Easy mode curiosity

As someone that hasn't been playing this game for very long I occasionally run across one thing leaves me scratching my head. It happened this morning. Played a few matches with the same hillbilly as the killer. I checked the username to verify each time. It was obvious he knew where every survivor was every single moment of each match. He ran straight lines from survivor to survivor the moment each match started. He took everyone down with one hit each time. All 3 matches were over in matter of a couple minutes.
I don't know if this is a much more experienced killer playing with relative noobs like me or someone that has found a loadout that allows them to know the locations of survivors at all times or what. I'm not even saying they shouldn't be allowed to play that way. If they enjoy it more power to them. I am trying to understand how anyone enjoys playing that way though.
As someone that plays survivor pretty much exclusively I would get absolutely no enjoyment out of a loadout that showed me the location of every generator at every moment, allowed me to pop every generator within a matter of seconds and then open the door instantly.
In other words how is it even enjoyable to play this game (or any other for that matter) with absolutely no challenge whatsoever? And I can assure you in those matches with this particular hillbilly he was not challenged in the least. And I can't imagine a killer that knows the location of every survivor at all times and can knock them down in one hit every time really ever has much of a challenge.
He could have just been a cheater but did you check his perks? HillBillies often like to use information perks to take advantage of his amazing map presence.
"how is it even enjoyable to play this game (or any other for that matter) with absolutely no challenge whatsoever?"
Any Blight players want to answer this one?
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Hadn't really considered he might be cheating. That would even amplify my thoughts on wondering how that is any fun. I guess I have simply never understood how anyone can get any sort of enjoyment out of playing a game where they aren't challenged whether they are cheating or just way better than those they are playing against.
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Do you remember the perks Billy was running?
Did he hook someone before going straight to them?
Welcome to DBD where fun is not allowed nobody wants a challenge just easy wins. On both sides.
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Unfortunately I did not check his perks. I haven't reached a point where any win is easy for me. I'm ok with that though. It makes the wins more satisfying when they come.
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Next time around check his build, or in fact any game you get absolutely stomped get their build.
Just keeping a mental note of it will help you deal with it next time
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Information perks do not make this killer much easier but more efficient. Think about it like this. He has the ability to traverse maps quicker than most other killers and can sometimes even get a down before the chase begins (also called a snipe). This player (assuming they weren't cheating) was playing into his killer's strengths.
A common perk combination on Hillbilly that would allow for something like this to happen is Lethal Pursuer (shows all survivors' auras at the beginning of the match and extends other aura reading effects by 2 seconds) and BBQ and Chili (shows auras of survivors that are further than 40 metres away after each hook).
The real difficulty playing killer is not finding the survivors but actually progressing the game faster than the survivors do. With Hillbilly this is quite hard because he is extremely punishing for even the smallest imperfections. I use a similar build on him and for me the match is enjoyable as long as I constantly keep finding and chasing survivors and I assume that this person feels the same way. It doesn't mean the match is easy. It just means that you can focus on the interactive part of the game a bit more. That is of course, as long as you play against decently good survivors, that can actually delay you in chase.
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Makes sense. Good advice. Appreciated
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That makes sense. I assume I will reach a point eventually I could make it challenging for a killer like this. Right now I can assure you I am not a challenge. Perhaps that is all this was this morning. Maybe this killer just kept getting paired with survivors like myself that just aren't that good..... yet.
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Could have been a cheater or could have been info perks, Lethal + BBQ or/and Floods of rage could explain what's happening here, but you should probably develop the habit of checking your opponents' perks, at least when you don't understand how they're doing something. If you had checked his perks and add-ons after the first game you could have understood what the killer was doing and learned from your mistakes instead of losing two more games.
Unless a killer is much better than you (or you get really unlucky teammate wise) they really shouldn't be stomping you with the same build & strategy three times in a row, and I'm going to assume they weren't out of your league MMR wise because it would make it very unlikely to match you together three times.
Anyways, if you see them again make sure to check what they brought, and report them for suspicion of cheating if they don't have any info perks or add-ons.
Edit: also, info perks aren't an easy mode, they give you information for you to act upon, if someone is bad at chasing knowing where survivors are won't make them any better.
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No worries. DBD has a very steep learning curve. When you start as a survivor you are likely going to die a lot until you find out what works and how to play around certain structures and killer's powers. For killers getting into the game is easier because generally inexperienced survivors are more likely to make gigantic mistakes. But keep on playing and you'll learn what works and what doesn't.
Also, I recommend playing both sides. Your opponents will show you some tricks that you can then implement into your own play style.
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Will do. I really didn't think about checking the perks. I will from now on. Being able to develop a strategy against such things would be good instead of getting demolished. As for the possibility of cheating I will keep an eye out for that too. The possibility hadn't really occurred to me as I chalked the whole thing up to the killer being really good and me being really bad.
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Play both sides not just one.
Playing killer will also help understand killer perks and powers too.
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Maybe looking at it from that perspective will help me be able to enjoy playing killer occasionally. I can definitely see where it's a smart strategy.
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Yeah that's okay! It's an habit to take, mostly as survivor where you just have the reflex to leave the game instead of waiting for it to end, it's a bit annoying but it's really worth it to get better! And same, I never suspect cheating unless it's very obvious lol, I wouldn't have thought of it in this situation either tbh
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Knock me down with a feather duster. Advice given and not a "get good" in sight.
Take the good advice and don't worry about winning. Some of the best games I have as killer often result in no kills but much more fun to play chase and hook. Going for 3k or 4k is too boring.
If a win happens or doesn't happen makes no difference to me.
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On the easy-mode question.. matchmaking isn't super reliable, especially for any single trial and out of peak time. But it does work on the long run. If I meet survivors way out of my league, in my experience often the best to do is finishing the match quickly. That improves the chance of everyone to face opponents more fitting their level of experience.
But doing so makes me feel bad, so I often hold back in order to let the others practice and get used to my tricks. I may even let those go who keep trying and display some good moves. That messes up our invisible matchmaking ratings even further. May the Entity forgive my Sins of Compassion!
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I suggested smart regulations of repair speed in order to make more balanced games. I truly think it will solve the problem
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My personal opinion would be not to feel bad. When I get matched with a killer that is just obviously way better than I am I would much prefer they just end the match quickly. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't help me in the least to let me run around getting gen practice. I'd rather both myself and the killer move on to a match that is fun for both of us as quickly as possible. I mean if I get killed quickly it's what I deserved.
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I like that idea personally
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"how is it even enjoyable to play this game (or any other for that matter) with absolutely no challenge whatsoever?"
Any Blight players want to answer this one?
This killed me. I'm dying over here 😂😂😂
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Of course by practice I didn't mean sitting on gens. Yesterday I met a Jane who took a hit whenever she touched a pallet. She fell for each respect, and dropped too late whenever I went in for a hit. The match was over at 2k / 4 gens, but I noticed she had that pallet-reset perk, so we 'replayed' each tile 6-8 times while the remaining Meg did the gens (I also "asked" her if she wants the hook or the gens - Meg picked the latter). Jane was on a different platform, so we couldn't chat, but I'm sure she appreciated the training.
A lot more common is flashlight-save practice. If someone keeps trying and failing, I often just drop the body, and signal the survivor to try again. Most run away (the killer dropping the body is rarely a good sign), but those who understand tend to be real happy about it. So am I if the downed survivor loops well, because that allows me an extra chase. :P
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Apparently I need to readjust the way I look at some things. I can honestly say if I was the survivor in that situation I would think the killer was just intentionally prolonging the match and antagonizing me. Next time that happens I will at least see if the killer is actually trying to be nice and help me learn something. I tend to be a wee bit cynical.
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Oh, there absolutely are players who do that. I wouldn't trust the killer who's friendly from the start - he's probably into some nasty endgame trickery. Though if a match starts with intense pressure, well defended gens and hooks happening left and right before it suddenly stops, it's probably someone who doesn't need kills to feel he won. Especially if everyone was hooked twice at that point. If nothing else, you could get some free bp from pallet-stuns and blinds. And if it's boring, you can always point at a hook for a quick out - we understand.
(also note that I don't play survivor, so I mainly know about these approaches from reading stories. I haven't the slightest clue how common are each of these approaches)
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While I understand the 'get good' comments aren't exactly productive I would be the first to admit I have a ways to go before I would consider myself good. Fortunately it appears there are some rational people on this forum. I have lurked without posting much until today. I have definitely noticed there are some folks who tend to dismiss every thought they disagree with as a 'get good' moment while everyone of their concerns are 100% legit.
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They enjoy winning and winning alot.
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It's good to be able to identify perks, or at least keep in mind common perks for various killers. You can then work to counter those perks. With the example of Billy and BBQ for example, you can hide your aura by either hopping in a locker or crouching on the opposite side of a gen from where the killer is hooking. Lockers block aura reading, and Gens have their own auras for killers, which can overlap survivor auras from perks.
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It may look easy to an outside observer but you need to realize, half those trees are just unusually large sticks of butter that are shaped like trees. Pretty much 50% of the random clutter on knight's map too. It's like different thematic areas in a large butter theme park. The mind boggles.
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The thing that is surprising about your post is the match up - at low MMR (starting players) Billy tends to be one of the easiest killers to go against as learning to use his chainsaw can be quite tricky. Getting matched up against the same one three times is very surprising. Though getting matched against any player 3 times is really weird (are you by chance in a portion of the world where the servers might have a smaller player base?). Even on days where I've played for hours its extremely rare for me to run into the same player twice.
Starting off as survivor is hard, and, if you play soloq, it's probably going to be hard for a very long time. In addition to learning how to play survivor (looping, maps, strategy on saves), you need to learn each of the 32 killers and look for signs of the more common perks. Killers have lots of aura reading perks (way to see survivors through walls) and it's important to figure out during the game whether the killer is using them.
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The area I live in shouldn't present an issue that I am aware of, and that is the only time I have ever noticed that happening. Although to be fair it's the only time I've ever looked. I only looked then based on how quickly this killer won the first match. It was very early morning. That's the only thing I can attribute it to otherwise. It was probably 3 matches out of 8 or 9 I played that morning.
From the responses I have been getting on this one I have been trying to get more familiar with the different killers and different perks. Might need to search here on the forums to get hints on the ones I find I struggle against.