Sloppy buther is in 95% of matches, when is the meta shake up?
High usage does not necessarily correlate to high power or needing a change. See: windows of opportunity, adrenaline and lithe.
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Also while I'm at it I don't think constant meta changes are good for dead by daylight.
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I think buffing other perks to counter or make them viable would be better than constant nerfs :)
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The only thing that annoys me about sloppy butcher is how your heal progress automatically goes down if you’re forced to stop healing, I don’t really understand why they added that to sloppy cause it was already pretty strong to begin with..
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Because bleeding was useless and healing was pretty strong.
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It was added to Hemorrhage, not sloppy by itself. And Hemorrhage before was probably the worst status effect in the game.
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I would hardly consider Sloppy Butcher a game breaker in the same vein as pre-nerf PR, CoB, Eruption, Dead Hard, CoH, etc.
It is a useful perk on M1 killers and yeah the healing loss when you stop healing sucks but there are a number of killers whose kit gets improved when a survivor is injured; see also the Dredge as the first example that springs to mind for me.l
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Bro forgot about the Deafened status effect 💀
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So did the devs
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people running out of stuff to complain about. Seeing threads about good non over powering perks like windows, dead lock, and sloppy more often.
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I'm going need you to fall in line and complain about made for this like everyone else damn it..ok??? leave sloppy alone
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Naaa, I don't think I will.
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Right, and since sloppy has a built in hemorrhage status effect on top of increased healing is the reason why this post was made, it’s literally on every m1 killer and it’s boring asf to against.
There’s nothing more to say about old hemorrhage other then you were easier to track cause you bleed more , did the 4 Freddy players that ran z block or 2 wraith players using blind warrior addons wanted it changed? Nobody really cared about hemorrhage status effect when you already had game sense as killer anyways.. Hemorrhage was an effect just like the corn moving when you walked/ran through it as survivor like what 🤪
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Counter perks with other perks is not the right way
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How could we do run out of stuff to complain about when we have forced hesitation (prime example of tunneling perk) made for this (literal haste for half the game) scavenger (oh wow more toolbox) and deja vu (free repair speed yay)
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Not in the matches I see. Also, it can be counter-productive as people just take Resilience to ensure there is faster gen progression.
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What next? Nerf every killer perk?
It's because every regression perk was nerfd into oblivion that other perks have to be used.
Survivors (not the majority) complain about killer perks they get nerfd and then complain about the other perks used instead.
Why have a killer at all? Or take away his weapon in case he hits you with it.
I hate the constant nerf comments from both sides about stuff that doesn't need changing because you had a few bad games.
You win or you lose and play again It's that simple.
It's a video game do something else with your life if it upsets you that much.
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Good. nerf every perk M1 killers rely on then whine when you only see top killers great idea
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Yep. Buff more killer perks so they are worth running. The recent Pop Goes the Weasel buff was good.
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I'd rather have adjustments to the healing perks that are screwed over by Hemmorage.
Solidarity & Resurgence flatout delete themselves when hemmorage is in.
Make them grant the healing percentage when healing yourself or getting healed.
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One solution would be to make the Haemorrhage status effect baseline for all M1 killers, so that they wouldn't have to dedicate one perk slot to Sloppy and got some more build diversity.
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Screw it just go ahead and buff all killer perks.
The kill rate will be 95% and killer mains will still be in here crying about OP survivor perks are.
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it was about a month or so ago, you know when all regression got nerfed?
wants meta shakeup --> gets shakeup --> doesnt like new meta (even though its the most balanced in forever)
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All these “shake ups” pushes players away. I’ve lost so many swf friends lol
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i personally would really like it, i play killer so maybe it feels different on the survivor side of things but it makes me happy :D
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Is that your desire? humans be strange.
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It all depends on what the pickrate is. If the pickrate is too high then it'll probably be nerfed as BHVR has shown they only really care about a high pickrate when it comes to nerfing perks. Windows will likely get a nerf too at some point.
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behaviour developing the ubisoft way of balancing lol
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I'd argue Adrenaline is extremely powerful