What is everyone's opinion on The Executioner (Pyramid Head)?

CLB198 Member Posts: 315

What is good or bad about going against or playing as him?

How would you fix this?


  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Also for fixing him (sorry for the massive text walls but i love this killer). I forgot that part. I honestly don't know how. Because BHVR actually tried this fairly recently on a PTB. His shockwave would apply torment. To encourage people to land hits with it instead of getting a boner at the idea of zoning. But, this just lead to more tunneling since you can hit 2 people when they unhook.

    There's 2 things I would do and honestly would want implemented regardless if he gets back that ability or not. I'd add a little bit of invulnerability to torment after being unhooked. Not crazy long. Like 10 seconds max. He could get that little change back and see how it does. Torment is a powerful tool in the right hands. But it's not hard to force it by trapping someone at a loop.

    The second thingy was to make his shockwave hit cooldown shorter if it lands. It'd be a bit of an incentive. I don't know how much would be too much though if I'm honest. But it would help a lot actually, since hitting someone on the other side of shack gives them a ton of distance if they just run away after it.

    As for add-ons: His power is too weird to be changed in any considerable way. I think his add-ons are destined to suck forever. Which isn't a terrible thing. His power is solid. One they changed a while ago was his hemorrhage add-on to last until torment is removed. I think this would allow for more interesting add-ons and strategies. Anything that gives him more versatility is great.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited August 2023

    Survivor reaches loop, start power, does survivor vault/drop? if yes, shoot. if no, cancel power. Ez hit.

    Literally no investment or skill expression. And like many people are sure to bring up, the insane tunneling. If I want to secure a kill all I would have to do is head back to the cage since it tells me exactly where they are. Even if it's first hook securing the second one for basically no time investment is just a net positive.

    i think cliche play with pyramid head to just walk to every pallet loop. draw a trail. if they do not leave trail, they get tormented, if you do leave trail then you might get hit because slowdown is not that significant. after your tormented, the pyramid head will just look to find a place to corner you. once your in a corner part of the map, you can just spam his ability 15+ times in a row. eventually survivor makes a mistake, you down them, you put them in a cage across the map.

    Meghead see's a cage that spawns right next her. she unhooks you. as he cages, pyramid head is walking back to the cage. you get tunneled directly out of a cage and sometimes can go down immediately depending on cage location. you get hooked near a jungle gym or tile-set. the pyramid head now proxy camp the hook drawing trails around the hook. he might chase someone for a little bit but as soon as unhook happens, he goes back to the hook and tunnels you by cornering in the edge of the map.... and spams ability 15+ times until you go down.

    rince and repeat until 2 people are dead, then you just need 1 hook to get 3k for the win.

    the whole ability encourages farming survivors off hook/cages and tunneling people off cages/hooking along side proxy camping. I am not sure if i can even call this proxy camping... because it is almost like face-camping.... but face-camping 16 meters away from hooks/cages.....

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I would play him more if the ability didn’t feel clunky with thumbsticks

    Also wish they got rid of the free tunneling in his kit because it always feels dirty to capitalize on it

  • SirCracken
    SirCracken Member Posts: 1,414
    edited August 2023

    He's incredibly clunky to play and how he's designed is very unfitting for the character. I haven't played any Silent Hill games but I did some research after PH came out to get an idea of who he was.

    Apparently he's the personification of guilt of the main character of the first Silent Hill game. In which there was lots of emphasis on psychological horror and coming to terms with the consequences of your actions.

    And in DbD they gave him a highly telegraphed ranged attack and a gimmicky status effect that encourages tunnelling. I was very disappointed when I realized how different he was from his depiction in Silent Hill. I know that adjustments to the character were necessary to make him work with DbD's mechanics but I think they really missed the mark.

    Something like having tormented survivors see a distorted version of the map that looks like Silent Hill, and PH himself behaving erratically when chasing tormented survivors would have been much more interesting than what we got.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I like playing as and vs him. He is fun and his power is in good spot.

    But he needs better add ons

  • Chomperka
    Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    i really like him, killing survivors with your own hand and unique hooks is cool, but his addons is as*, he has only 2 good addons for ability lenght that everyone use. He needs total addons overhaul, otherwise i think he is pretty fine. Survivor can just pretty much ignore tormenting, mostly this will result in falling faster, but i believe it's still better then getting moried or tunneled.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094

    One of the more fun killers to play against.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,919

    He honestly feels clunky with keyboard and mouse as well.

  • nodforkiss
    nodforkiss Member Posts: 196

    annoying killer with high tunneling potential

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,394

    He has no map presence.

    • Rites of Judgement Torment Trails can be countered by Crouching outside of chase.
    • Rites of Judgement Torment Trails duration is too short.
    • (Have you noticed no one has mentioned using Rites of Judgement as a pre-placement tool outside of immediate chase?)

    His anti-loop is situational

    • While holding Rites of Judgement, its movespeed simply allows you to zone the Survivor out of safety in a loop without even needing to try Punishment of the Damned.
    • Without Aura Reading Perks, even with Killer Instinct from the Survivor running over a Torment Trail, any fancy plays through walls are guesses.
    • Outside of an animation lock the propogation speed and telegraph gives Survivors a lot of room to dodge. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but the only purpose of Punishment of the Damned is to damage Survivors.
    • Punishment of the damned only interacts with Survivors when it connects. It doesn't Break Pallets/Gens/Walls nor does it lay down Torment Trails. It is only for Damaging Survivors, and has decent counterplay outside of animation locks.

    His Cages promote Tunneling and hyper-proxy camping.

    • With an understanding of cage spawn mechanics, you can learn where the Survivor will likely be caged, and head over there.
    • When understanding cage spawn mechanics, you can juggle the Caged Survivor mutliple times.

    His Cages can work against him

    • Always spawning at the farthest spawn point could allow Survivors to quickly rescue and reset

    People say that he feels clunky to use, and he kinda does. But thematically I think that fits with the personification of guilt, when using your Power it should feel sluggish, like a great weight is upon you, but using this Power creates hindering hazards for those you're here to punish.

    But the payoff for it, is kinda lackluster at the moment. Punishment of the Damned doesn't feel very.. punchy. Almost too snappy imo.

    If I were to change him I'd experiment with the following:

    • Make him move slower while channeling Rites of Judgement.
    • Massively increase the Duration of Torment Trails created by Rites of Judgement.
    • Make Torment Trails Hinder Survivors when Walked over.
    • Cause Torment Trails crouched over by Survivors disapate shortly after.
    • Have Punishment of the Damned lay down short-lived Torment Trails (not creating restricted Trails so they're not created under a Hooked Survivor) 
    • Have Punishment of the Damned Break Dropped Pallets and Breakable Walls, as well as starting regression on Generators if it hits one (Though the gen could be an addon).
    • Cause the Cage of Atonement to have more erratic spawn patterns.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    he's fun.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,558

    too clunky for me, the limited turn rate makes him feel way too obtuse to ever use.