Killers, do you defend the last hook?

Here's something I'm curious about. When there are no gens left and you get a late hook, do you defend it?
there’s no point if you aren’t a killer with a one shot honestly I know I only do it on them
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Yeah. What else do you expect me to do?
It's why many perks (and in the future the anti-camp features) are disabled in endgame. The killer has nothing left to patrol and secure except their final hooks.
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I usually don't, it's very boring and really embarrassing if you mess it up. I just leave and let them have a nice experience.
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Yes, but only because if the team is altruistic or if even better they are also good players it leads to the most interesting games possible for me. Although any comp team I have gone against has ruined it a decent amount for me, most egotistical low chase power players I have ever seen lmao. Kaz on his way to comment here XD.
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I usually don't. If the survivors are in a position to have a big win at that point it's either that they played really well or that I made lots of mistakes. In both cases, they deserve the win in my opinion, and I'd rather meme around and have a fun chat than defend the last hook for a few more points.
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Won't do this because it's literally impossible to defend against 2-3 survivors, unless using bubba.
The exception is when there is only two of them.
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Usually, i mean if you're 5 gens down and 1 or no kills it's a bit of a no brainer. If I don't have a kill then I pretty much always camp an endgame hook. At the very least it usually lets me farm a few extra hook states. No killer likes to finish a game with 0 kills. Even though 1 is still technically loss for killer I'm not hugely fussed if 3 survs escape.
Conversely as killer I'm not a fan of 4ks either, I pretty much always release 1 or more usually 2 survs. Unless they have been particularly obnoxious towards me or I notice that they've deliberately sabotaged their teammates.
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It depends, if everyone left alive is injured I may leave to pressure them and possibly get another hook.
There have been quite a few games where four survivors remained when the gates were powered but I killed all of them because I kept up the pressure.
Teams can quickly fall apart when victory is close. They make a lot more mistakes.
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This is usually the case for me too. If it's 2 other survivors left I might risk it, but 3 doesn't give me much of a chance. That's two survivors to bait hits while the third makes the save and/or bodyblocks on the way back to the gate.
If you're facecamping with three other survivors that have nothing left to do but run out of an open gate, then they have the upper hand. You're better off moving away and catching one of them in a deadzone, than facing them where they expect to get hit.
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Yeah, at that point there's not really much else to do.
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I'll usually proxy camp the zone. You're much more likely to get another down if you manage to land a hit before anyone reaches the hook. Occasionally you can turn a 4 man escape into a 2/3k if people get too confident and you're playing the right killer. Obviously you want to hook that survivor as far away from gates as possible in a dead zone or close to the gate can also work if you can manage to defend that one gate and the hook at the same time.
Been plenty of games I've turned a lose into a draw or win in end game so I normally play right until the last person escapes or dies.
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Yeah, the nice experience of tbagging/vault spamming till the last second, waiting for the killer to witness their escape, followed up by trash talk in endgame chat. 😮💨
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It depends. If I've had a truely shocking trial with maybe 3 hooks before the gens are all done I really can't see the point.
Otherwise, the only time I'd proxy is if someone is nearby. Offence is the best defence for me.
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Not really. My MMR will go down anyway. It is already a match failed. But I stay there at the hook and wait for the survivors to approach and do the save. Sometimes they return the favour with free hooks. By playing this way we can truly "gg" each other instead of resorting to toxic behaviour.
Truth be told, you have to stand in the distance otherwise they do not believe you'll let them save the individual. The community just got used to camping.
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Why wouldn’t you?
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I don't, but that's just personal aversion to camping as a whole. I don't take issue with it in this scenario.
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Yes. There's literally nothing left to do at that point, unless you have NOED. No point in guarding the exit gates when they get 99'd really fast.
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I main Artist, with my main build being lethal, BBQ, blood warden and no way out. If things go south and all gens get done I can usually count on getting at least one more
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if it 3 people left there no point in leaving the hook but if it 4 i will leave sometimes to interrupt the heal by the exit gates
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Depends on what the situation is. For example if we hook by a powered gate then we're not gona leave, but if they're hooked far enough away we'll happily go hunting.
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hell yeah facecamp that elodie its endgame the survivor rulebook doesnt apply here
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Most of the time, yes, because what else is there to do?
If I'm going up against a team of newer survivors I usually bail and go for another chase and give them the chance to rescue, because I don't really care too much in that situation (wowee, I proved I can win against babies, I'm very cool and tough). But if it's been a close game, I'll fight tooth and nail for that kill.
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It doesn't really happen often, but when it does, yes.
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It's not a common thing for 4 survivors to be alive in end game but it all depends on my mood honestly. If I am trying to build up BP or need pips I have. Over the course of my career I have turned plenty of those scenarios into 2-4k games. The majority of time though I do not. For a couple of reasons actually.
Why? You are not really rewarded in this game for winning so what you gain by camping last hook? I'll tell you.....Harder opponents. Do you really want those if the current survivors you face have 4 alive in end game? I will usually wave to the survivors as they leave.
This is the exact reason the excuse of "3 gens popped first chase time to tunnel/camp" makes me laugh so hard. Well get used to it then. Tunneling/camping will result in harder opponents and you can't handle the ones you got. But naw keep boosting kill rates instead.
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I usually don't - except if there's a challenge about having a sacrifice during egc or something like that.
I like to chase as killer so that's what I do, kinda regardless of how fast gens go or how many hooks I have and the likes. tbh. Some of the must fun and fast paced chases I had were during egc after not having defended a hook but leaving and being able to disturb a "let's reset and then rescue with taking hits"-reset. (I usually run Spies so that does tend to help me with that one)
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Do you stand by and watch them? What if there’s one survivor on hook, two going in for the save and one seeming watching you from a (short distance) coordinating the save, like they’re the Leader?
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I'll hook the person, then look for someone else, generally at the door I think they're opening (I also play with BBQ a lot so sometimes I'll find someone isolated far from gates or trying an early rescue and get value from them). If I find someone on my way who's going for the unhook, I'll chase them. But I'm not going to camp or tryhard to secure a kill, it's gonna be chill.
In the situation you mentionned, if they're (I assume all healthy) coming up to me as I literally just hooked the guy, I don't have a precise strategy. I just hit whoever is in the vicinity for points but won't tunnel if they manage to unhook near me. If I get another survivor on hook for it, then great, if not, then eh. It wasn't my game ! I'll take note of what they did well for future reference.
That's actually how I met one of my best friends, getting steamrolled by his team and him offering advice and private games to practice =)
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Oh. No, I don't. I hook and leave. Makes the game over faster. Staring at a survivor on hook and playing the grab game isn't fun for me.
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Normally no, it is more fun to chase people. If they crowd the hook then yeah.
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Sometimes. Depends entirely on how sweaty the match was. If I was sweating hard then I'm defending it to the last second. If it's been chill then I'll usually just leave or look for someone close.
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If the other survivors are at the hook then yes. If not, I try to find other survivors and pressure the exit gates. Standing around a hook is boring and I'm here to have fun.
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I used to, but this late into it and after accepting in my heart that dbd isn't exactly a comp ready game, I don't really care that much.
I just want to hatchet/whip people in the face.
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Sure. Sometimes you can get another kill out of it. Altruism kills.
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Yes but usually not trying too hard. Getting a 1k as killer honestly feels the same as 0k considering how easy it's for many killers to camp/tunnel even at the end and personally it doesn't feel rewarding. Despite this what else are you suppose to do, unless the last gen was just done as you hook them any survivor you catch will be able to run to the exit gates before you down them and there's nowhere else for them to be at the moment. I have had very fun and intense end games before that make me feel like the game could go either way but those are usually dependent on certain perks being in play such as no way out and NoeD or specific conditions such as sluggin being an option or someone already dead. From the survivor perspective I sometimes more fun for the killer to camp and to have a difficult rescue mission but as killer I honestly wouldn't care at that point.
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i wait at the hook and will only leave if i get good odds of catching someone else eg. they are far away from a gate/out of position. depends on the killer i am playing as well.
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If I don't have no way out or blood warden I'll guard the hooked survivor and try to grab a rescuer. That's what you do as killer. If I have no way out or blood warden, I don't because I can probably get them back on hook and hopefully another survivor.
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If I have a challenge to kill X survivors yes, otherwise I 'soft' protect it, so I don't go too far from it until I find an other survivor and chase them instead. I'm less likely to get a kill this way but I don't find protecting a hook very fun.