So many perk benefits

DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

There are so many perks that benefit subtle cheaters now its not even clear until the match ends. Endurance is practically a cover for just about any situation and the only way to know for sure is play to end screen.

So not only does playing against swat swf feel miserable, but suffering through cheaters that present themselves as such is the only way to verify.

Hands down the worst aspect of this is having to dismiss the bs as an actual possibility.


  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    The only problem here is the lack of feedback. When a Killer procs an endurance effect (or Mettle of Man), it should pop up a little perk tooltip, like when Hexes are discovered as Survivor. That way you can know that was a Buckle Up/Dead Hard/basekit BT/OTR/etc. That way you can look at the perks at the end of the match and report them if they don't have them among the Survivors.

    The other issue is continual content dumps without a 'game health' chapter. I want to say this is called scope creep, but I don't recall. While it is possible to know what every perk and add-on does, it is far too much for casual players to be expected to memorize. I think part of this would be giving more information in the escape screen. Here, it can list everyone's perks that you interacted with that has a guaranteed tell, although it would tell you who specifically has the perk. Arguably for Survivors it should show all allied loadouts to flatten solo vs SWF difference. If a Killer hits a Blast Mine, the escape menu updates with one of the question mark perk slots filling in with a Blast Mine. You could move the cursor over the perk mid-match to read the tooltip. That way when a newer player gets hit by a perk/add-on, they can read it on hook while waiting to be rescued, or when they think a player is cheating.