Can we have the Blight Serum enabled and appear in Blight's Blood web?

Halloween Serum is enabled for Survivors so why not just enable it for Blight only if all killers have it disabled.
Also the Blight Serum just adds another token to his power which is not a big deal tbh.
Lastly would be neat to have it appear in his blood web rarely when leveling up since he is the one who created it.
this one I mean
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Yep, this is what Blight needs. Another Buff.
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also sneak peak of the Model I am working on for Blight, Still a WIP since its existing assets and its tedious to edit the mesh and recolor but easier for me then making a new model.
Not showing the complete design since it will ruin the fun but will be a Combo of Species, Aristocrat, and Gentlemen sets. Should be done end of the month.
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Not really, just another token. Not as broken as the ring or Red addons lol.
Plus would be neat to see in his blood web as an ultra rare addon just for lore. Replace the Tag addon with this.
Idc about addon reworks since its what ever because I only use summoning stone and Soul chemical.
The Ultra chem addon I just like the Smashing part which I would like to keep and throw out the hindered status out the window. Ring they can rework since my situation its only good if your skilled in hits so just rework it into something like "Applies a Random Status Effect".
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Well, its really sad that you can't use them as the killer outside of the Halloween event. Its not THAT strong, but with the right setup it can really mess with survivors and catch them offguard. I will never forget that games I had with Bubba, where I started like 20m behind them, slid past a survivor, bumbed into a tree and then downed them with a chainsaw. I kinda understand that they want to limit this kind of replacement or gameplay altering power to events, but it kinda smells of double standard that survivors have no restrictions on their serums and can use them whenever they feel like it. Every now and then I will see a Claudette with some speedlines trailing behind her and get super confused, until I remember.
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Very true and is reason I say "Only Blight" because other killers can be bit overwhelming with this addon except the Blight.
Also since extra token means gonna be bit longer for recharge power so would make sense only have it year round for Blight.
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Blight is only killer who does not need it being the strongest killer in the game.
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Also gonna laugh when people say this is OP while most not complaining about the Iri and ring addons.
Just nerf the top used addons and have this in bloodweb.
Though leave my Soul Chemical and Summoning Stone alone Blight hating Gremlins.
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He is only OP cause everyone over uses his "OP" Addons which should just be nerfed already.
Blight takes skill to learn but does not take skill just to use his OP addons every dang match.
Probably only one who uses Soul Chemical and Summoning Stone which I say are his true best addons.
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Also Vigo's Journal is fun.
Nerf these then add Blight Serum for Blight's blood web.
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Eh more of a side grade to adrenaline vial. Adren vial would always be better than it because the serum actually increases the power cooldown if you used all the rushes for less distance. All though a adren vial and blight serum would seem to be a fun combo.
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One token is absolutely a big deal
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So is having speed blight addon for survivors which can be used all year long but no one complains about that.
Would you rather have 1 token or all the Iri addons with ring?
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because its 5% and eats the med kit lol. Lucky for me I dont have to choose between broken and less broken
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So you would rather have to face Blights running Iri and/or ring then 1 extra token Blight?
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i'd rather have neither
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