This killer is not fun to play against

Guess the killer: It's becoming more and more obvious

Always in Power

Pallete showdown impossible

bigger hitbox than huntress (can miss over a mile and still hits you)

0 skill requirement

most loops are pointless

basically fastest stealth killer

counterplay is pure luck and guess (reaction time has to be perfect)

recovers very fast from missed attack so its even pointless to dodge if there is no window

if you are very lucky and the Flamethrower works-(very rare) and throws him out of the power it takes him only 10 second until he has his power again

Xenomorph is the killer, i want to know if people like to play against him and if not why?



  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,181

    My only issue is the hit-box. Every single hit on me has looked wonky. Idk if it's latency, I sit at around 44ms most of the time and the tail still looks like it should have missed a good 75% of the time.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 409

    i agree that they should oncrease his missed attack cooldown again but his speed and everything else is fine. He is not a ranged killer.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    What I meant when I mentioned the speed is that Huntress has a harder time to catch up if she has to reload. Xenomorph stays at you, even if it misses with the tail attack, because it is so forgiving and 4,6m/s ensures that the Survivor can get less distance.

    And if we compare him to Nemesis (when we look at its power at Loops), it is also better because it does not need to infect people to remove health states.

    I think the main problem currently is the cooldown after a missed attack. The Killer should be punished for missing their attack and the punishment for Xenomorph currently is too light. And maybe, after some time, the flamethrowers, because even without any Add Ons I see Xenomorphs basically ignoring the turrets. Also I dont really understand why the turrets have to go on Cooldown (when they spark).

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    I think if they fix the ridiculously huge hit box where the air damages you and makes the tail a small bit more punishing to miss with so survivors can move to another loop. Maybe nerf the turret addons a bit or buff turrets or a mix so only the higher rarity addons deal with turrets effectivly since most of his addons are turret based. We don't want him to end up like singularity.

  • Amygdalas
    Amygdalas Member Posts: 5
    edited August 2023

    the only thing i dislike about the Xenomorph is the super small terror radius, loud ass chase music and nemesis-anti-loop mechanic. idk what else they could add in the game for a more unique killer (there's really only 3 main types) but it certainly isn't to add yet ANOTHER anti-loop killer. it's exhausting.

    edit: HITBOXES. oh my god. the hitboxes were somehow better in PTB than they are on live.

    what's the phenomenon of people tunneling when a new killer comes out? my hypothesis is that it's noobs playing their favourite characters or something. 50 year old Alien fans scramble to the game to play and tunnel people

    Post edited by Amygdalas on
  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 409

    Imo they should increase his missed attack cooldown by a few sec and also buff his crawler mode in some other way but in return also buff the turrets massiveley to make up for it.

    Turrets and avoiding turrets should have more strategy and a bigger impact depending which side plays it better.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I'd love to buff Crawler mode in some other way in exchange for a less powerful tail attack that rarely hits for console players anyway... but a few seconds? It's already 3 seconds, which is more than any other special attack in the game that range from around 2 to 2.25 seconds.

    Even if it did warrant a longer cooldown, a fair nerf would be something like 3.3 seconds, not 6 seconds! With a 6 second cooldown you'd have to delete turrets entirely. Which you may as well do as survivors are allergic to using them.

    Every game I do well in as Xeno, it's because survivors simply don't use turrets. Consoles continuously read 2 or 3 and I run into a turret maybe once or twice the entire game. Turrets absolutely destroy me because I can never ######### hit them.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,030

    Im just annoyed that dodging a tail hit gets you nothing

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,132

    It's also fickle as hell. It's almost like the hitbox is amorphous sometimes; strikes that hit but shouldn't, strikes that don't hit that should, and everything in between.

    I haven't played a ton of Xeno yet, but it would say it takes a good bit of skill. And as a surv, I've played against many Xenos that couldn't seem to hit anything that wasn't running in a straight line (and sometimes not even then), so clearly it isn't zero skill. A Huntress hatchet is much more forgiving and predictable. You also can't knock Huntress out of hatchet throwing mode for a prolonged duration like you can with Xeno and runner/crawler mode.

    Most Xenos spend a decent amount of the match with no power.

    Otoh, I was bodyblocking on an exit gate run and the tail attack passed straight through me and hit the surv I was blocking for, which was eyebrow raising, but also illustrates how weird the power is.

    But this happens almost every time a new killer comes out; some people (who probably did the PTB) are immediately good with the new killer while some survs haven't learned the counterplay, which then equates to them as the killer being "OP" or "no skill".

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    Any bugs aside, and barring any abilities like haste or hinder, 4s is the difference between PTB and Live if you just make distance. It takes 13s on live to catch back up after the missed attack. It was 17s on PTB.

    Survivor moves at 4.0m/s. Times 3 second cooldown, they move 12m.

    Live killer moves at 2.0m/s. Times 3 second cooldown, they move 6m. After the cooldown, the survivor has gained 6m. Killer now moves at 4.6m/s. It takes 10s to recover the ground they lost.

    PTB killer moves at 1.2m/s. Times 3 second cooldown, they move 3.6m. After the cooldown, the survivor has gained 8.4m. Killer now moves at 4.6m/s. It takes 14s to recover the ground they lost

  • sickdeathfiend
    sickdeathfiend Member Posts: 156

    playing killer right now is like playing on recruit mode unless against a high hour swf, then its a toss up.

  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 436

    I'm a killer main and have yet to lose as Xeno. All the changes I mentioned would be minor tweaks and keep Xeno in A-tier.

  • NotVerySuss
    NotVerySuss Member Posts: 52

    Perhaps the devs designed it so that the killer isn’t really supposed to have his power all the time when he is chasing you?

    hmm.. if only we had something that can burn the alien till it kicks him out of his power and gives him a lengthy cooldown or force him to drop the chase to recover his power… i bet that would balance things out.. oh wait..

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Old dead hard was a buggy perk that a lot of bad survivors who relied on a crutch abused to "deadhard for distance" instead of using it for its intended purpose ie dodge a hit and extend the chase that way(heck even when playing survivor I picked lithe over deadhard as it was more reliable than dead hard for times i do use a exhaustion perk)

  • Ekrizdis
    Ekrizdis Member Posts: 65

    They're drawing comparison every time a strong killer releases people complain. My top tips for you are to go into a private lobby with either a friend or a good xeno player and learn their counterplay. Trust me its there and its possible.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    The problem is that he doesn't slow down enough during the cooldown. 1.2 M/S during cooldown might have been to slow, but 2 M/S is a bit too much, even with the cooldown taking 3 seconds. 1.6 or 1.5 M/S movement speed during cooldown sounds perfect to me.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,650
  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I could get on board with a mid-way compromise on that.

    I wouldn't enjoy it as a console player who misses more Tail Attacks than I hit! But I can see how it could be fair. It would be more fair to slightly reduce the killers speed after a hit, than it would to increase the charge time or telegraphing to make it more easily dodgeable at least.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 867

    BHVR have never been experts in this area unfortunately. They should really put more work into skill shot attacks and not just on the Killer side. Keep testing it over and over until every angle is perfect on both sides. Then you have the 'each individual person's latency' problem and that's a whole other thing they still can't seem to fix.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Which is why this killer should never have been given this ability lol.

    They can't even fix the vaults but now we have a killer that shoots it's tail through solid rock to hit people.

    I get the idea they were going for but master the small stuff (vaults) and parts of the core gameplay before adding a killer with a gimmick that becomes a problem because of failings on development side.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    There is no difference between a hit or miss in terms of recovery for the tail attack. They both take 3 seconds and it's speed is dropped to 2ms then goes back to 4.6ms. There isn't really an acceleration curve between 2ms to 4.6ms so you aren't really going to make that much distance to start with.

    That is why Xenomorph is the one killer you need to get an earlier running advantage on as it's going to punish people who can't run loops optimally and force them out of their power. Honestly, the killer is fine the devs just need to remove or down tune the addons related to turret resistance so there is more game to game consistency with the counter mechanic in it's current form. Making them not stack after PTB was a good call, but leaving turret resistance alone makes things lopsided as the counter mechanic by default isn't as strong as it used to be so those addons probably don't need to exist.

    I don't see there being much of an issue with Xenomorph's current numbers and just slapping cooldowns and charge times on them will make the killer clunky and uninteresting to play. Just make it so the turret's effect is consistently effective that way everyone still needs to learn how to adjust their playstyles around Xenomorph being the way they built now.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,554

    He does take skill and accuracy to use well but I play on console so I don't know how easy he is on pc but probably still not easiest.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 203

    Content creators have shown a bug on xenomorph where all you have to do is aim upwards and drag tail down and the hit is guaranteed. Definitely a bug that needs fixing also the turrets do not help at all. He stays in power while going through at least 4 turrets that's too much...

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 867

    They'll never do that. The core game play of DBD really doesn't get much attention to it. They just pile on new things to distract the majority from that fact. :P

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270

    Oh so by that logic Nemesis's tentacle is bugged since it has the same "bug"

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    Always in Power (No its up to the survivors to kick him out of it)

    Pallete showdown impossible (defenetly skill issue)

    bigger hitbox than huntress (the Survivor hitboxes are the same the difference is, that the hatchet hitbox is bigger. The tail is smaller and gets better over something)

    0 skill requirement (No)

    most loops are pointless (skill issue)

    basically fastest stealth killer (true same speed and same speed = one is faster)

    counterplay is pure luck (No it depends on the killers addons, the turret placements from the survivors and the killers reaction time) Yes itsnt the best counterplay (I mean only the turrets), but he is new and the addons need some tweaks

    recovers very fast from missed attack so its even pointless to dodge if there is no window (the first point I would agree the buff from ptb to live was deffenetly to much, but as I say it before with the addons he is still new and need some small tweaks )

    if you are very lucky and the Flamethrower works-(very rare) and throws him out of the power it takes him only 10 second until he has his power again (thats straight up a lie) If he chase you normaly it takes quit some time. If he goes into his tunnel he, he isnt chaseing anymore and need time to get in chase again.

    Overall I would say yes the killer need changes to addons and and coldown times, but I dont think the killer itsself needs a big nerf or something he is nearly perfectly.

  • Amygdalas
    Amygdalas Member Posts: 5

    I'd rather go against a Nemesis than Xeno right now. Nemesis got it's hitboxes fixed almost instantaneously (atleast I don't get BS hits vs a Nemmy anymore) but this killer hasn't? You can't even loop without getting hit behind a wall with that FUCKEN tail. It's actually ridiculous. Idgaf about camping/tunneling/slugging/etc because I'll just GG go next but the balance right now is VERY ######### frustrating. I don't think I've hated this game more than I do right now.
