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Who are the most fun killers?

I want to know who are the most fun killers I don't care about getting a 4k that is just a bonus. If they are good killers that is just a bonus.

Any advice would be appreciated thanks.

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  • Member Posts: 2,959

    Wesker, his dashes are so fun to use and grabbing and throwing is so satisfying.

    next Oni, playing as a blood fueled demon that can smash his opponents and dash at high speeds is so much fun.

    Slinger having a gun is fun itself but shooting them and reeling them has a satisfying feel to it.

    those are the 3 i recommend

  • Member Posts: 5,949

    That is very subjective.

    For me the most fun (but also the most frustrating) killer is Hillbilly. He takes a lot of effort to get good with but it feels so rewarding when you surprise yourself with the things you can pull off.

    I also like playing Doctor. He has a more tactical approach and takes a lot of experience to play to his full potential.

    Wesker and Blight are also pretty fun and have a lot of little tricks for you to learn and use.

  • Member Posts: 5,604

    They all are fun in their own way

  • Member Posts: 291

    I like Dredge and Pinhead (Cenobite if you aren't familiar with the movies). I also like Nurse but it takes time to learn her and it is hard to get a good match as people will opt out at first hook against her.

    Dredge is fun jumping from locker to locker and just the jump scare in the dark on survivors is fun.

    Pinhead is cool because he is a little unique. His built in map pressure with the box and the chains is cool and it is super fun shooting your chain at a survivor that lingers at a pallet to t-bag lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    for me it's oni. somewhat high skill ceiling, very strong killer, not disliked by survivors including myself and most importantly he can't be looped into oblivion by survivors with mft hope and all that bs.

  • Member Posts: 605

    For me its Oni, Deathslinger, Blight and Freddy (just because I love NoES)

  • Member Posts: 944

    If you're new Legion is fun, Clown and Wraith are good too, easy/effective

  • Member Posts: 338

    Dredge is personally my main, but pyramid Head is also fun.

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited August 2023

    M1s tend to be more fun Imo. Killers like Dredge, Pig, GF, Oni, Ceno, and PH

  • Member Posts: 2,367

    deathslinger my favorite but Billy probably the most fun once u get pass the learning phase

  • Member Posts: 5,949
    edited August 2023
    Post edited by Xernoton on
  • Member Posts: 39

    Blight, I have Not played a other killer apart from him for 1 year, if the devs nerf him I uninstall.

  • Member Posts: 555

    I am a console player I have heard he is really hard to use but on keyboard and mouse he is fun and good. Would you agree with this?

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    This is too personal of a question to answer without knowing what you like. Literally every Killer can be fun for one reason or another. Like sneaking up and one-shotting people? Ghosty. Like making people not understand loop timings? Clown with both bottles. Like having a galaxy-brain plan for the Survivor to jump out of a 2nd story window to down themselves? Trapper. Like crossmap injuring and downing people? Huntress. Like winning while not trying to win once you learn to ride the bike of the Killer? Blight/Nurse/Spirit. Like asserting dominance with your purified chad energy? Billy.

    Since I saw you said you were console, I'd stray away from precision Killers, and use some basic M1's (Killers with 4.6 movespeed and no power down capabilities) until you hone in on what you like, while also cementing the basics of Killer if newer. Starter good Killers to expand after finding your calling are probably Wraith and Legion. Oni is also a good pick, but depending on your experience level, I might not recommend him immediately. Artist might be one of the best 4.6 Killers that can still use power without a problem on controller. Wesker and Blight are good, but I'm afraid controller might not allow for turning fast enough to get what needs to be done.

  • Member Posts: 1,298

    Really depends on what you like. I love movement in games so i enjoy the movement related killers like billy and blight, even tho i don't play blight anymore. An important part of enjoyment in games for me is that others are having a decent time too, which cuts out a fair number of killers for me.

  • Member Posts: 411

    For me it's Pig, Myers, Billy, and Trapper. I only really enjoy Myers if I'm running kind of a spooky build, Dead Rabbit and Monitor. He's still fun to play as in other ways but I also tend to find it boring as well. Just hit T3, down survivor, move on.

    I'm much the same with Pig but I like playing as her with several different builds. Trapper is never one I expect to do great with even though I often do. Sometimes I just like to take all his traps on certain maps and make a smiley face out of them. Or cover the entire shack floor for no reason at all.

  • Member Posts: 4,650

    Very subjective...

    I like Pig and Demo the most. I also really liked old Sadako.

    I like the more strategic type of killers. So yeah... Pig it is.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Fun is subjective unless it’s Dull Merchant (she’s objectively boring). To me, Artist, Spirit, Wraith, Wesker, Huntress, Demo, and Bubba are the most fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Before we jump on the "its subjective" band, can we ask what you consider fun?

  • Member Posts: 39

    As a PC player I agree, but just fun to play and good is underrated, Blight is the funnnest killer in dbd but is meant for tryhards, that why he isnt massively popular.

    Chill people enjoy M1 killers more because breaking palets the entire game is more chill than trying to 4k every game.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Idk. I'm still trying to find a main,but so far i find huntress,and wesker to be really fun,but huntress sucks on a lot of maps which is why she can't be my main. Recently I've been testing out new sadako,and I'm liking her.

  • Member Posts: 555

    I consider fun to be killers that I can run fun builds with or are fun like Myers and Oni I own both of those and Wesker. Also M1 killers like the pig but I don't own her but one of the comments said she can be depending on your style.

    I have had the game for a year played for 2 months when I got the game Artist was my main at the time. Came back when Skull Merchant came out then quit after two days (I'm sure you already know why). I came back mid April got the Oni enjoyed him and then got a free rift pass around the anniversary event and got Myers and deathslinger. Just two weeks ago I got Nemisis. I am still trying to fin a main maybe the pig.

    I hope all this info helps.

  • Member Posts: 2,924

    This is purely subjective and down to the individual player's tastes

    For example, I hate playing Hillbilly, Blight and Nurse, but love playing Demo, Singularity, and Knight, whereas someone else might love playing what I hate and hate playing what I love

    But if I have to make a recommendation, I'd recommend Legion, simple, decently effective, and good chase music, very fun if you're just looking to run and stab people

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Kinda thinking you like variety/flexibility the most. We would suggest pig, Ghostface, or spirit for a test run as they can be played pretty much any way (pig is "customizable" with her power, GF is basically a m1 killer able to turn off his heartbeat and possible exposed, spirit is an speedy m1, all of whom can run pretty much anything).

  • Member Posts: 555

    I have spirit and ghosty but not pig. I want pig because of her customizable power.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    "Killers that I can run fun builds with" doesn't quite help narrow things down, because the fun is still subjective. But for some more ideas, Wraith can run giga-kick add-ons while cloaked, as well as run a Terror Radius build with the add-on that keeps the TR while cloaked. Legion might be decent with Never-Sleep Pills, but doesn't have much significant playstyle differences from add-ons other than that. I honestly can't quite recommend Ghost Face, because none of his add-ons support different playstyles. Ghost Face is best served by 99'ing marks on multiple people (losing gen progress in the meantime), and then popping them when it matters most. None of his add-ons give you a different method to win. Twins is one of the stronger Killers that isn't as hurt by controller, but when you don't have Victor, you are a basic M1 Killer. That being said, there are some gimmicky Insidius or other add-on plays to make people kicking an unattended Victor exposed, then you round the corner and down them. Dredge might be decent also, but think of Dredge as a more 'fair' version of Artist (for the Survivors) that also gets a map teleport. He doesn't get a change in gameplay though from add-ons, he largely plays the same, but you can go focused on chase or hit and run from his basekit.

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