Sore Winners after Killer is Nice

MDRSan Member Posts: 298

I wish chat supported emojis - I have never wanted to use 🙄 more than in a match I just had.

Now I’m just practicing Huntress - not great at her by any means. I 2 hooked everyone pretty quickly, except for one of the Megs who was left on hook too long and was rescued just after hitting 2nd stage. Thankfully they were wearing different color tops and the names were different enough that I remembered.

After the match, the Jake started in on how I’m a trash killer and was #Owned. The same Jake that I snagged from lockers on like 3 different occasions, 2 after he was on death hook and I was just restocking hatchets. One time I just plopped him on the ground near teammates who thought I didn’t see them behind random rubble and the second I let him wiggle free. The same Jake that I walked right past several times in the match.

‘’You had multiple opportunities to kill us’

Yes Jake, I am aware of that. There’s something YOU don’t seem to be understanding though. Letting you wiggle free while I stayed relatively stationary no more than 15 feet from a hook I’m staring right at does not demonstrate a lack of skill on my part. Just want everyone to get their cake’s worth, you ingrate.

What are some of you all’s favorite stories?


  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Not really an interesting story but I played like you for two years to see how survivor would react to such a playtstyle, with all the "camping, slugging, tunneling" many people complain about on the forums.

    One match on dead dawg saloon, it went similar to yours and I brought the guy I downed during egc to the doors. Everyone "escaped".

    In after game I saw 3 average survivor and one iri grade with the most BP.

    No comments except for the iri who gave me a "Don't cry, noob".

    I gave them a "?" Since I was quite perplexed they could think that the match would have any impact on my emotional state since I never gave any indication of it, like hanging my head or other things.

    Like I said not really interesting but it was so strange that it stuck with me.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Had one match where I kept finding David by accident. I refused to hook him because I didn't want to get him out of the game that fast. One instance, he got stuck in one of the structures in the swamp, so I decided to down him, bring him outside, and leave him there to be picked up by his teammates.

    Post-match, after he got out via hatch, he did start complaining about tunnelling, but one of his teammates did point out to him that I'd been lenient.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439
    edited July 2023

    Comp team, period.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 431
    edited July 2023

    I got one:

    I played a pretty average game, low MMR, I was new to Killer at the time and the survivors, except for one were pretty new, so none of us know what we were doing. I managed to get 3K and decide to bring the last survivor to hatch, because they had done really well, just have been cucked by soloQ, they ofc went through hatch. In the post-game the player I gave hatch to, Yui (IIRC) posted "Noob killer, L=Raitio" or some crap, I actually had to google what it meant because I didn't know much "net speak" speak at the time. To this day, I still don't understand why they were so mad. :-/

  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    I'll be honest I don't even want to recall any of those experiences. I had way too much situations like that especially with survivors complaining I didn't take a hit when they weren't even first hook and I was injured 💀

  • Pluto_1
    Pluto_1 Member Posts: 337

    Close to 700 hours in and I've only been insulted 3 times in post game chat. And I tunnel the hell right out of survivors!😂

  • Z0mbiv0r
    Z0mbiv0r Member Posts: 301

    This community is full of sore winners or losers. I just can't keep track of the times people have whined about something, insulted or mocked me. The sad thing is that most likely they will behave in a similar way irl.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302
    edited July 2023

    I was going to post an atricle over the weekend about this topic. I got some bad winner messages from a survivor who got the hatch after Id killed the other 3 as Knight. The person deserved to escape id say, I played well, had fun, it was a game that swung either way and he got lucky with the hatch (usually give the 4th player the hatch anyway) was about to compliment them but they beat me to it with a GGez.

    I'm not the person who will take flack and not return it, they'll get change and a receipt. The guy just kept going on and on about me being a crap killer and get gud and all that trash, I informed him that I killed 3 of them and you got the hatch with a full gen left. Instead of playing another game, he just kept having a pop calling the Knight an S tier tunneller. I just kept mocking the fact that he at prestige 86 took 20 mins to beat a Knight on a survivor sided map. He then started moaning about me not leaving him alone when he friggin started it 🤣🤣🤣

    It does seem to be as Knight when I get all the criticism, getting plenty of it win lose or draw. He isn't well received.

    I will also add that I have some nice and sincere messages from some survivors but its generally always negative and never received anything from the killers.

    Survivors (some) sort yourselves out 👍

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,328

    Often times, if I'm trying to be nice and let ppl live... I'll still play a normal game, but instead of hooking for the 3rd hook, I'll slug em and give em a little nod. If this leads to 4 slugs... I'll let 1 wiggle out to heal the other 3 so they can finish gens. We still played, I still won but everyone gets their points.

    The ppl who use a map offering instead of a cake though are getting hooked 3 times.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,724

    mine was with a jake as well, i think they are generally extra clueless, i was nemesis and spared him because he was death hook and i didn't have many hooks on other people. got t-bagged by him at the gate :)

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    My worst experiences with this have been teams. I've had two separate occasions where I downed 3/4 survivors in the first two minutes, and I could have gone for number 4, because they were in my FOV, but I didn't. I walked away and let 4 start picking people up, because I thought we should actually get to play.

    And then, on both occasions, they were just brutally rude and aggressive afterward, and I'll never understand why.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937
    edited July 2023

    I just did a match where I unhooked, healed and did generators. Near the end the killer was really close to me hooking someone so I tried to hide. He one shot me and hooked me, then hit me on the hook for a long time over and over.

    I was smiling and chatting with a friend not paying attention to their attention seeking behavior. After the match a teammate told me to uninstall. I said okay...why? They said because all I did was crouch.

    I said what are you on about, I unhooked, did gens, healed, cleansed totems. Then they started to call me bro. I said I'm not your bro, I'm a girl, do you guys need hugs? One of them tried to add me when they saw my photo and was commenting on how beautiful I am. Really depressing behavior.

    I'm just going to leave the end screen instantly now. I think you can hide the chat, it's not worth conversing with these toxic people who use this game to fill a dark void in their life. They come off as rather miserable and I don't want to be like them.

    Imaging taking a video game that seriously...yikes...

    Luckily I was laughing pretty hard from when the killer got me, and when they kept hitting me, even in the end chat. I just can't with these people who take it so seriously they get that mad over a game. My bf kept asking me what I'm laughing so hard at, I showed him and he got a good laugh over it as well.