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Is MMR the only factor that decides who gets assigned to a lobby?

Veroles Member Posts: 868

I feel like matchmaking works differently when playing a specific perk setup or without any perks.

I played about 30 rounds as Nurse with zero or two perks max, which is absolutely anything but meta, and the enemies I played against felt completely different on average. That also feels pretty the same on survivor site when I go into solo queue and play a build which is uncommon.

It's like playing certain builds or no perks will lower the MMR. I mean MMR doesn't really work exactly, we all know that, but it feels like I'm suddenly in a completely different bracket.

Does anyone have the same experience?


  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,023

    I honestly don't think mmr has ever worked properly, there's too many factors in this game to account for and it's already a game that doesn't take alot of brain cells or skills.

    To me it seems more random than calculated off of a algorithm, I believe once you get past the newbie zone you're just thrown in with everyone else regardless of playtime or build, I can soundly beat a 4 man sweat squad and turn around and get freshies the very next game with a combined hour count at 80 which shouldn't ever happen if mmr were real because I'm sitting at 12,467 hrs right now, there are other factors outside of mmr as well that have no correlation to skill and they haven't added a decay system for mmr either, I'd say based off this it isn't really "MMR" or whatever it is has never been accurate.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    Understandable perspective. Maybe it just feels for me that way because of different other circumstances. But sometimes it is really really weird.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    It’s MMR, player availability, and I think there was a third thing that influenced it. But I cannot for the life of me remember what…

  • VdG232
    VdG232 Member Posts: 16

    Yesterday I got beaten by a prestige 100 Wesker, who played fair and we as survivors still didn't really have a chance. Next lobby was a prestige 0 huntress who missed 9,5 out of 10 hatches and was completely steamrolled by us (SoloQ).

    Of course it's only a snapshot and most of the times the difference in skill of the opponents is not that big. Last week I had around 60% escape rate in SoloQ in 40-50 matches. This week I'm around 20%. The desired average of 40% escape rate gets achieved.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,263

    Perks/offerings/items/addons have no effect on matchmaking. The reason for back-to-back games with wildly different skill levels is most likely backfilling throwing MMR out the window and putting anyone together as quickly as possible.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,053

    That could actually make sense. My understanding of the MMR is its increase or decrease is affected by yours vs your opponent. A P100 Wesker is likely to have a high MMR, so losing to him probably knocked you down farther than normal.

    Don't know if it would be enough to get you that level of Huntress but, possible overcompensation aside, there is a logic to it.

  • Ripley
    Ripley Member Posts: 864

    Skipped lobbies. If a player has been waiting too long for a match essentially.