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Do others feel playing against swf isn't fun most of the time?

IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

To clarify, I'm not arguing if the games are winnable or unwinnable nor am I asking for easy games. I find many swf games just are more frustrating than enjoyable where survivors are perfectly in-sync where they are using coms since it negates several killer perks, buffs survivors perks in ways not originally intended, among other things.

I'd say most swf games i either get a 3k or 4k or a kill one survivor and 2 others DC. Even many of these arent fun though. There are also the games I get stomped on too.

Each of these can happen in solo queue games as well of course. Some of the most fun games I've had ended with a 0K or 1K. Kills just really aren't what makes playing killer fun for me.

Anyone else feel like swf games just aren't as fun often times?

Most swf games feel like I'm just grinding my face up against a brick wall which, yes are still winnable, but the experience itself just isn't pleasant.


  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    Unless survivors all have matching names I don't go into the game assuming they're a SWF, and even if they have matching names I don't assume they are on comms. I've been accused enough times of being in a "dirty swf on comms" in my solo q post game chat to know it's not because survivors have good game sense, make a smart move or are good at cooperating that it means they're actually on comms (and statistically it's less likely).

    The games feel much less "unfair" if you don't assume you're struggling because they're on comms, sometimes players are just good and I personnally would rather wrongfully assume players are good than getting worked up because I assume my opponents have an unfair advantage.

    The only times players are obviously in a swf to me are the ones where it's a "bully swf" who clearly doesn't care about doing gens or escaping and is just trying to have fun (and although it usually comes at the killer's expense I personnaly have lots of fun against these type of swf).

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited June 2023

    Personally not at all. Mostly they wanna be altruistic and safe each other. I prefer that much more because who is altruistic is not sticking on a gen. I also have some games where I could end the game quite quickly but I simply do not because why should I.

    I don't wanna play a match where I just stomp the opponent out of their life so i do not always play most efficient when I realize that would be overkill. Sometimes that's why I lose because they're just better than expected, but to be honest I take the risk of losing and have more interesting games overall instead of doing everything to win.

    When i am very sure that are probably hardcore sweats i play entirely different.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,299

    Should I feel it is a good coordinated team, SWF or not, I find it best to focus on using their tactics against them.

    Most absolutely will stop what they're doing to try and prevent a teammate from going into the next hook phase, and place myself accordingly to get the trade or even a slug. Or when I get a basement hook and there's elevation somewhere nearby I'll crouch there to intercept. That on has saved my bacon many times on the huge Mother's Dwelling map.

    When offered free hits I take them, and the longer healing times aid that as well. A team's desire to get everyone out during EGC can work for you too.

    It all comes down to common sense & smart gameplay. If I know I made minimal mistakes I'm more likely to enjoy the experience and have a decent time playing.

  • KingFieldShipper
    KingFieldShipper Member Posts: 572

    I don't really care, I just play the game, I don't change my builds if I notice it's a swf, but I starting thinking of how I change my strategies if I lose. SWF in the grand scheme of things really mean nothing anyways because most are just trying to play with their buddies and are way too altruistic and just end up dead from it.

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,689

    SWF is something kinda interesting to me. It can be pretty frustrating at times, but I wouldn't call it the default..

    I find it interesting cause when I go into a match I assume it's 4 solos. At some point in the match someone will do something that makes me go "oh, this is a swf right here, a solo queue dude wouldn't have known to or tried to go for that one" and it's honestly kinda fun recognizing that. Once I recognize its a swf I have to play differently. When I do something, I have to consider how they're communicating that, and how I could do something unexpected, or something that goes against the intel they just gave.

    It kinda varries from day to day whether or not I feel like adding that extra layer of mindgame to my match. Some days its fun, some days I just wanna turn my brain off.

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 801
    edited June 2023

    I'm probably one of the few who finds killer boring and can tolerate a few games before switching back to survivor. However, going up againat a good group like a SWF makes things far more engaging.

    Post edited by GolbezGarlandGabrant on
  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,015

    SWF is what actually makes killer interesting to me. 4 solos are rarely going to be able to present any sort of challenge. I want the toughest possible games and consistently being able to mindlessly go from chase to chase for a 4k is boring to me.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 1,717

    i like going up against swfs but I'm probably in the minority. My hardest and best games are all from 4 man squads. I see them as the final boss

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,057

    Being in-sync should be alright as long as there is no bullying. If I see 2 or more flashlights I immediately assign my Lightborn.

    4-man SWFs often do their job and the match is finished. Endgame chat is usually blank.

    The boring part is when there are 2 friends and as you said there is a likelihood of DC-ing.

    I had a match with my Clown against two 100 prestige level survivors. They wanted to do some bullying with the flashlights but I managed to take down both. One simply stopped playing the other DC-ed. It was quite pathetic.