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If Alien came to DBD, how do you think he'd play.

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 361

Possible Powers for Alien.


#2 Reverse Beartrap

#3 Teleportation (Through Vents...)

#4 Climbing

#5 Echolocation

#6 Area Control

If Alien came to DBD, how do you think he'd play. 4 votes

Stealth Based, similar to Ghostface/Pig where you're crouched on all fours.
F60_31 1 vote
Reverse Beartrap, similar to Pig, where you infect Survivors with Facehuggers, and they have a limited amount of time to live.
Toastierty 1 vote
Teleportation, similar to Sadako, but with vents instead of TV screens.
Climbing, something no Killer ever thought to do when Survivors use certain exploits to make it hard to reach. It'd certainly be unique for the Alien.
7spazzout 1 vote
Ecolocation, you know, like how a bat locates it's food.
Area Controll, similar to Trapper, where you place Ovomorphs (Pods) around the map in hopes a Survivor will trigger a Facehugger.
One of those two. (Type what you chose in the comments.)
Somewhere around THREE of them. I'd like to see how that would turn out. (Type what you chose in the comments.)
GensByDaylight 1 vote