What is your timeline on fixing this game's core mechanics?

mca240 Member Posts: 456
edited August 2023 in General Discussions

Generator rushing, overpowered premades, map imbalance, tunnelling and camping. These are the core problems that make it so games turn unfun and are not won by skill but exploit. It should be your priority to fix these over anything else so this game finally becomes balanced and fair. Surely, after 7 years you must have a timeline?


  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    None? Double hook time? Thats 4 minutes till death. More than enough for 3 survivors to finish all gens. Also, I mentioned another health state off the hook. Combine that with OtR or any other Endurance perk and you get 3 health states off the hook. Solving effectively camping and tunneling.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    I think Otz proposed change is the best solution for camping. If a killer is within 24 meters of a hooked survivor his power is disabled over 10 seconds and replenishes over 10 seconds of being outside the 24 meters.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited August 2023

    Core issues are too deep in spaghetti to be changed.

    Wait a few more years for Dead by Daylight 2...

    • Built-in limitations for queueing as a group
    • Built-in information for playing solo
    • Map offerings now prevent the Entity from choosing that realm
    • Downed survivors are taken by the Entity and placed on a random hook unknown to the killer, while the killer immediately gets back to patrolling and chasing (no slugging, no camping, but also no flashlight saves, no sabotage)
    • If the killer is near the hook, the unhooked survivor is dropped into a random spot in the map (no tunnel-off-hook)
    • Hooking different survivors reduces repair speeds (spreading hooks rewarded)
    • Hooking the same survivor twice in a row resets the repair speed penalty back to 0 (tunneling punished)
    • All endurance effects are disabled after all the generators have been completed (to give the killer a chance in endgame)
    • All killer powers are disabled (and movespeed set to 115%) when there is only 1 remaining survivor (to give the last survivor a chance in endgame)

    Post edited by Nos37 on
  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I hope this is only if no other survivor is near. I see so many survivors that are in chase and run straight to the hook, or just run around the fresh hook. They shoulndt be rewarded for that.

  • Biscuits
    Biscuits Member Posts: 1,097

    That's the point of it taking awhile to lose your power, it only affects you if you have been camping for awhile.

  • Hex_Maidenless
    Hex_Maidenless Member Posts: 112

    Three of the things listed in the initial post are either completely make believe issues or things that are unsolvable by the very nature of PVP gaming.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    "Built-in limitations for queuing as a group" sounds an awful lot like "Punish people for playing with their friends."

    "All Endurance effects disabled in endgame to give the killer a chance" Sounds an awful lot like "Killers deserve free kills in endgame"

    "Downed survivors are taken by the Entity and placed on a random hook unknown to the killer, while the killer immediately gets back to patrolling and chasing (no slugging, no camping, but also no flashlight saves, no sabotage)" Have we really reached the point that hooking is a core issue?

    "Hooking different survivors reduces repair speeds" Oh goodie, built-in repair speed reduction stacked with plaything+pentimento. That'll be so fun.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Game need a real meta shake up 6.1 was not it, not just breaking perks until nobody use them but making more playstyle viable. Tunneling/gen rush meta is getting stale it leads to stomps on both side

    They can sell DLC chapters forever and do nothing gameplay wise if they want to but it's lame, hope they take some risks

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,234

    Surely, after 7 years you must have a timeline?

    If I'm the devs, this line always creates a problem. Many people say they need to radically change their game. However, they've had an extremely successful 7 years which is rare in the video game industry. If I was in their shoes, I'd be very hesitant to enact any type of substantial change, even if I as a player have a few I'd want.

    Gen rush

    As long as the game is survivor escape, the goal of survivors will be to do it as quickly as possible.

    Map imbalance

    Very different killers and a desire for variability make map imbalance an inevitability. Everyone agrees about map imbalance, but people disagree about how. This is something they address, but its not going to ever have a perfect solution.


    As long as it is an elimination game, tunneling will be the strongest tactic. I think they could make the off the hook speed boost longer, especially for early hooked survivors, but its always going to be part of the game.


    I believe the roadmap for this is fall.

    Thing is, if we're talking DbD 2, we need to throw out all our presumptions about what that game would be. Who knows if they'd even keep the hook/generator mechanic or go for a different idea.


    Given the variability in region and playstyles (SWF vs soloq), this would be a really hard thing to give preference to.

    Gen slowdown

    I didn't think the total nerf of the perks was really needed, but with the existence of SM and Knight these have to be out of the game. Also, never really prevented the other game problems.

    Hook timer

    I'd take it, but would worry it wouldn't put enough pressure on survivors to actually get an unhook.

    Different health state

    Probably too complicated a mechanic to address tunneling.

    Secondary objective

    It might be more interesting, but you're also adding more randomness/map knowledge into the game. Finding generators can already be annoying on certain maps, add in the prospect of having to search for a gas can and the game very well might come down to whether the survivors guessed right or not on where to look first.

    I'd try it, I think this could work, but I also think it creates a lot more problems than most people anticipate.

    Instant Death

    Keeping people in the game longer than they want to be is unlikely to be a workable solution. I think they should just make it easier for people who are on a hook to leave, but be replaced with a bot instead of dead.

    Last second switching

    Agreed on this, silly that its in the game.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,746

    Even with its errors - the games core mechanics is one of the best around at the moment.

    Otherwise the game would not have been lasted for 7 years...

    Some things just cannot be balanced for all player skill levels which they try to do.

    And that it isn´t an easy thing at all you can clearly see with all the not very long lasting competitors.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 385
    edited August 2023

    Only One Solution : Stop Pushing This Game Into Tournament-Like Games... This is Not A Competitive Game.

    Balanced Balanced, talking about balanced in a 1 vs 4 asymmetrical horror game, what a funny mindset

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636

    This wouldn't stop exchanges unless the whole team is there to block, which is worse because that's no gen progress anywhere.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    The game is already competitive. The game should be “fair” by default for those that play the game semi-competitive (which is the majority). Hence the change to core mechanics so everyone gets enough playing time per match with still a decent outcome for both sides depending on how well you’ve played.

    People that want to goof around still can. Making the game fairer doesn’t hinder that.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Making a game fairer will only incentivize more people to play it. The game puts off a lot of new players due to camping and tunneling. Changing this will make the fame more balanced, nothing more or less. FOS shooters also don’t allow spawn camping for exactly the same reason. A lot of killers drop out currently because of the speed at which generators fly. People are forced to run only 1 type of builds. Finding a way to slow down the match will lead to people having a better experience and adding variety in their loadouts. Not changing your game is a standstill which ultimately leads to decay. The game has already been balanced from its inception. I am asking for a fairer game, which is not that weird of a request. Nobody enjoys unfair plays. It is weird that people have design flaws such as camping to fall back on if things don’t go their way

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    It's more fair than "punish killers because people want to play with their friends"

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 385

    majority not always right.

    Take an example: when they "balance" a map, what is the next problem that pops out? Generator spawn too close. Remember, we need 7-gen spawn location. If we follow the majority opinion that "a balance map is a smaller map size," then this will be a circle of problems.

    Since when we keep talking about balancing? since dev going crazy about how dbd can become e-sport game. what they do? introduced SBMM for matchmaking, do you having fun after being matched with "balance teammate or killer"?

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    Overpowered premades - devs can't stop good players with good co-ordination from playing together. If they removed SWF I imagine half of the survivor player base would stop playing, which would be a disaster for the devs.

    Generator rushing - they just nerfed Brand New Part and Prove Thyself to slow down generator work. And as above, devs can't stop good co-ordination, multiple survivors with perks and toolboxes and add-ons might still work together to get a gen done quickly, devs can't stop this, and they can't slow it down to a point where it takes a solo survivor with none of the above 3 minutes to do a gen, otherwise nobody would ever do them, bceause solo gen work is very boring.

    Map imbalance - is pretty vague, they have just made changes to some maps to improve them.

    Camping - they are doing something about aren't they with the anti-face-camping feature.

    Tunnelling - possibly some kind of survivor bloodlust, where the game can recognise that the other three survivors have not been chased during a certain timeframe or something, and it gives the tunnelled survivor a bit of extra speed.

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    The game isnt competitive at all. all torunaments are based on several made up rules to have a competitive feeling, which isnt even fair in itself too. this game will never be competitive, and it cant ever be balanced around competitive.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Killers aren't being punished though. There are no limitations placed on killers. Placing limitations on all SWFs is punishing people for playing with their friends, which most certainly isn't fair.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Dead by Daylight, and by extension Texas Chain Saw, are party games. They're meant to be played casually. Yes, anything that's PvP is technically competitive but it's not competitive in the same way Overwatch is. It's more akin to how Mario Party is competitive.

    In your original post, you specifically mentioned "Overpowered Premades", how would you go about making them fairer in a way that doesn't punish people for playing with their friends? Think carefully about your answer, because not all SWFs are 4-man bully squads. The majority of SWFs are duos.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Oh, but it is competitive. Not tournament style but most people play to win and thus play efficiently as possible.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    I said it before somewhere else. I believe the team should detect premades and they should not be able to share perks. It would not hurt premades just goofing around because they could care less about having 3 adrenalines. It would nerf the amount of meta perks premades have to play with.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    Fixing of core mechanics can only begin after the devs decide if they want to make DBD competitive with straightforward win conditions or casual party game with more emphasis on fun and commit to that vision.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    It's actually hard to fix some of them. Not as easy as it seems.

    Camping or tunneling for example can't be "fixed" without making the killer a bit. If the player wants for focus one survivor you would have to give them literal god-mode for the killer to not down them again. Not possible. You are playing against a human.

    The only thing that can be done is to make other playstyles more effective and appealing and then punish tunneling and camping accordingly. This however would have to be a huge appeal for the killer because it would have to be a stronger effect than the slowdown from removing a player.

    A very hard problem to solve.

    Also... Bhvr is trying to tackle this problem for almost 7 years now.... Ds, bt, deliverance, reassurance, basekit bt and now the upcoming anti-facecamp.

    Only problem I see is that they only punish the playstyles without giving an incentive to play differently, which encourages these playstyles even more.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    You really have no idea how bad that idea is. You're painting all swfs as these evil meta-slave 4-man bully squads whose sole purpose is to make the killer miserable.

    The reality is most swfs are just people enjoying a game with their friend/s. Even amongst casual players, there'll be a degree of overlap in perks. Not all perks are equal.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Why not "simply":


    • Killer within 24m of a hooked survivor


    • No Survivor within 16m of a hooked survivor


    [hook progress / second] = 0

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Tournaments: regional tournaments shouldn´t be a problem at all. Some streamers have been holding them on a regular base for quite some time. Usually heavily restricted. I´d say make official ones without restrictions. See what both sides actually are capable off. Playstyles might vary depending on the region, but this shouldn´t be a problem as perks usually also get buffed/nerfed based on global stats. Otherwith SC wouldn´t be still in the top 10 most used perks.

    Gen slowdown: apples and oranges. You can´t base such a decision only because we have 1 problematic killer. SM needs a rework. But that isn´t a problem of the slowdown perks. Since she is just as annoying without slowdown.

    Hook Timer: everything proposed is meant to be used in combination. Fine tuning can happen afterwards. But the pressure is meant to come from the slowdown perks and the secondary objective.

    Different health state: people understood quite quickly the 1 second immunity after unhook. Just turn the basekit BT timer into a different health state. Maybe something without collision. So people stop abusing the mechanic to body block like they do now.

    Secondary Objective: this opens up a whole new meta of items and perks. They could introduce gas cans as items you bring from the lobby. You could find the parts or gas cans easier with the map (which currently has little usage). Devs could test this on grand scale during a prolonged event.

    Instant Death: thats what the dc button is for. You´re not having fun? No problem! Just leave, the rest can continue to play normally. The dc penalty keeps getting larger and larger? Maybe its time for a break. Everyone who isn´t enjoying the game should take a break from dbd from time to time. After a couple of months the game might be enjoyable again. Better than ruining the games for everyone else.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    I am not painting them as all being evil or bully squads. But most premades I meet play hyperefficient. If premades play “casually” they should not mind using off meta perks. The only people who are “hurt” by not being able to perk share are people who use meta perks.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Your suggestion is based off your own subjective experience then, rather than concrete evidence. When you are at high MMR, survivors play hyper efficient. The only way to win at that point is to also play hyper efficient.

    Premades do play casually, but you aren't going to find them at high mmr. Your suggestion does nothing to reduce the hyper efficiency of the premades you play against, and only harms premades at low to mid mmr. A duo, for instance, would be limited to only one instance of Off The Record, or Botany Knowledge, or Self Care.

    I would have no issues were toolboxes and flashlights limited to one instance per lobby. This wouldn't really bother survivors below high mmr, but would make it that much harder for high mmr premades to genrush.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    Okay, but that also applies to Mario Party, or Jackbox, and I don't think those are considered competitive.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456
  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456
    edited August 2023

    Only those games draw a completely different crowd. And in Mario Party you do not have tunneling/camping or an equivalent. Comparing apples and oranges

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,328

    I've seen a lot of people very confidently state this, is there anything that it's actually based on?

    If there's some proof that most players are at the soft cap, I'd love to see it. Otherwise it sounds kinda like people hear the cap seems low and assume that most players must have reached it.

  • totallynotamegmain
    totallynotamegmain Member Posts: 658

    I agree with the generator part. We need a survivor objective rework! Minke powering the games more exiting. Pls BHVR I’ve gotten carpal tunnel for holding M1 for so long

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Google it. It has been datamined. From what I remember you start out at 1100. The soft cap is at 1600. You go up 10 per win.

  • Snowball777
    Snowball777 Member Posts: 143
    edited August 2023
    • Killers gain 3% additional Gen time when each Survivor is hooked once, and with all 4 being hooked once, the additional Gen time required for completion is 15%, motivating them to spread hooks evenly and not just tunnel someone out of the game.
    • Hook progression will not continue if the Killer is within 20 meters of the hooked Survivor UNLESS another Survivor is also within 20 meters of the hook. Killers leaving a hooked Survivor are granted a brief 5% 10 second Haste to get them into their next chase faster, this deactivates if a Killer returns to the hooked Survivor. Killers now see auras of Survivors who are within 20 meters of the hooked Survivor when the Killer is also within 20 meters of the hook. This is disabled when all Generators are completed.
    • Kindred is reworked and seeing allies across the map is now base kit for Survivors when someone is hooked.
    • Shadowborn is reworked and Killers now have an FOV slider.
    • Survivors who were the last to be hooked wiggle out of the Killer's grasp 30% faster, this effect is doubled to 60% if the Survivor was last unhooked twice in a row.
    • Generators now take 10% longer by default, 4 Generator parts now randomly spawn on the map and are visible to Survivors at all times (even when Blinded), each Survivor can only pick up one part once unless another Survivor has been sacrificed, parts can be installed to reduce Generator duration by 20% permanently (one per Generator). If all 4 parts are installed, a special 5th part spawns that reduces a Generator's duration by 30%. Generator parts require a brief installation animation, no perks in the game effect Generator parts or their effects on either side. Generator parts dropped by sacrificed Survivors respawn randomly somewhere on the map.
    • Killer MMR is now determined by Survivors hooked rather than Survivors sacrificed.
    • Bi-Monthly perk buffs for 3 perks with the lowest usage rates for both Killer and Survivor.
    • Map Offerings now prevent a map from being chosen.
    • SWF are shown in the end game screen.
  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,328

    The cap itself was datamined, yes, but is there any hard proof that most players are at that cap?

    I know we got confirmation from the devs that the first soft cap had very few players at it, comparatively, so if it didn't lower that much presumably not that many more players would be there now.

    Either way, if all we know is what the cap is... that means people are looking at it, thinking "that seems low", and then deciding it's an objective fact that a majority of players must be at that cap because of it.

  • hailxsatanxeveryxday
    hailxsatanxeveryxday Member Posts: 913

    I would argue that the game is still won by skill in almost all of the playstyles that you mentioned.

    Genrushers only win by default if the killer doesn't have enough situational awareness to harass survivors off of gens. Even running quad slowdown will only get you so far with some groups of survivors, but those survivors have a much harder time if you harass them off of gens, hit and run, and then catch them when they're off guard. They can't do gens if they're healing, on the hook, running to unhook someone, or desperately trying not to be hooked themselves. (I don't think "hit and run" is a good playstyle in general at all, for the record, but it works on genrushes because you always know exactly where to find them, and they're unlikely to waste time healing.)

    The real sweats that you almost just can't do anything about (the real "overpowered premades") are few and far between. The ones who are highly coordinated with a full set of meta perks and BNPs. But those survivors really are highly skilled and had to do a lot of practicing to get to a level where they can pull off some of their more complex plays, and you can still secure at least a 2K against them if you're running a broken enough build yourself.

    As far as "skill" goes when it comes to tunneling and camping, just doing those things mindlessly without any game awareness or skill in chase will mostly just lose you games. Knowing when to do those things and how to apply them is important.

    I mostly play Myers and, as of the recent update, Sadako, and just try going on "skill" and attempting to win games by 12-hooking everyone with those killers and see where it gets you. It can take both skill and a little bit of ruthlessness to win the majority of your matches on certain killers. So I tunnel, camp, spam teleport until someone dies early, run DR+M&A, hit that T-bagging survivor with the Tombstone Piece. I still have to have some amount of skill in chase to get away with that ######### at all.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    Where exactly did you get that from? Last time BHVR gave us statistics on that, there was barely anyone in high MMR.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Great proposals. You’re not an individual working for the game and you can “fix” these problems in one evening. My point proven.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    Well, if you need 50 escapes as a survivor to get there…you need to play max. a couple of hundred hours and you’re set. That also explains why in my games I see anything from people with a couple of hundred hours to 10K under their belt.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842

    It's not quite that straightforward. Were it truly the case that the majority of players are at high mmr, the escape rate would be much higher.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,700

    You're trying to argue that DBD is a competitive game because people try to win, I'm just pointing out that that is not a valid argument because it also applies to tons of non-competitive games.