PC died ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
Looks like I’ll be missing the anniversary event along with the new chapter release.ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
My PC died and I can’t fix it. It shut off randomly, twice, while playing Dbd. I didn’t think anything of it, assuming the game just crashed it like it sometimes likes to do, but then it dawned on me, no, the PC isn’t supposed to shut down from a crash. It was over heating.
I opened it up, took some compressed air and cleaned it out. I even changed the thermal paste and it wouldn’t come on at all anymore. I tried everything and now all I have are severe withdrawal symptoms. I miss my ClaudetteðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜.
I don’t know if I want to build a new PC or go the iMac route, which would mean no more Dbd. I’ve been wanting to reduce clutter to make it easier to clean up cat fur and the iMac is attractive in that there’s only a plug and an Ethernet cable.
Pray for me plz. Pray that the withdrawal from this game passes quick and less painful. Pray that I win the lotto so I can buy an iMac and a PS5 so I can have the best of both worlds.
I also miss watching Steve moon waking in his Scoops Ahoy shorts. ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
It's usually only one PC component that malfunctions/breaks. The fact the PC shut off completely could be due to the CPU overheating, once it reaches a certain temperature it automatically shuts off in order to not damage itself. That either means you have faulty fans or the liquid cooling isn't working. It could also mean your CPU simply cannot handle hefty tasks anymore. You don't need to build a whole new PC, try a repair shop or try to diagnose which component is causing the most damage if your PC is old.
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Can't you run diagnostics? Maybe it's your CPU or GPU overheating.
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Did you get it checked out by someone? My previous laptop had the same issue, but I didn’t realise what it was until it straight-up started melting the motherboard.
You may just be off cheaper to get a new one entirely, though. Really depends on what actually is going on.
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I’m going to have a friend look at it. I thought I could fix it myself since I built it but I did notice a very faint burnt plastic scent coming out of it. It’s a bit on the older side so if I have to replace the CPU or motherboard or even both, I’m just going to save up and build a new one if I don’t go the Mac route. It’s just ridiculous how expensive graphics cards are these days! I choked when I saw the prices. I’m better off getting a PS5 and a new TV.
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I would never recommend cheap iMacs, they are just overpriced garbage. Graphics card prices are slowly going down now though which is really nice! Even Corsair Vengeance LPX 16GB (2x8GB) DDR4 DRAM 3200MHz is at a discount right now and only costs $45 on Amazon so I think every component price is decreasing.
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Sounds like it might be the PSU. Either way, sorry to hear OP. You can always get a cheap laptop and sign up for nVidia GeForce Now to play DBD. Not the most ideal but at least you won't miss the event.
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Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that! Sending all the positive energy and good luck to you <3 I wish I had answers to help... but I have kitty pictures, if that at least helps a bit:
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kitty pictures>>>>>>>Video Games 💜 thank you! Here’s some in response!
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That is an option, but I don’t like subscriptions and I like having a full desk top set up. While the withdrawal symptoms are rough, I can use this time to try to be a little more productive with my free time. I might go to the library and get some books. I used to read a book a week and my addiction to the internet ruined it. It’s a hobby I’ve been meaning to get back into.
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Just to echo what others have said about the PSU. If you smell something burned and it's not powering on at all, like no beeps, no spinning fans, nothing, you probably have a failed PSU. If it actually overheated, it will usually give you a warning and shut itself down before a huge thermal event takes place. And you'd be able to turn it back on once temps returned to normal. Luckily a PSU is fairly easy to swap out with a known good and test.
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Yea, unfortunately it’s not the PSU. The case fans and the graphics card fans all come on when I power it on. I’m pretty sure it’s the CPU and/or the motherboard.
I’ve been wanting to upgrade for a while and get a smaller desktop so I’m not as annoyed as I could be. I just have other things that I need to pay for before I can splurge on a new computer.
It’s just, playing Dbd helped me remove myself from my daily struggles and just let me easily escape reality when I needed a break from everything. Oh well, I’ll still stalk the forums and use every excuse I can to share cat pictures.