Playing a Killer that gets disabled gives you the leaver timer

So I had a bathroom emergency where I had to leave the computer today and dodged 1 other match on purpose due to toxicity in game. Got the timer up to 5 minutes from leaving those 2 in a day. Was playing a game as Cenobite who just got taken down today to do one of my dailies. Got about 2-3 minutes into the match and everything was going great. Then I got an error that closed DBD. Figured it was just a computer thing. I logged back on to see what the timer was and it was 5 minutes which is well deserved for how many games I dodged out of today (not proud of it). But then I saw Cenobite got taken down which is really why I got kicked out of the match. Is this intended?
TL;DR Was playing Cenobite and he got taken down while I was in a match which made the DBD game crash. Came back to a leaver timer. Intended?