Let’s all agree on one thing.

If there’s one thing that we can all agree on is that this game is meant to HAVE FUN. Are some killer perks really good? Yes. Are some survivor perks really good? Yes. Does everyone hate playing as killer and getting toxic survivors? Yes. Does everyone hate playing as survivor and getting toxic killers? Yes. I’m constantly seeing people complain on here about how one sided this game is and it’s actually starting to get annoying. Killers stop with toxic behaviors and same with survivors.
Survivors, it is not toxic for a killer to knock you at a gen, leave you and chase your partner while they are running away from the same gen.
Killers, it is not toxic for a survivor to flashlight save or sabotage hook or survivors get one gen and you think that warrants face camping.
In reality, it is all how you play and the perks you use. Sure there are bugs and other things that happen in game at the time that can be annoying. Of course it can make you log off for the day. Sometimes that’s a good thing. I think some people play this game a little too much and get mad because every game doesn’t go their way. I’ve had killers hit me through windows while I’m already running away, do I have to run to this forum to tell everyone every personal problem I have with this game? No. I move on to the next match because I enjoy playing this game for fun.
I get just as annoyed with many of the things in DBD as anyone else and I won’t sit here listing everything. But, this game is not meant to be easy for any side. None of us are guaranteed a 4K or an escape and we all know this. There are good players and bad players. Believe me, I understand it can get frustrating going against toxic survivors/killers and it’s been happening A LOT, but constantly complaining on this forum just because you didn’t win a game or two is a bit much. In the end, this game is not easy and you are not going to win every single game or get nice killers/survivors. Have fun with the game and move on because we are all just trying to have fun playing 😁
I agree. Winning is no small part of the game but playing like your life depends on it and getting to a 1000 win streak is not worth it, if you are not having fun.
Unfortunately, there are players that have fun playing in a way that is best described as toxic. That doesn't mean that we should sink to their level though.
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Totally agree. Theres nothing we can do but still play and have fun!