Does Skull Merchant need a rework?

Halloulle Member Posts: 1,393

From what I gather the consensus seems to be yes - but maybe that's bias. So I figure I make a poll.

Feel free to elaborate on why you picked the option you picked.

Does Skull Merchant need a rework? 36 votes

83% 30 votes
8% 3 votes
On the fence
8% 3 votes


    NAERUUU Member Posts: 501


    This killer have a lot of things do be rework, characters design, power, addons, mori,I mean, even the lore is bad.

    Lets talk about the characters design ...

    This random girl look like an fortnite skin looking like roblox 9yo youtuber to be honest, lack of memorable, think about the killer (see ? You only see the mask, and the ... " weapon ? ")

    The addons are all for duration stuffs, like an little voice in your head, speaking about " camping ".

    Alright, good transition, speaking about camping, speak about the power, and damn, its an mess. Its first ... week, you can see too easy about it as survivors, so useless in loop and chase. So ... how to use this power at the best ?

    Good question, you have 3 ~ 4 drones, there is 4 survivors ... 6 ~ 7 gens ... alright, you know the vibes.

    Her lore doesnt fit with the gameplay, and the mori looking like an real nightmare (on elm street)

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yes. Her gameplay is very unhealthy for the game and just terribly annoying to face.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528
    edited September 2023

    I don't think being able to hold a game hostage for an hour is balanced, but hey, thats just an opinion.

    Its very healthy for the game when players have to sit in one game for that long...

    I've even got messages from one of my SM playing 'friends' about them getting messages about them making new players quit!

  • Felgoose
    Felgoose Member Posts: 163

    I honestly don't think her gameplay is bad at all. I love the tradeoff for disabling the drones. That said, I agree with everything you say about character design and lore. Why do the drones just stay in place? Why can survivors see the zones or the fact they're being watched? Imagine how much it would ruin Ghostface or Myers if survivors were aware they were being stalked. I think it would be much more fun if drones followed survivors around, their detection not being revealed to the survivor, but it could be obvious by sound and visuals to anyone paying attention (like Victor). Skull Merchant could track targets followed by her drones. Survivors can hack the drone, so it looks like a tracked survivor to the skull merchant, but they get shot with a tracker as they approach the drone to do so.

  • rezor132
    rezor132 Member Posts: 39

    Of course she does. I guess the skull merchant is a fatal mistake, showing how the game designers are lazy or talentless. Actually i have an idea of her rework, maybe gonna post it sometime hoping the devs will catch some inspiration from it. Actually, as i said earlier, these game designers should be fired and replaced with fresh minds, that's it.