, i took it literally.
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Ruthless Killer (tunnel/camp everyday)
I'd like to be a nice killer but survivors rarely act in a way that tells me they deserve it.
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Nice Killer (don't tunnel/camp/win often)
I play "nice" when I play killer and this is still true. Most survivors in the wild are toxic t-bagging little Dredge droppings who love to waste the killers time just to be spiteful but will condemn anyone who waste theirs. Ungrateful when you play "nice" as well but will chew you out if you don't. It's either "gg ez baby killer look how 3 got out I don't care that you went for 9 hooks" or "Wow, you tunneled, wow."
But the few that aren't are cool.
I play nice on both sides, wish others would do the same.
"First off, let's be honest, many of the 'Nice Killers' aren't nice, they just don't want to be outed as a tunneler."
Attitudes like this are what kill off nice killers lol.
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Nice Killer (don't tunnel/camp/win often)
I won't deny it. You're right
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Nice Killer (don't tunnel/camp/win often)
I always go for 12 hook games
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Tryhard nice killer (I try to avoid camping and tunneling)
and also solo/swf survivor. I'm not sure which side I like more to be honest!
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Ruthless Killer (tunnel/camp everyday)
Who wants to tell me their camping Bubba build, please.