DC=No Hatch

Repeatedly SWF use tactics where one disconnects and the last one escapes into the hatch. Is it fair? I understand if you forcing yourself die on hook, but just disconnecting is not sporting. Therefore, the idea: the hatch does not appear if one of the last two disconnects. What do you think?
I disagree with this, because as someone who only plays survivor solo I cant control who my team mates are or what they do. Solo survivors get screwed enough. I main killer so I understand where you come from, it does at times feel like you were robbed. Hurting solo more isn't worth an extra kill.
When you get down to 2 survivors you never know what you're going to get. 2 survivor warriors who fight to the finish? 2 survivors who both decided they want to hide for hatch and now you're spending forever trying to find them? A mix of both? A dc? An attempt suicide by running to the killer which almost always ends in getting slugged so the killer can get a 4k instead of just hooking the person who wanted out?
Just move on to the next and forget about the dc.
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The entire SWF has to eat the matchmaking penalty, so there's that already.
How would their system handle someone actually lagging out while there are just two survs yet? Not too common an occurrence, but does happen enough on console to be annoying. But I believe they cannot differentiate between connection issues and an actual manual DC.
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The solution would be to simply adjust the DC penalty so that it is no longer worth using this tactic.
If the penalties are increased to 5+ min, a SWF won't do it because it's not worth waiting for that DC player to then re-queue and if they do it anyway, then the next penalty will be increased to 10 minutes, which then raises the question of whether it wouldn't be better to change the game from this point on.
If you really had to serve the penalty time at the queue, even if you turned off / close the game after the last DC, there would be a lot less problems with DC's as well. I would implement that immediately.
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The only situation where I've seen that somewhat regularly happening is when the next to last got slugged and then proceeded to DC after a while. Simplest solution to that: just pick them up. (And the kinda obvious explanation for this not being the "standard procedure" as soon as it's down to two is that you can't do that on the regular due to dc penalties.)
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Let them dc and eat the penalty. I take that as a win for me.
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Some people don't like to be slugged on the ground, they rather dc and eat the penalty than wait for mr killer that really needs his 4k to find the last survivor who might hides in a locker.
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Yes, it is fair. They are disconnecting and already receiving the timeout punishment
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Maybe if the killer didn't try and dance around hatch by slugging for 4k then people wouldn't have to do stuff like that.
Killer does what they can to bypass hatch survivors should be allowed to do the same.
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I think DCs in general should score the same as if you got all of the remaining hooks for that particular survivor. It's good that the DCing survivor gets a penalty but the killer doesn't get any real reward for this. I've had survivor downed for the first time DC immediately and the hatch spawns 2 feet away from the remaining survivor who isn't downed and no offering for hatch spawn is given. Super frustrating going from a potential double pip to barely a safety pip. Killers do indirectly get penalized by players DCing with their score/pip getting impacted significantly. Survivors should also get better compensated for a teammate dcing too. It's also frustrating playing survivor and a teammate DCs almost immediately so the game feels pointless
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killer players when a survivor doesnt want to lie on the ground for 3min so they can get their 4k(the survivors are toxic and in a swf)
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Repeatedly killer slugs people and goes after the last survivor so no one gets hatch. Is it fair?
It's not sporting for you, but it is for the final survivor. I very rarely see anyone DC on the hook so the last survivor gets hatch: only when they're left to bleed out. If you don't want that to happen, don't slug and run. Comit to hooking. Then last survivor already has so much stacked against them: they shouldn't suffer for their team mate's decision. If you got a 3k you already won.
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This is prolly the sanest approach.
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Just to deincentivize it they could delay the hatch spawning by like 30 seconds
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The latter is a great idea, and I think you should bring it up next time Q&A opens. Of course, you should only have to serve 15 minutes or so at the queue, tops; it's not really fair to people with ######### internet to make them keep DBD open for 72h after a bad day.
I don't know about increasing queue time, but if one member of an SWF disconnects, they should all get the DC penalty. It won't be that big of a deal if one person does it accidentally one time, but if they're making a habit of doing it, they'll feel the effects a lot faster since they won't get four free DCs every day.
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DCs should be treated as kills by the game itself.
I think OP is taking about cases where you'll injure one survivor, they'll run you into a far off corner of the map, and then they'll DC, allowing the last survivor to find hatch (bonus points if one of the survivors brought a hatch spawn offering). It doesn't happen all that often, but I've seen it.
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Self tell post. Stop wasting ppls time by slugging for the 4k to feed your ego please you have already won at that point
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Only time I see a survivor DC for another to get hatch is when the killer is slugging them for 4k. They chose eating a penalty and moving on over wasting 4 minutes laying on ground doing nothing, so it's not even about giving teammate hatch but rather they don't want to sit there doing nothing.
Just hook the survivor and use sacrifice animation time to make your way over to a common hatch spawn location - odds are that is where the survivor is heading so you can get them then instead of wasting time with a slug.
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I'm a solo player and I'll do this if it's my last game of the night and the killer has just left me slugged to find the other survivor. It's nothing personal, I'd just like to go to bed.