Suicide Rate is Hiking

playhard Member Posts: 279

lol why so many survivor attempt to rescue from hooks and force exit the game.



  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    It’s not

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Thats some years back, but i once spawned with the red stain of the killer directly on my back. A spirit, too, AND he could move before i could. Yes, it happended back then.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    So what you are saying is, when the game doesn't go your way for even a second you get pissed off and quit because of it? Pretty mature.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    The spawning logic for DBD has always been very heavy rng, but it is generally much rarer for a survivor to spawn near the killer than it is for them to spawn directly on a tile with a generator or another survivor. I don't see the point in going next just because of spawn rng.

  • Hawk81584
    Hawk81584 Member Posts: 405

    who didnt see this coming? when you allow "strategy" to destroy the game for others. consequences are going to occur. this is the reality of too much power in one persons hands.

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    DC'ing off the get go is pretty dumb but you can basically tell how a match is going to go pretty quickly due to the intended snowball the game promotes.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,101
    edited May 2023

    Yeah the camera hadn't even finished spinning at the start of a game once when I got a bottle to the head by a Pinky Finger Clown. He then stuck to my ass for the rest of the game after that bit of luck. I didn't duck out but damn if it wasn't one of those tempting moments.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Camping and tunneling aren't exploits. Yes the devs have tried to add more counterplay to them but that doesn't mean they're exploits.

    If the devs considered them exploits they'd outright remove them, but they don't because, as they've stated in the past, camping and tunneling are strategies the killer is fully in their right to capitalise on if they so choose.

    What I find odd is that with how much people complain about camping and tunneling thesedays, survivors still aren't really bringing the perks intended to discourage them.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    My point is, you are ruining the game for everyone else because you don't like how things are going. That is pretty immature and childish. And is exactly why they need to be far stricter and start enacting game bans for people who DC constantly.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    lol why so many survivor attempt to ditch the killer on me and force me off my gen.

    Hope you're good at finding hatch first, otherwise you're just kicking the can down the road.

  • brysoles
    brysoles Member Posts: 8

    So I guess it’s fun for you to start like this, get hooked within 10 seconds ingame and most likely get tunnelled? Sure but as someone who plays nurse as killer it’s the perfect scenario if a survivor spawns next to you. No afford needed. :)

    You don’t want to understand my point. I don’t complain about Bering the first who gets hooked or even when I get downed 10 secs ingame it’s okay as long as I don’t start with heartbeat right next to the killer. THAT is what I compare about: the spawn point. It doesn't matter if I play survivor or if I play killer but in no scenario a survivor should ever spawn right next to the killer. Near, yes absolutely okay but next to them, no.

  • Sylhiri
    Sylhiri Member Posts: 178

    They are not exploits but regarding the devs keeping the mechanics in play can still be up for debate. Game developers are not faultless beings, in fact they can end up messing up a lot because game design is complex and they are human.

    Feedback is an essential tool for game devs.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,350

    i feel like u trying tell us something hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Really, now I couldn't care less about comp or high mmr or other "high society" elvian world. If it's intended strategies, ok. Then trying to jumping off the hook alson valid strategy, otherwise it wouldnt be in the game. And in the second stage, I'm just bad at the game (camping and tunneling is a problem to me, right?) so I accidentally miss all skill checks.

    My point is, again and again, I repeat myself like a broken gramophone, I want to play the game. I don't mind losing, I don't mind fighting, but I want to play. Being in lobby for 5 minutes, then sitting on a gen holding M1, then being downed and camped in 10 seconds or seeing teammate being camped or tunneled (which is 99.9% already a loss and ABSOLUTELY NO POINT continue playing) - hardly a pleasure. You should try it. Playing killer is fun, I know, but it's good to see things from other perspective first hand.

    Unless(!) it is a comp game. Then I'd like to hear it officially. If so, I'll go the hell out of DbD with clear conciousness and no hard feelings. But something tells me it's not about comp, it's just game design flaw that is exploited on lower mmr/solo games.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    You completely avoiding my point. I'm not defending hook suicideds, I explain the reason it happen. It's a way to DC without penalty while having trash experience. If you remove suicides, people will just DC, until fed up and move to other games, because there is a point when constant trash experience become unbearable.

    Not that "it's valid strategy" and survivor players just so mean and spoil the game because they can. Maybe if devs attend to reason why hook suicides happen, there'll be less reasons to suicide.

  • NerfedFreddy
    NerfedFreddy Member Posts: 394

    Quality of soloq is dropping suicide rate is hiking

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,101

    Bottom line is that BHVR want people to play their game. Even the people that let go on hook or DC. They won't get rid of it.

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Another one of these topic again? Lets see how far this goes.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,714


    It's a problem that is hurting the game. What is so wrong about people bringing it up?

    The more discussions created on the topic, the more apparent it becomes that people are done tolerating it.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    Okay so if the killer chooses to camp and tunnel, it is -not- an automatic loss for the survivors, even in solo queue. I wont deny that tunnelling is the most effective way to play killer, even with all the measures in place to try and weaken it, but it is not even close to being a guarenteed way to win, otherwise every time a killer tunnels they would get a 3k or 4k which simply doesn't happen.

    Also if you're going down in the first 10 seconds of a match, a big part of that is you. If you're that bad in a chase (which I admit I totally am) then you can bring perks like Distortion or simply play more stealthy until you can see someone else is in chase.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    You absolutely right, it's not automatic win. Even more, on high-mmr it's automatic loss. But in my low-mmr world, it is automatic win. You need god-looper for tunneling and extremely coordinated actions for camping where every part have to be done perfectly, which is almost impossible, someone usually make at least one mistake. So yeah, they get 3K-4K every single time. Every. Single. Time.

    I don't deny I'm bad (btw, already use distortion, and almost 2K hours, so I will probably remain bad), but looks like hundreds and hundreds of people I'm matched with are too. My point is that it's a cheap way to effortless win on low mmr and lose at high mmr. And it is annoying "strategy" that repulse everyone in total. There is no reason to defend it.

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    If someone can't get over getting downed in first 15 seconds of the match they should find another game to play. It often just happens - Lethal Pursuer, meeting killer in the deadzone, running like a headless chicken. It's normal. No reason to throw 3 other players under a bus from the start.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    Yep, spawned in with Doctor almost on top of us. Literally within the first few moments of the game, he had shocked and hit at least three of us before we could even think about finding gens, let alone cover.

    Similar with a Wesker, he was on top of us before we could even move or figure out where on the map we had spawned. Didn't help he had Lethal, so he saw all four of us grouped together and just beelined straight towards us. Didn't help we were on Pale Rose as well, one of the smaller maps, even with all the decore and debris that hindered his dash, he still made mince meat out of us. Dead at five gens within five-ten minutes of the match, because none of us could get away or even chase him.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,914

    I don’t camp as killer and I have someone leave almost every game. When I play survivor the people who leave are usually not being camped.

    Usually the reason is simply because they got downed too fast, got outplayed, or because it’s a killer they don’t like.

  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,882

    It doesn't matter, the point is, you queued for a game that involves 4 other people. And your behavior is ruining it for those 4 people, because you, the 1, are pissed off. That is a you problem. And you survivor mains always talk about what is boring. Hit and run is boring, tunneling is boring, ruin undying is boring, 3 gen is boring, getting chased is boring, not getting chased is boring. Like what in the hell do you want? If this game is so boring why do you still play it?

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Well as I sad many times, if survivors stop being nerfed over and over and over then maybe dc/hook suicides would stop being so frequent, sure it happen before 6.1 and up but not as much as it is now also adding slugging/tunneling/camping to the mix. Every useful perk that would help solo que specially(since people complain on swfs everyday) that too maybe why there be more and more swfs, again killers are the one that are the cause of this, not SWFS or Survivors. Wish yall luck though because I do not think they will ever do anything about hook suicide since there is even an achievement to unhook yourself x amount of times.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,350
    edited May 2023

    it bad and the devs refuse to even acknowledge it. 1/3 of my solo q matches been people giving up which stack on top of the already low survivor rate for solo q make the games feel impossible. Mainly play killer these days anyway but still

  • brysoles
    brysoles Member Posts: 8

    Ah yes I have to stay in a game when the spawn point ruins it for me so I don’t ruin the game for the other 3 players. Yes yes. Others having fun > me having fun. And never heard a single soul complaining about these things you say except camping and tunneling. But idc think what you want and be happy and proud about those hooks/kills without effort. Sorry for you if you thinks games like this are fun or skills. :-)

    And I play killer more than survivor but I don’t have to hook someone who spawns next to me bcs 1: I’m sorry for that player and 2: Killer is the easiest ever. :-)

  • RoastedGarlic
    RoastedGarlic Member Posts: 592

    Only time i hook suicide is if it is blantantly obvious my teammates are just leaving me on the hook and will not attempt to save me. Which unfortunately happens more often than not. if I am being camped however, I will stay in the game and keep the killer occupied until my team can get as much gens done as possible.

    NODD3RS Member Posts: 169

    I load into a match, I see a sm kick a gen at 1% and see her throw up her drones around a 3 gen, I make an educated guess of how the match will turn out, and I simply go next

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    It's been "hiking" for almost 2 years now.

  • lifestylee
    lifestylee Member Posts: 263

    I think its very rare people would be tunneling just to make it so other players miserable. If you're giving up when the killer is tunneling or succesfully tunneled then you're giving the killer more easy and free wins which will make them more likely to do it in their future games cause it gives them succes.

  • Fawiola
    Fawiola Member Posts: 88

    I do that If I loop the Killer 2 or 1:30 minutes and no one did gens (5 gens) then I want die of course xD