FAN CHAPTER: Threads of Isolation- The Housewife

NarciCism Member Posts: 23
edited June 2018 in Creations

She's a 1950s housewife. A woman who was abused by her husband and one day snapped and killed him, she disfigured herself black dahlia style, so no one would ever love and hurt her again. Now she walk the entity, killing anyone who comes near out of fear of what they may do to her.

Her ability is The Seamstress' Thread- a red thread that gives the ability to pull survivors towards you, each landed needle pulls a survivor closer to you, with a cap at 4 needles (because she only has 4 on her hand). Her addons are like thimbles and stuff.


  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,918

    The survivor should be an angry millennial sassing her about gender roles.