What perks should be basekit?



  • TheWarNung
    TheWarNung Member Posts: 794

    Bro (or sis), imagine not being able to hold the gens with 4 regression perks and then being mad because you don't get free insta-downs. How is that even fair?

    That said I did just get whalloped as Pig running 3 scream perks (Infectious, Thwack, and Face The Darkness against a team running 3 Calm Spirits who played terribly but still took time out of their busy schedules to t-bag me at the exit gates. What do I know, apparently?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 8,997
    edited August 2023

    I dont.

    Aura reading is very powerful, and it's more effective than voice comms. This wouldn't just be a buff to solo, it would be a buff to SWF as well. In fact it would be a bigger buff to SWF, because it's not just info that SWF benefit from, but a willingness and higher aptitude to coordinate. In short, solo isn't bad just because you don't have info from each other, but mainly because solo survivors don't want to coordinate to begin with.

    Kindred is already shared among the team. If one person brings it and is hooked, then the other three survivors get the effect for free. Those three are effectively already getting "basekit Kindred" under that specific circumstance, so we know how much it helps. Essentially it doesn't help all that much, at least half the time the other survivors will ignore this info. Kindred mainly benefits the survivor who uses it because they're the one who plans to use it.

    The HUD action icons already provide enough info to know if you need to drop what you're doing to make a save. Any solo survivor who is willing to coordinate and has the gamesense to use this info can already do so with these icons. All that's missing is info on the killer, and with the anti-camping mechanic coming this year, I'm hoping sone indicator can be added to the HUD to show when a killer is camping, such as displaying the hooked survivors 'self unhook' progress.

    Generally, making perks basekit is a bad idea. Not only does it mean you need to add yet another effect to the perk in question to replace it, but it leads to power creep, which only widens the gap between meta and non-meta, skilled and unskilled, which exacerbates the matchmaking issues.

    The only 'perk' I would make basekit, which is thankfully already in the works, would be Shadowborn, because avoiding motion sickness is an accessibility issue.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,718

    Self-care for Survivors, Blood Echo for killers. With self-care being as bad as it is, you have to run it with Botany unless you want to be healing for an eternity. Blood Echo because there is a noticable lack of perks and add-ons that actually cause exhaustion, which is concerning.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,195

    For survivors: Kindred and Guardian , I say guardian because it discourages tunneling and gives recently unhooked survivors a chance to make distance in the event the killer immediately comes back

    For killers: Corrupt Intervention and BBQ, I said BBQ because the killer should be naturally rewarded with information if the objective is being progressed, also it encourages killers to actively try and pressure gens and to leave the hooked survivor, sure some people may just stick around the hook anyway due to not being confident enough to leave but having that information could help someone break that habit and they can run other perks that better synergize with their style

  • Bluerry
    Bluerry Member Posts: 233

    I'd say kinship should be basekit because some killers still think that standing next to the first person you hooked until another survivor comes to trade is a "tactic". (No, you are just wasting everyone's time including yourself. You are not even playing the game while doing that, you are just standing still)

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,205

    Kindred does more than you think. It also shows which gens are beeing worked on for example, that would mean pinpoint aura information. I've seen solos pairing it with Open Handed which is insane, with basekit Kindred just 1 needs to bring Open Handed. SWFs don't need to be on comms, it can also just be a 2 or 3 man. You guys really need to be careful with that, that's all i'm saying.