What Do You Think The Alien Chapter Be Like?

I know we’ll know what the new chapter is like tomorrow. But thought it would be really fun to think and talk about what the chapter is going to be like tomorrow. All I want for the chapter is to be overall fun and is something new like the last chapter with Nic Cage. Which was also a fun and interesting chapter. But what you all think the chapter will be like?
I'm ready for the killer to be David tbh that would be the greatest troll ever done anywhere ever.
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I don't remember a flame thrower but it's been a while for me at least since I've seen the movies. But that's interesting and kind of cool idea. I can kind of see something like that in a mori animation of some sorts.
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Yeah. There is a flamethrower in damn near every Alien movie and even in AVP if I remember correctly.
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Oh okay and I only seen one Alien Vs Predator movie . Which is also another Alien movie I haven't seen in a while also. But anyway still a cool and interesting idea.
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The game had a flame thrower and it was the only way to combat without a molotov
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Ah I see and I haven’t played the Alien game but looks interesting also.
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It’s okay no worries, lol.