Tired Of Being Camped & Tunneled Out Of Games. It’s No Fun

Basement Hook Campers, Killers That Eyeball To Eyeball You While On Hook, Killers That Circle The Hook. Tunneling People Out The Game One By One
Tired Of Being Camped & Tunneled Out Of Games. It’s No Fun 34 votes
Camping is just a bad tactic. If the killer camps, do gens. They get 1k every match and they'll eventually switch their methods. Tunneling is probably more of a current issue though, especially with Trickster. I think they need to switch out the unhook endurance for a unique status. Be invincible but without collision or ability to body block for a few seconds. The timer pauses if you are running away from the killer. The pause function goes away as soon as the unhooked survivor OR the killer perform a non-chasing-that-survivor action.
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Every bubba:
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I love campers cause it means I can just tell my teamates to ignore me and work on gens stress free.
plus I run reassurance haha.
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Not sure what the poll question is, but the killer's objective is to kill you.
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Those saying "nay" can provide explanation? Thought this'd be a 100% affirmative.
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in your face camping, shaking their head at you, hitting repeatedly on hook, insidious camping, camping your body on the ground because they would rather just slug 3 of you and using you as bait, and then to top it off, depipping after the match because the killer chose to camp, tunnel, or slug and let you bleed out. I dont care if I dont get any points, or 0 pips, but depipping for something that is out of my control is silly. I play both sides, and I would find it extremely boring to play like that as a killer. I would rather have the survivors whoop my ass then sit and wait for survivors to just bleed out.
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not in solo queue
teammates will waste a good amount of time circling the hook before they abandon you and it turns into a 2k+ because of the teammates who didn't get the memo to do gens
appreciate the thought but pointless if you are not prepared to trade
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I don't think anyone enjoys being camped. It's a pretty universally boring experience.
Getting tunneled is fine if the killer sucks hard and you have teammates with brains. If the matchmaking works getting tunneled sucks as an experience.
If most of your experience in match doesn't require you to be holding your controller, then it's a bad experience.
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You'd prefer hitting skill checks all game?
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I mained Bubba for years, only camped when the survivors were already there, which was and is a lot.
Otherwise, it's not a great or fun tactic. But I'm standing up for Bubbas that just play normally but with a chainsaw.
It's a self-fulfilling prophecy, all Bubbas camp so let's all swarm all Bubbas when they try to hook and then make them chase us around under the hook. Or lets all just stand there and look at him as if he's obligated to hide in a corner to prove something to you.
As Bubba, I camp only when survivors make it fun and effective. Same thing I do with all the other killers. But you'd be surprised how often survivors will give you no choice just because you're Bubba. I can only get away from the hook so fast.
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The facecamping bubbas gave us PTSD and left us no choice </3