I am Worried About Upcoming End Game Mori
There's a massive, cavernous difference between 'all four survivors slugged is a win for the killer' and 'all four survivors is hands down the objectively fastest way to end the game with a killer win every game'.
I never said that having 4 slugged survivors was anything but a killer win. I'm objecting to actively incentivizing a slugging play style because the finisher Mori they tested on the ptb could just end games instantly. Faster than tunneling and camping. Much faster than hooking.
And even if slugging 4 is 'hard' the next best thing would be to just tunnel one survivor out and slug the other 3.
If there's one thing we know about killers on this forum, is that it doesn't matter what the strategy is, if it's even possibly efficient it will be used as much as possible.