How’s everyone feel about NOED?

Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,636

IMO I think it’s in an okay spot but I understand how it can be a slap in the face to the survivor that gets hooked next to the totem. I just have mixed feelings about this perk but what do you guys think?


  • illNicola
    illNicola Member Posts: 482

    When the game used to be more balanced, it was absolutely unbalanced as a perk, I refused to use it. Now that practically in 5 minutes survs do all the gens, it's a pretty ok perk (even overnerfed in my opinion)

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 598

    I think it's more or less fine now with the nerf. I still don't use it though and unless you have an end game build not really worth a perk slot.

  • JonOzzie16
    JonOzzie16 Member Posts: 203

    I'm fine with it. It can be crappy in the scenario you mentioned. But normally there is plenty of counterplay. As long as survivors know to split up and look for it.

    If I know my team isn't running boons, I cleanse totems. Might waste a bit of time but it's worth it imo.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,138

    I think it's more than fair now that the survivors can see its aura after some time.

    Killer played on 3 perks all game just for that little surprise. They deserve it !

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Now that DH, COB/Eruption has been nerfed, NOED is pretty much the single unhealthiest perk in the entire game.

    The "nerf" doesn't really do much. You get a speedboost that's pretty helpful in the endgame when survivors have the least amount of resources to use against you, almost always giving you a free down, which, depending on how well you did could be a free kill. Not to mention if you hook the survivor that 5 gen ran you next to it, there's literally nothing the survivors can do. Not even OG DH was that busted, you still had to showcase the bare minimum of skill by not yeeting yourself face first into a tree or a wall. Hell, a high mobility killer could theoretically snowball into a 4k after zero hooks.

    Horrible design and is very telling of the developers mindset towards """balancing""" the game.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    I don't care about Noed. Even before the change I didn't care. Pretty easy to spot once you know where totem locations are.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Survivors have every opportunity and resource to prevent NOED from even activating to begin with. If you die to it that is because you took the risk of not cleansing totems. It's not even like that is a hard thing to do there are multiple perks and the map item to show you where totems are and make them take negligible time to cleanse.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,503

    Not nerfed enough, especially not in the right direction. It still rewards a Killer who failed the whole game with a strong effect, instead of being changed to a Perk which is stronger the better the Killer did before (e.g. via a Token-System).

    Also the dumb "counterplay" of wasting time cleansing Dull Totems is still present, which helps the Killer more than the actual effect because Survivors spend their time cleansing Totems instead of doing the Objective.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    That's the point though, to give survivors a secondary objective. That has been the entire point of totems since they were introduced, take time to cleanse them so you can ensure a measure of safety or risk the killer being empowered or you being hindered in some way. It's easily countered and there is so much anti-hex support in the game you can that it produces no real threat unless you make the active decision to ignore it in favor of primary objective speed.

  • Davenport916
    Davenport916 Member Posts: 169

    Just because the exit gates are powered doesn't mean survivors are garaunteed to escape. And it doesn't mean the killer failed either. They only fail once you escape through the gate. Until then they ran 3 perks while all the gens were up. It's fine where it's at

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 15,503
    edited May 2023

    What I mean is, a Killer who got 0 Hooks before all Gens are done and one who got 7 Hooks before all Gens are done get the same benefit from NOED. However, it should be a higher benefit for the one who got 7 Hooks and the one with 0 Hooks should not get a benefit at all.

    This would also weaken camping - it is impossible to complete 5 Gens and do 5 Totems while a Survivor is camped. However, if NOED would not be massive handholding for campers and bad players, a camping Killer would get little to none value out of NOED. But a Killer who played well, but just not well enough would get way more value.

    (OhTofu once made an idea I really liked, which would remove the Hex-Status from NOED and give a Token for each Hook the Killer gets. Each Token grants 0,5% Movement Speed and after some amount of Tokens also an Instadown (both after all Gens are done). This would reward Killers, but not those who played badly)