I'm tired of endless Weskers

Wesker, Wesker, Wesker, Wesker, Wesker... can you please introduce some feature as you did to maps to not play vs the same killer for I dunno 5 trials. But please this time implement it properly because I'm tired of the Coldwind Farm as well 🤮
Were you around the time when Freddy was very popular before the removal of his forever build? Wesker right now is no where near as annoying as that
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I experienced that first hand when I started playing DBD. I am not going back there. Under no circumstances.
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Same here....
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There have been quite a few times when I considered taking a break from the game during that time, at least with survivor. It was absolutely one of the most miserable survivor experiences I’ve had.
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Dead By Resident Evil (its really boring)
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I've never seen such an insanely strong yet surprisingly weak killer like Old Forever Fredboi. It was a weird time that I do not wish to experience again.
Old Fredboi: "I literally can't play the game, but should be unlucky enough to let me play the game you will experience no fun. Ever."
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Wesker is just fun to play. Devs should make more killers that are fun.
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It is not fun to encounter the same killer more than 3 times in a row, daily as well
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Depends on the person, not all of them are going to be the same skill level. Juking a Wesker is fun, granted fun is subjective so you're entitled to your opinion.
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Yeah......I've been gone a few months and boy, did I pick the wrong day to come back lolz it's been an endless stream of Sweat-Wesks and I'm just tryin to remember how to play the damn game.
It's not forever Freddy by any means, but it's reeeaaaallly annoying. I just wanna get some cakes and loot.
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I mean thats the problem when you can count in one hand the killers that are fun and also can give a good fight against decent players, I play slinger and other not good killers because Im stupid as hell but if I was good at blight..ooohh it could be amazing.
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But playing AS him is fun.
The only way to fix the Wesker situation is to make the other killers more fun. Don’t necessarily need to buff them, but make them feel more fun and smooth to play.
Or they could just do what they did to Pyramid Head and make him so clunky that no one’s wants to play him anymore…
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its not that monotonic, i had two legions in between the endless weskers, its not that bad...
(it is that bad)
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Here's a thought
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I totally agree with this. Wesker isn't even an annoying killer to verse. He is so balanced and extremely fun to verse in comparison to SM or Knight.
I love wesker
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Quite simply he fun to play and is relatively balanced.
I could say the same for survivors. Never a match without a Meg, Bill and Leon. Mostly a combination of two of the three every game.
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there are things worse than wesker. like for example a high ping wesker.
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Either I'm in a weird MMR state, or on far away regional servers, but I don't see that many Weskers?
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Drop your MMR. I took an MMR dive just so I can vs a killer other than Wesker, Nurse, Blight, and Spirit. Still heavy Wesker, but not as bad.
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4 in a row Tuesday, took a break for the rest of the day.
Wednesday… 5 consec Weskers
I apologized audibly to the Entity, kept playing and only saw 2 others a few hours later.
Seriously, there’s gotta be a more efficient way to avoid seeing this killer so often.