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Fun carry build for killer

IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

I've been ditching more of the serious builds just to mix things up a build for both sides. For killer I've using a carry focused build and chase people while carrying a survivor.


Iron grasp

Awakened awareness

Mad grit

If you are looking to try something different I recommend giving it a whirl.

Any other fun builds to try on either side ? Not necessarily ones that are super strong but something to break up the standard gameplay a bit.


  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 534

    It really depends what killer you are playing in order to make a “fun” build work. For me if I’m feeing like a bit of a meme I’ll run Trail of torment, Tinkerer, Plaything and Bitter murmur with Apex muffler and Spiked boots with a Coldwind offering on The Hillbilly just to get silent chainsaw cross maps on survivors.

    Your carry focused build is very common on leatherface players. I see it atleast once every other day but instead of awakened awareness is subbed for insidious.. I wonder where bubba is going to carry the survivor to after they downed them 🤔…

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405

    Yeah I figured it's common for bubba for his usual annoying play. I've had fun chasing people all over rather map while carrying a survivor (and most games I get a survivor who doesn't wiggle so I'm just using them as a backpack for a while)