Am I going insane or did they change something with the Malicious emblem?

About8Genjis Member Posts: 129
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

I myself have been playing A LOT of Legion recently and I when I am "winning" games, I noticed that it is mostly the Devout emblem giving me troubles (mostly due to survivor giving up early or dc'ing when they see a Legion).

But since the new 7.0.1 patch I have noticed that I am now struggling with the Malicious emblem. I just had two games where I got like 50 feral frenzy hits, 12 hook states and therefore a 4k, but the Malicious emblem was gold tier and not iri?


  1. They changed it so that mending now counts as "injuries healed" since I had -25 on heals and it didn't before
  2. Feral Frenzy hits do no longer count has "injuries inflicted" and did before
  3. I am just dumb and going insane (could be, since I never really checked what the percentages were on my Legion games before the patch with the Malicious emblem)
  4. Something else

Anyone else noticing this? I hope that it just me forgetting something that happened during those games.

EDIT: Just got 2 games with iri Malicious, but in those I did not use my power often, and I got EXACTLY 100 each.


  • Nebula
    Nebula Member Posts: 1,396
    edited June 2023

    No, you're definitely right. Was playing Legion for a couple games yesterday purely for the Malicious emblem challenge and noticed I couldn't get over a gold no matter how well I played. It has to be 1 or 2 in my opinion. I wouldn't be surprised if they count mending as "injuries healed" now.