I hate facing PC blight's
For one simple reason that stupid flicking tech. Basically if I realize the Blight is doing that I basically give up because well it's basically impossible to counter because on PC you can just up your mouse sensitivity and make so you can do massive turns that you can't on console. Plus there's no way to remove it since there are programs that people use to up the sensitivity and well the game can't do anything.
flicking "tech"? Its not a tech... its just skill.
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So it's a skill to basically have high mouse sensitivity look down and then basically swing your mouse half way across the table? Okay fine maybe they don't have high mouse sensitivity but looking down and swinging a mouse across your desktop doesn't seem much as skill and more of a tech people do to get a better hit on someone.
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I hate Blight, it does not matter if they are PC or console player. This killer should get his justice as soon as possible, there is no chance against him sadly.
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I mean I've faced console Blights and a few PC Blights that never flick and their a mix of really challenging and fun.
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if you are talking about hug tech, getting hit by thats a skill issue. Just run away.
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ultimate skill issue. Blight has plenty of counterpkay.
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Not really. Add-ons and bugs are removing his counterplays. There is no win chance against him.
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7/10 Blights are terrible and free wins, 2/10 Blights are good enough to make the game a fun challenge, and 1/10 Blights are good enough to where the game ends so fast it doesn't matter.
He needs nerfs, but he's not that miserable to play against imo and its usually quite enjoyable no matter the skill-level of the player. Helps that I actually feel like I get outplayed by decent ones unlike a certain sunglasses wearing cretin.
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"Just run away"
Against Blight😑
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Blight is the most popular killer in my games, i just had post about it. I am so done with this killer and i can't wait finally he gets his deserved nerfs.
I don't want to devs nuke him like Billy. But his busted add-ons should be nuked.
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hes talking about the use of hug tech to get hits on filler pallets. in that scenario, running away is a viable strategy.
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addons sure but not the bugs. skill issue.
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and you get hit like what, 10 seconds later?
Unless you are in a map with TONS of pallets linked together you are going down anyway.
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Nah, it's abuser issue. Abusing bugs.
We will see real skills when devs fix his bugs.
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Or you could break los and force tokens. a rushing blight can be countered without using a pallet... just run behind something. if its lumpy then he just cant hit you, and if its smooth he hug techs and we go back to square one. or better yet, avoid this altogether and just drop the pallet when he starts hug teching.
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pft ok. Guess something being a bug automatically means it needs to get removed. Not at all that unintended mechanics could lead to good gameplay... no no, something needs to happen on purpose for it to be good. im assuming you think 360s should be removed then as well? and double blinds.
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I don't want any bug in game, unless devs change their mind and make it feature. For now any Blight who uses this techs are just abusing bugs.
But i was not expect from you to agree with me. Ofcourse you are defending this bugs as well. I did not surprise at all.
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so i break LOS, he uses 1 token to get to see me again and then has 3-4 more to work a hit. and if he has crow-rat he is getting faster with each rush which leaves you with less and less chances to miss a loop.
and then he hug techs and i need to make a 50/50 decision in 0.2sec of whether the fastest killer will slide right or left or i go down.
or maybe i can drop the pallet and hope he is not using C33 to destroy it inmediately and catch me before i get to another loop.
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I'm hoping they remove basekit pallet break.
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so keep breaking los, not a hard concept.
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its a feature now. Do you not remember when they said it was a bug and wanted it gone, but then backtracked on that? If they arent removing it, and they are aware of its existence, then its a feature now.
but i wasnt really expecting you to know how to counter blight. or any killer.
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You can't know this.
They were working on meta and base-game changes. So they did not focus on spesific killers so much.
We will see if it's feature or not whenever Blight's get his own patch.
Nurse had her bugs for years and then in one patch , they fixed them. So just because they did not fix Blight bugs yet, it does not mean they made them feature.
I am actually winning against Blight more than any killers. Since i am seeing him more than anyone, i am kinda adapted.
And i am asking you to stop assuming about my skills. We did not play together or against each other. So you have no idea about my skills. If you keep do this, i will just stop argue with you. I did not want to say this but this really started to be annoying. Stop it, please.
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"I have adapted" "I win against him a lot" so theres no issue then? you just want blight nerfed for the sake of it. Hes clearly not op if you are winning so much, and theres clear counterplay then as well.
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There is issue. His some add-ons are problematic. They need to be nerfed. I don't have problem with his base-kit.
Base-kit Blight is fine and he has counters. But bugs and his problematic add-ons removes them. He should not be rewarded by them.
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the addons need to be nuked but the bugs just offer more in depth gameplay. They dont remove counters they just shift them.
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You're not going to be happy either way if they do and Blights bump logic more. You're gonna want hug teching to come back.
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9/10 times the "just leave" counterplay doesn't work. You usually get hit anyway between a combination of latency, Blights stupidly oversized hitbox and the usual double speed add ons. I don't think even nurse in her prime had anyone record a streak of over 1200 straight wins...
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your asking a lot of add-on to nerf though. If I had to order his strengths, I would say 2x speed bump logic blight -> C33 blight -> Adrenaline+Umbra salt with Lilith omen hug tech -> Alchemist ring/iri tag infectious blight. that would be order that I would classify his strength. Of course this is entirely subjective.
weakening all of that would make blight too weak. I can see reasons to nerf double speed blight and C33 blight but weakening his hug tech would go to far.
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Blighted Crow isn't 4%, its 6% then 12% then 18% then 24%. The rat is 4% per stack, and even then it reaches 16%. Also it is multiplied against the base rush speed of 9.2, so arguably it could be considered an 8/12% haste compared to the normal 4.6. Heck, you can even combine Crow/Rat with Adrenaline Vial to stack it up to 36% or 24% +10%Adren, and that stacks multiplicatively with the Adren. Should MfT also be 3%->12% based on how long they held shift, bumping up every 10s? Surely Blight's Crow at 24% is hardly noticeable, just as a 12% MfT would be. People certainly aren't complaining about Hope+MfT 10% that can only be used by reaching endgame while injured and passing up on Adrenaline. That being said if Crow/Rat could only have the base 6%/4% (or only base 3%/2% to account for it being double with Rush speed anyways) then I'd have to agree with you.
I think Adrenaline Vial+Shredded Notes also slips under the radar despite how powerful it is. It takes .66s recharge per token, so even if you burn all 6 tokens (+2 Adren, -1 Shredded) it only takes 4s after the fatigue to get them all back. That isn't even taking into account that you recover tokens while breaking pallets with your power. This is like Alch Ring, but you don't even need to be good to get value with it. Heck, you keep up the pressure while destroying pallets faster than a Frosty Eyes Bubba eager to facecamp. The only add-ons I'd say don't need massive nerfs/tuning are the Purples that aren't Alch Ring, and the fatigue recovery add-ons (since they only work when you don't swing after a rush IIRC). Blight's basekit is plenty strong enough (even with the bugs fixed) to stand against the vast majority of Survivors. There may be an argument for the extremes of comp, but I personally hold no value in a game mode that glorifies and encourages facecamping and hard-tunneling off hook in a dumb fun party game.
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I am starting to really hate Blight too, he needs a serious nerf or at the very least his problematic addons we are all too familiar with. He is too strong against the majority of casual solo queue players and it creates a very unfun situation
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I hate flicks over 90 on blight and Oni. I consider them unfair to verse but what I hate even more about it, is the fact I cannot reproduce them on console myself
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the turning rate of adrenaline vial is very severe drawback that you need to use umbra salt to use it properly. the add-on still somewhat restricts your turning rate and movement but with enough practice, you can still use blight very well with very sizable stat increases. It is one of those add-on that i do not recommend a novice blight to use. you need to very experienced with blight to use this add-on without hurting yourself.
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I empathize. It can be rough to get flicked by someone using 9000 DPI that no console player could ever replicate.
More reason for Console-only queues.
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Flicks aren't a tech. You can do this with normal mouse sensitivity (even I can do it). You just have to know how they work. It is not quite as straight forward as you may think.
If a killer is bad on console that is not a pc issue but a console issue. And unfortunately there is no easy solution for that. Removing flicks will end up killing Blight. We do not need even less viable and fun killers. The more killers you ruin the higher Wesker's pick rate goes (best case scenario). Or you don't have many people playing killer at all and get to enjoy 15 minutes survivor queues again (worst case scenario).
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I by no means am a Blight main, but I can get consistent results through the overwhelming power of that combo. Maybe it just fits my playstyle to use Blight that way, but it legit feels uncounterable. Any matches I lose are typically by such a small margin that if I used real perks instead of meme/BP (Hex:Thrill+Distressing+Beast of Prey), I'd likely win. It feels like the Killer plays itself, at least with both Vial and Notes, as even for raw map Mobility it is near unmatched by any other Killer.
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in certain situations, you can lose steering control with blight with minus turning rate. I can win with just adrenaline vial blight but this does not make add-on good. it just means my opponent is playing bad vs blight in which case I would be winning with no add-on's blight. again this is just my opinion but i think you should use umbra salt on blight if using adrenaline vial. the shred notes is adrenaline vial recovery without turning rate drawback but you lose 1 rush. loss of 1 rush can be bad in certain cases. both of them together is just overkill.
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I just disagree, Blight is getting unfair advantage by his bugs. Maybe this feel like that because of his ridicilous add-ons, maybe not. I can't tell because i almost never saw anyone playing with his base-kit only.
I will judge that after i see that. I can't know how he will be when they fix his all bugs.
Speed add-ons, C33, Alch Ring and Adrenaline are his problematic add-ons. Strong killer like him should not get this stuff. Look just Wesker and Artist. Both are A tier killers , only reason they are not S because of their add-ons. But they both are strong and balanced killers. Perfect examples for balancing killers.
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Isnt there an ongoing crussade atm for wesker nerfs by people who play survivor because they rather see him nerfed than weaker killers brought to his level?
Mind you I know by your post history you preffer the later, however maybe its confirmation bias but you have been the only person that from thr survivor side suggest that rather than gutting wesker.
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I just don't see reason to nerf Wesker. His power is fine, he is not op. People just asking nerfs for him because he is so popular?
Popularity should not be reason for any nerf.
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We have console only queues, turn off crossplay.
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"That flicking tech"
JFlicks have been patched for ages though? AFAIK the turning for Console Blight was also brought to the same level as PC at a similar time.
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Im just pointing out a large majority of prople disagree wesker is balanced, hell I bet you dome consider him OP, you saying he is balanced or saying if blight gets and addon change he will be balanced does not change the fact that people will still think they are way too strong until we have a billy situation, were now that he has become a joke of a character he is suddendly the most fun thing to verse.
I agree with you im just providing a point that even if we agree on it a large majority of survivor players would rather see Wesker getting heavily nerfed than weaker killers getting buffed as a solution to the variety problem.
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"Flicking tech" bro what? Flicks are working exactly as intended currently. It's not a tech, it's an intended feature. Try the following: if you know a Blight likes to flick tight, round a corner and do a wide U turn. I've even managed to flare ArrayGamer (top 3 Lethal Rush hits on Steam) doing this.
For all the other whiny comments on here, Blight is fine. His "techs" are more efficient but require prediction. If he hug techs and you do something he doesn't expect, he's out of position and out of a rush token. The really mean, sweaty Blights use double speed with pure bump logic.
As far as "nerfs", there is only one nerf he really needs: make the pallet break animation not recover tokens, same as fatigue, and do the same for pallet stuns. This is the only reason C33 and Vial are as oppressive as they are.
Now, for addons, remove Hindered from C33, make Alch Ring recover tokens at 200% speed for 5 seconds after a hit, and maybe drop the speedboost from Vial to 5%. There, I fixed Blight.
His "exploits" have plenty of counterplay. Adapt to the killer you're playing instead of crying that it's too hard.
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Matchmaking is a bigger problem than PC players honestly (not referring to cheaters).
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You rely way too much on the whole "skill issue" retort for basically everything you love to parrot.
Why dont you post some gameplay for us on how easy it is to counter Blight and his new "featured" hug tech since you went on how easy it is.
Enthrall us all with your acumen.
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I dunno, a common argument in favor of bug-tech is 'its removal would force Blights to participate in bump logic', and Adrenaline Vial is bump logic at its most pure. I certainly get that sharper turns would allow for saving tokens, but I can just bump 2 more times with a shorter CD even when using all tokens with Adren. If you are saying turn rate add-ons are juicier than Adren, and I think Adren is super busted, that just tells me turn-rate add-ons are even more busted. Again mileage may vary, Adren might just perfectly fit my playstyle with Blight.
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I would say blighted crow and yellow speed favor bump logic because the more you bump, the faster you move. Adrenaline vial restrict your ability to steer blight. this favors using hug tech because you cannot steer properly to bump where you want to bump. you have to slide in certain instances to correct where you want to go to get an angle to swing. normal blight does not need umbra salt because his steering at default is good without it. the upside of using the add-on is that you get more rushes, faster recovery and slightly faster base speed. the faster recovery is biggest aspect of that add-on. it is unconditional recovery as opposed to alchemist ring.
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Wanting every killer to be A tier sounds terrible. There are so many brainless killers that should never be strong.
Nerfing Wesker's generosity with his power and tunneling ability doesn't actually affect good Weskers because they don't rely on it as a crutch.
It just makes the killer not an obvious choice for noobs who want free wins and gives him a justifiable skill floor for his strength.
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Flick tech? What are you even talking about. I have 1200 dpi which is relatively low and move my mouse at most 4 inches for a max turn flick. With max sense you can do the same thing on console, just not quite as fast.