Is it just me, or is something different since the last patch?

Thaddux Member Posts: 20

Ok, hear me out, first of all, I am aware that the last patch had changes, but that's not what I'm talking about. The game feels different now, like there's something wrong with hitboxes, or the physics engine, or there's imperceptible lag or something.

Survivor movement is different. Attacks that used to hit, miss entirely now, and for some reason hitting survivors during fast vaults and pallet drops is easier. Some killers also feel a lot slower than they used to.

Weird glitches, like a survivor that did a 180 and vaulted a window that I was bodyblocking, are way more common now.

It's not ping related. My ping, an that of teammates is rarely over 40.

Has anyone else noticed anything like this? I see streamers I usually watch also having issues, but there doesn't seem to be any universal consensus that things have changed.

Also, before anyone says, it's not Made For This either. I barely see the perk in any of my games.