Is survivor try to kill all the other survivors banable ?

I have a few games that my teammates totally don't do gens,and keep doing unsafe save, always bringing killer to teammates if being chased,etcetc.
And in the end game chat,i ask him why he did that,and find out that he is playing very seriously.
His plan is to be the last survivor and escape with hatch,to do that he brings the perk that can see the hatch in range and the perks to increase the chances to find a purple key so he doesn't need to afraid killer close it.
So even though we feel like he is trolling (and actually being trolled) , but trolling isn't his goal,he is playing very seriously and try to escape either.
Then is this banable for trolling other players?
Or it isn't,it just a kind of different playing style?
I think rule specified "working with the killer" is bannable, so if he purposefully helped killer just to achieve his goal, that might be bannable.
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If they specifically work with the killer, then it's a reportable offense, playing in a selfish way, however it's not something bannable.
Be sure to record your match if you believe someone is working with the killer and report them correctly by flagging the match with the in-game system and opening a ticket here.