Sabo buff

RakimSockem Member Posts: 2,002

As a sabo enjoyer who NEVER takes this perk off, I appreciate any buff it gets but I think the main issue the perk has isn't the time it takes to sabo, but the fact that the perk goes on cooldown for 60 seconds even if you cancel.

I understand there has to be a cooldown so you can't just spam break hooks and you have to commit to the action and have some risk, but sometimes just pulling someone off a hook and trying to heal them will make you go through the person and sabo instead. Or sometimes you may start a sabo but realize the killer has another close hook they can get to.

So I would be okay with them undoing the buff they did and instead make it so a sabo that you cancel yourself only has a cooldown of 30 seconds instead of 60. It would still be 60 seconds if you get hit hit or use it.

Just my opinion though
