I wish every survivor would run We'll Make It

I only play solo q when I play survivor. Since the last patch, I've fallen in love with We'll Make It. It's so satisfying to heal my teammates with We'll Make It + medkits right under the hook in under 8 seconds (also a direct counter to the sloppy butcher meta). I've found that one of the best ways to punish tunneling, is if the unhooked survivor is healed as quickly as possible so at least they have to hit them twice.

In addition to running WMI, I wish more survivors would use their medkits to heal teammates faster. I can't stress enough how powerful it is for hooked survivors to be able to jump right back to productive mode.

TLDR: Please consider running We'll Make It and using your medkits on teammates.


  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    Nah, I'm more into Desperate Measures. Faster unhook is nice when someone is face camping.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 444

    I've been running We'll Make It since the meta change, it is so helpful. Only issue is, that I never get a chance to use it... >.>

  • DrKetchup
    DrKetchup Member Posts: 162

    Resurgence got your back!

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Sadly i am cursed, whenever i run We'll make it everybody runs away from me and doesn't let me heal them

  • Fawiola
    Fawiola Member Posts: 88

    After the patch I always have we will make it with me and 30% of solo survivor understand how strong is this perk now. After every match I check how many survivor had this perk. Sometimes I see one or two and sometimes I see no one xD

    Many people still use selfcare. Best killer perk number 1. Honestly... If I play solo que and see 3 survivor with it I say... You deserved to die..... Selfish Mate xDD

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382
    edited May 2023

    I would but my entire build is dedicated to anti tunneling.

    • Off The Record to make tunneling harder.
    • Exhaustion perk to make tunneling harder.
    • Windows of Opportunity so I can make better decisions while i'm being ruthlessly tunneled.
    • Resilience so I can vault faster while being tunneled.

    Don't have room for anything else.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121

    I've been using it too. Without fail when I unhook someone they will crouch for a heal. It feels nice being able to keep the team healed up best I can. It's good for me too because healthy team mates will last longer in chase and hook trade etc. So I think it's a solid perk to have.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Phenomenal perk, almost never leaves my builds.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    We'll Make It and Kindred are almost staple perks every time I play survivor can't believe people actually sleep on these perks.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I use we'll make it since COH change.

    that is fine. it means player does not want healing.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    I'll use it regularly - it is a mandatory part of my builds along with Distortion.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    I love resurgence too. My only issue with it is that it doesn’t have protection against sloppy butcher. It would be nice if your health progress was frozen too.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 451

    I wish more people ran Guardian because it ruins the day of every tunneler.

    Whenever I try to heal anyone on hook, the killer is usually back before I'm finished even with We'll Make It unless they don't tunnel to begin with. If they're tunnelers and they have sloppy, usually that means the other player is going back to the hook soon after I'm done healing them or even earlier.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    They should reconcider if they can't last longer then 10 seconds in chase while injured