Nic Cage Mid-Chapter PTB on July 5th, Full release on July 25th (Plus first in-game look!)

This just got revealed on the Summer Games Fest livestream!
The Mid-Chapter itself drops on July 25th; see the full section:
As tradition with every 1 survivor chapter added I hope he has a super overpowered teachable
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Nice, can't wait to tbag as him :)
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GentlemanFridge, you missed the most important of the Summer Games Fest livestream, who announced this info!
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Still hate the fact that a famous actor has this ‚privilege‘ to just go ‚someone important in my family likes it so I get to be in it‘ (even though it was stated no real people as characters in-game). But well, from a business point of view, it’s understandable I guess. Brings in a crowd and money or course.
i would have loved him just as a character from an actual horror movie.
might be the first content I do not purchase and end my 100% achievement hunt finally
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I'm not gonna lie this is such a weird stance and hill to die on. This is by far the coolest thing DbD has done for a hot minute and it's cool as hell that Nic Cage said he wanted to be in the game because his son is a fan. DbD needs more cool stuff like this, not less. Calling him privileged for being a world famous actor and being able to use his likeness is weird behavior.
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its not a hill I am dying on at all.
just my personal opinion. I do not care for the actual person behind their art, be it musicians/actors/whatever. I am not hating on them either. Just not my cup of tea. Weird of you for calling it out like this
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Additionally, Nic Cage confirmed on stage that he was a Sadako Enjoyer.
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Ya know.. in that short trailer, it seemed like he dodged the trappers attack easily…
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wow in his trailer, he makes killer whiff an attack. what kind of endurance perk will he get?
that seems to be only thing that everyone curious about. I hope they make his injury sounds quiet unlike Ash who is too loud for killers to play.
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You said you hated it and that he’s privileged for being able to get in the game. You may not have tried to come off like it but your wording makes it seem like your hating pretty hard for something that’s a big win for the game.
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I specifically put ‚privileged‘ in quotation marks (is that what you call these for this occasion?)
I also said I understand it completely from a business point of view and I do see that people want it.
i just… think that we put actors (and other famous people) way too high in general and Cage does not have any actual business in DbD imo. Hate is definitely too strong of a word.
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Can't wait, love him. I'm really excited to see what kinds of skins they come up with for him
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I'm sure it's just trailer magic, but it's got the theory crafting cogs moving.
Celebrity Privilege: once per trial, press the action button to lose collision for 0.5/0.8/1 second, you become exhausted for the remainder of the trial.
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It was so cool they got Nicolas Cage to come to Summer Games Fest and make a stage appearance. I don't think anyone was expecting that to happen.
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To be fair, the fact that y'all got Nic Cage, as himself, is very, very hard to believe in the first place.
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Pretty sure they said "no real people" when referring to killers. It would be an insult to the actual victims of that person being glorified.
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Yes they have specified that. Though I do remember one instance were a dev also stated it towards adding a person as survivor. Can’t find it anymore though since the forum rework kinda made it hard to search for older threads.
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I highly doubt that considering Cote talked about trying to get Tony Hawk VERY early on in the games life.
The reason why it didnt happen was because his name was tied to the "Tony Hawk's Pro Skater" series.
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I guess DBD can now add Nicolas Cage's video game debut to the growing list of things they've managed to be the first to do in video game history.
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yes 1 teachable that will be talked about as "op" but will never be used
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I personally hope that this inspires other famous actors to jump on the bandwagon. I just picture Nic Cage sitting at a dinner party laughing about how much easy money he got from the DBD deal and them all asking for contact info. I'd love to play as Paul Rudd or something.
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unfortunately that means no "jack the ripper" or "muffin man"
tho with the doctor in the game... but i dont know if his irl counterpart actual killed
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Oh theyve done several killers that have been based on real people. Ghost Face and Bubba (yes hes licensed, but still counts) are heavily based on real people.
Doctor as you mentioned is also heavily inspired and was actually the winner of a vote made by the chinese community. Originally Doc was going to be chinese and this can be shown in early dev streams where they were teasing the chapter, all the signs on Lery's had chinese writing on them (thats probably not the right term, and i feel stupid rn) and this never reached live.
My guess is they didnt want to make it too obvious that this character was based on somebody who has had a negative impact on so many people to this day, which would explain the change in nationality and (presumably) backstory.
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It being a big win is debatable. To me it feels weird and doesn't really make sense within the game. Yes it'll bring extra exposure but that won't necessarily translate into a financial win for BHVR nor a positive for the playerbase.
Having now watched the trailer I'm even less convinced this is a win then I already was.
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What if he spawns a spectral double that holds W and disappears when hit? Like a decoy?
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I'd argue that It does make sense to have him within the game as the lore does support such inclusion since people from all over the omniverse gets taken into the trials, including people from our own world. (Cote confirmed this himself.)
Also as Shroompy mentioned above in the thread, if Tony Hawk's name wasn't tied to Tony Hawk's Pro-Skater, we would have gotten a real life Survivor much earlier in the game's lifetime.
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To be fair if we look at the other 2 single Survivor DLCs we have Ash with Mettle of Man, which was so good it overtook old DS as the best survivor perk (this being 4 second stun the second you're picked up on first hook DS), and Mikaela with Circle of Healing, which was so good it fundamentally shifted the entire meta and broke the no heal smash gens for the first time since Self-Care was nerfed to 32 seconds. There's quite a precedent here
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Why do you think that extra exposure will not translate into financial success? That’s basic business strategy. It’s the most exposure DbD has gotten on social media since RE, that’s already a win in itself.
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It's not the same as landing a large IP like RE or any other horror IP. Those all bring a fanbase with them. Or at the least expose their fanbase to DbD. While NC surely has his fans I'm doubtful they'll purchase the game because of his involvement. Given how old DbD is I doubt the added exposure will reach enough people to spark that much interest. At best it might bring some people who check out the game.
To each their own. I firmly believe any additions that aren't original BHVR works should come from horror IP's. This one just feels too weird too me.
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do we have confirmation if this ‚chapter‘ will be available as a standalone DLC for money or could it be similar to L4D/original content and be available free/only shards? It’s not tied to any company owning any rights but only Nicolas Cage himself so I guess it depends entirely on him, right?
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I mean they are paying to Nicolas Cage to bring him to DbD, i doubt it will be free/only shards content. But i would expect tome for him.
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I'm really looking forward to this. He was great during the presentation last night - and whilst I, personally, hope it doesn't become a 'trend' of actors being themselves in DBD, Nic Cage just 'makes sense'. I dunno why - it just does. I think it's that he's up for doing so many things.
Now I just need us to get a killer that throws bees at you.
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As already said, the other two Survivor-only paragraphs had an OP-Perk each. Which is understandable since you need an incentive for people to buy the paragraph who are not completionists or fan of the character (in this case Nicolas Cage). This is different from Killer only-Paragraphs, since those provide actual gameplay.
And because of this and because there will be 1 OP-Perk, I really hope that the Killer Community can relax for once and not flood the Forums with Complaints once again. The Devs know that they are doing, they will create a Perk which is too strong, but it will be nerfed soon after. No need to flood the forum, no need for the usual tantrums. It will happen, even without the "valuable" feedback Killer players provide.
So they should just chill, let Survivors have an OP-Perk for a month and then it is back to usual.
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I don't think it would work with just any celebrity. It needs to be someone who is generally universally liked, has a good sense of humour, either self-deprecating or ironic-egotism, and has some kind of link to horror in some way. Nick Cage fits that perfectly, and already has the "Nick Cage as Nick Cage" thing going.
Other's that I think could potentially work are:
Jeff Goldblum - similar sense of humour, horror ties with the Fly and I guess you could say Jurassic Park is a loose horror, and has the gravitas to pull off a "Jeff Goldblum as Jeff Goldblum" deal.
Danny De Vito - light on the horror ties but great on the fan appeal and self-deprecating humour.
Kevin Bacon - has the same sort of celebrity for the sake of being a celebrity presence as Cage and Goldblum.
Sigourney Weaver - in the absence of any Alien chapter, it would be great to have her as a standalone survivor, obviously second choice to Ellen Ripley though.
Terry Crews - definitely has the "Terry Crews as Terry Crews" vibe, fan of horror and in the Walking Dead universe.
Uma Thurman - little harder to rationalise I admit, but I get the same vibes as Sigourney from her.
Trixie/Katya - ok, maybe a little more contentious given Trixie is already a prominent DBDer and I understand not everyone's cup of tea (making a DBD streamer a character in the game could cause controversy) but she IS a celebrity within these circles so I can see it working, and is technically a character anyway. With Katya as a killer... it would be perfect.
Not saying I'd want ALL of these in the game, that would be overkill, but any of them might work. Maybe it's because I've seen them all appear as cameos in some form or another!
Post edited by Seraphor on1 -
They are paying him?
i mean, sure, it’s very likely that they are. But do we know it certainly? Will he get paid once or will he get -like other licenses besides L4D- get a part of every single purchase of his character/DLC/cosmetic. In the latter case, anything will be real money/auric cell only but if they have some other agreement, it might be different. It seems like he wanted to get into the game after all and not the other way around.
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Other actors that might fit primarily because of their prominence in horror genre while the direct licensed might be problematic
Neve Campbell - We very likely won’t get a direct Scream license
Sarah Michelle Gellar - I would love her character from I know what you did last summer, Buffy is unlikely as a survivor because her whole deal is being supernaturally strong and killing/fighting the monster directly
Jamie-Lee Curtis - Didn’t get Laurie Strode in her likeness, but she is iconic in other horror media
Tony Todd - if we don’t get Candyman, maybe it could work this way
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We will learn details soon tho. I hope it is free content but i don't think it will be. If we get shards option for him, this will be very nice by BHVR.
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Unless Cage specifically wanted his character to be free (available for Cells and Shards) then we probably won't know.
What's likely is either he's claiming royalties (so Cells only by default) or he's not, but BHVR want to make it Cells only anyway.
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More or less agree. I think if Curtis would have been in the game it would have been as Laurie though, so that bridge has probably been burned already.
Would take Todd if there's no hope of Candyman, but I'm not sure he's as big a name on his own, it's really his biggest role. Though I realise I've contradicted myself here with suggesting Trixie and Katya so, whatever!
I think Todd, Curtis, Weaver and Geller all share the downside in being that they're known for well-known horror characters, and I think their inclusion would ultimately be seen as a settle for not getting their respective characters licences. So they may not want to do that.
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I'd add Cassandra Peterson, better known as Elvira, Mistress of the Dark to the top of the list.
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Ghost Rider Please...