It's insane people are actually complaining about Sadako now
When people read PTB notes, most people called her trash. Ofcourse this was not true tho. Because her the biggest problem was tv cooldowns which addressed by devs. She is feeeling much better than her oldest and PTB versions.
But now people are complaining about her. From my games, mistakes are coming from survivors. For example they are ignoring tapes or they are taking it when it's too late.
If she has spesific add-ons which makes her see to which tape is taken, you still can outplay her with stealth. She is not gonna see you just you take the tape.
Taking tape is protecting you but you need to timing it well. If she catch you when you have tape, then it's on you. So just don't hold it for forever and use it on another tv after while.
She is probably B-tier killer now with all of these changes but no, she is not op or busted.
It's because her non-condemn focus build is much weaker and her condemn focus build is much stronger. She also still has the issue where her threat is largely tied to an Iri Addon. The difference in survivors being able to pick up a tape and place it in any tv vs having to run across the map to place it is huge.
Didn't really solve the issues, just changed them around.
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Tbf she wasen't good in the ptb. They cut her tv cooldown in half. That improved her a lot
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non-condemn build is still stronger because her base-kit for condemn has been improved compared to old base-kit. the people complaining about sadako have not learned how to properly counter her. I think iri add-on dependency is mostly vs top 0.1% survivors.
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Well since her new kit is annoying af to verse, its only natural for people to complain
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This is literally the reason why buffing killers to make people not have to face 7 weskers daily wont ever make people happy, people hate to face more than half of the killers and the other half is fun as long as the killer player is bad.
Bhvr just changed a very underwhelming killer and gave it a way to spread pressure while also giving survivors a way to disble her power and have a safeguard against condemned, so if people actually use tapes wisely they can hit her hard, however I am 100% sure people are still just ignoring Tvs and then complaining how fast condemned builds on them.
I like this change and tbf I know she will get nerfed in the hotfix/next chapter, but this events give me an example that "buffing weaker killers so that we have more variety" is quite the false argument as it is just saying that people want to play against the weaker killers while they are weak.
However in a more constructive critisism sadako rn is basically a hibrid of pig and pinhead, as her slowdon can be lethal and it requires you to think how you can avoid it in different ways, albeit easier to handle than pinheads box.
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You cant troll and bully Sadako, because she will mori you with all the time you wasted.
Because she is an anti-bully killer, your average survivor hates going against her. Just like Pinhead...if Pinhead was stronger.
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I'm pretty sure we can still insert tapes to TV's that are off.
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I've played against her a couple times and honestly people struggling against her is a huge skill issue.
She is literally dealt with by playing efficiently. Because tvs spawn next to gens as long as you're working on the current 3 gen you're always near two tvs not far from one another so getting rid of condemn is not difficult at all. If you're not managing your condemn well that's on you.
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I don't have a problem that she is actually quite good at splitting pressure now. People have to actually do something to counter her. My biggest problem tho is that matches can last FOOOORRRREEEVVVEEEERRRRRRR if survivors do tv:s and Onryo is hard defending the gens... Skill issue? Maybe. But I don't like this because I have actually felt more bored to play against her than Skull Merchant...