My biggest pet peeve

leowt Member Posts: 45

Survivors who try to kobe when I’ve traversed across the map to try to unhook them. These aren’t people who are trying to go next, these are people who want to 4% even though I’m 5m away from the hook and there is absolutely no need to attempt. I might have We’ll Make It or Deliverance or some other unhooking perk. I just don’t get it. And if you do kobe successfully, don’t expect me to heal you or try to protect you from getting tunneled. I wish you nothing but nurses and blights in your games.


  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2023

    I let them go stage 2 before I unhook when they do this, because survivors who do manage to 4% off the hook will just spam teabag in my face.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,436

    There was one streamer I was watching, can't remember which one now, who got so annoyed by it that they'd u-turn the moment the hooked person tried to kobe and just go back to their gen lol they wouldn't unhook. I'm not too bothered by it personally, but your post reminded me of it.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 457

    I don’t like this trend either. There is no reason to try and unhook yourself when someone is right there to save you.