10 days til anniversary ends and servers have yet to be fixed.

o7o Member Posts: 335
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

The fact there's been plenty of proof showing how bad the servers have been since the event started and still no word from the devs on a fix.

  • event stuff is causing massive input delay and frame drops (debunked as not a PC problem)
  • everyone will either be on normal ping or random ping spikes to 100+ ping lagging/rubberbanding (debunked as not an internet problem)
  • can't play with a SWF without DCing from the "dedicated server not responding" error
  • getting placed in servers as far as Japan/OCE
  • lag on killer is far worse than on survivor
  • have gone against legitimate cheaters more than i've ever had since the start of the event
  • servers are alright during the day but once it gets late, they get super bad

just frustrated at this point.

Post edited by o7o on


  • MalekithHatesSnow
    MalekithHatesSnow Member Posts: 253

    Yeah ever since the event started every survivor in my killer games have 300 or so ping

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    Every time I play survivor it's typically fine but when I play killer I am constantly matched against people in mexico while being from na. Have only played killer twice since the event started.

  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    I honestly just thought it was my internet. I have 1gb internet and streaming / everything else is fine, but i randomly teleport in DBD.

  • DecoyWolff
    DecoyWolff Member Posts: 31

    Every game I have survivors have ping at almost 100+

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    NAE servers are currently experiencing a lot of ping spikes.. I have gone as far as optimizing my ethernet settings, verifying it isn't a me issue. My IP comes back with 0ms and no packet loss - a lot of the DBD streamers on NAE are experiencing the same issue currently. I'm going from 68ms to 112ms, I've also seen a teammate on 28 ping shoot to over 40ms, and I keep getting put in lobbies where everyone is averaging 80ms with spikes over 100ms. I don't know what happened to the servers when the anniversary event kicked off, but they are needing attention. This just isn't fun. I have not been enjoying this event at all

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    Situation in EU is also miserable. In game ping does not appear high, but you get rubberbanding and lag, or get disconnected, all the same. It's damn near unplayable in the evening.

    Hopefully with the PTB being released it will channel some players there and make the servers suffocate a bit less. Otherwise I don't think I'll be able to even play the rest of the event.

  • o7o
    o7o Member Posts: 335

    yeah, I was watching Ayrun a couple days ago and he was rubberbanding trying to vault a window on 30 ping. I was also just in a game where I was rubberbanding but had no packet loss indicator.. Array had to get off killer earlier because it was bad, and was getting high ping/packet loss SWFing when he's supposed to be on 40. praying I wake up to a tweet saying servers and/or event has been extended & fixed.