What maps will dislike the most?
Although I think majority of maps are fine (maybe some a bit sided to either killer or survivor) there are a few maps out there that are just horrendous and should be sent to the darkest pit and destroyed due to there terrible design. So my question is what would you class as horrendous maps?
As a Killer Main there are 2 maps that I dislike the most: these being Borgo and Garden of Joy.
Ever since the Knight PTB I have hated the Borgo Map and although I gave it a shot when it went to live it was just as bad as ever so since the release of Knight I have refused to play this map.
Similar to this garden of Joy is another I will refuse to play due to how poor the map is designed.
I would say a few honourable mentions of maps i dislike but will still play are Badham preschool and Lampkin Lane for obvious reasons.
Its about time that Behaviour did away with Map offerings that take us to these maps and bring in a Veto system so we never have to play them ever again.
RCPD still sucks right out loud. Both versions. Midwich can really suck too....it's small, and once you get a Killer in there like The Doc and his AOE ability....yeah, good luck with that :)
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I think Borgo is my least favorite. It's color scheme actually strains my eyes, which isnt really what I'm looking for in a video game tbh.
Since I don't play on PC, I can't even use filters to make it less egregious.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
1) I can't play the game right now
2) I'd rather play on all maps... I'd rather not limit myself
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The Game and both Swamp Maps
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A part of me will die inside if I get Forest. The color scheme and all the small plants really obscure scratchmarks, survivors, etc if you arent sniffing them. This sucks especially if your playing as a shorter killer (Sadako, Victor) cause you cant see #########
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
I'll play whatever I load into, but a few I really hate. Coldwind (all versions) in particular. Borgo also sucks out loud.
But seriously, screw Coldwind. Honestly, when I end up on a Coldwind map as a killer, I pretty much just phone in the match. I just want to get to the next. Sadly, the next is often another Coldwind map.
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For me it's MacMillan + other versions. I hate this map. It's too big and too dark, survs always run to the edges, I can't see ######### and can't apply correct pressure.
Worst map in this game, delete now etc.
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I have no real issue with any map and none I'd feel silly enough to skip just because.
The only map which bores me rigid is Rotten Fields. That map is the most uninspired design in the game. Even less popular maps are at least interesting or the scenery can be appreciated. Rotten Fields has absolutely nothing worth of value to it.
Sheltered Woods was the same, but the update with the last chapter actually made it a more interesting map to traverse.
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There is no map I would not play out as killer.
Surprisingly, since I'm pretty average skill and matched with similarly average survivors, Garden is rarely an issue. No map are particularly awful when your opponents are not that great. Pretty much only some Coldwind Farm maps cause a consistent issue and that is my nonexistent object permancence vs corn blindness.
I don't refuse to play either as survivor, even on maps I dislike like Midwich, RPD or The Game (don't ask...). I wouldn't want to sabotage the game of the other survivors.
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I hate borgo and swamp. Borgo makes eyes bleed, swamp you just can't see anytning -- no blood, no scratch marks, nothing
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Léry's Memorial. I don't DC (I never do as a killer) but I expect the worse. It's just an awful map with way too many windows.
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Garden of Misery and Mother's Dwelling. Both maps are absolutely horrible.
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Honestly, not a fan of Eyrie of Crows past the rework. It feels worse to play on as Survivor and Killer. Ill still play on the map, just it's currently my least favorite.
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As i can´t choose i play every map i get...
I don´t like Borgos colours also... don´t know what it is with the red.
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I don't think I've ever had a fun match on Dead Dawg
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I hate Lerys
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
borgo is ugly but i can still accept it
badham as killer makes me cry
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The game when i playing hillbilly only
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There are a large amount of maps I dislike, but only one is above the rest: that map is Groaning Storehouse. It's an absolute pain to patrol because of its weird shape, main building and shack are really close to each other, and it can have multiple strong tiles string together.
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Swamp and Midwitch are my least favorite overall.
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Midwich is the only map I can actually say I dislike playing on. As a survivor I can never reliably find generators and as killer I just get disoriented.