Do Draumaturgy's Effects Have An Even Chance of Happening?

Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,693

With Dramaturgy having 4 unique effects, you would assume that each effect has an even chance of happening. So far, this has not been my experience with the perk though. I've been using the perk for a few matches and about half of the results I've gotten were becoming exposed. I just had a match where I used Dramaturgy 4 times, so you'd think I'd get each possilbe result once. Nope, I got the speed boost twice, and I got exposed twice.

And from a handful of matches I've played with it, I've only generated an item once. Does dramaturgy have a hidden bias towards certain results, or has RNGesus forsaken me?

Best Answer

  • Xendritch
    Xendritch Member Posts: 1,842
    Answer ✓

    It's hard to say for sure but taking it face value the first time you use it each option has a 25% chance of happening then when you get the effect it's taken out of the pool leaving the pool meaning the second time you use it the remaining three options have a 33% chance of happening.

    When this happens it also leaves the pool but the result you got the first time goes back into the pool for the third time you use it. All this is to say yes everything has an equal chance of happening but you can never get the same result twice in a row.


  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,254

    I imagine it's pure chance, you'll have to code dive to find out for sure tbh