The Game is NOT toxic, people are.
To all those saying the game is toxic, it isn't. Take a look around no matter what game, forum you are on people will be toxic so why are we blaming a game? People are, look at twitter, twitch etc, people on live stream, people just wanting to have fun. People are such, not the games we play, back in my day and shurrup I am old! we didn't have this kind of crap! heck my demos came from a cd of a playstation magazine lol. No matter what, where no matter a game, a site, a youtube, a what ever, people bring the toxic, not games, not anything and sadly DBD is a game which is divided in many ways and we all will never agree on something we find we believe in.
Sadly, probably nobody gonna read what you say
But yes, it's a mistake that a lot of people make
It's the player who make the toxicity, not the game itself
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Of course they are. Thing is to remove tools to harass one side without any punishment. Of course someone triggers from t-bags, where it's just funny squats (only two characters can t-bag: Ghostface and Pig). But slugging for 4 bleed outs, using exploits like camping/tunneling, these are the tools.
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I dont think anyone has been referring to the game being toxic, always its community
And even then its VERY tame compared to other communities out there.
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Uhm no, some have said this game is toxic in posts.
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Not really devs allow it with game design it's not balanced around hooks, in fact you're rewarded for quick kills and early 3v1 and people love easy wins. Same for boring strats like facecamp bubba it's still in the game after years of complaints, it's not a player issue
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That feels like a distinction without a difference
There is no game without the player base. So if the player base is filled with a bunch of Toxic Jerks, the Game is going to be viewed as toxic.
Now whether the game is nearly as toxic as some say is debatable...
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I mean Im sure some have said so, game has thousands of players and its been out for over 7 years.
Its just whenever I see posts about the topic, they always refer to the community.
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The playerbase is the biggest reason for me as to why this game is not considered fun. Whilst BHVR have made some questionable decisions, nothing they have done ever has been as damaging as a decent slab of the playerbase. The game has done brilliantly, considering who has been playing it and the rise in thirsting for salt (which is a bizarre thing in itself!).
It has many good peeps and even some content creators who try to avoid all the drama, but if people could just simply enjoy the game and not be so stupidly childish then it could be absolutely amazing.
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"Don't hate the playa, hate the game" Nah dude, It's all you. I agree.
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the only toxic thing in the game itself is the existence of map offerings, otherwise i agree
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It's not like players were randomly assigned lots on what video games they play. People chose to play DbD. If a more toxic community has been attracted to DbD, its because of the game.
While I think the toxicity arg gets overblown at times, there are elements that contribute to it that can be unique to DbD:
Us vs Them
'Add ons' difficulty slider
SWF vs soloq expectations
Offerings, help everyone with bloodpoints or help yourself
The game's elimination nature
A chat filter that seems designed to make it look like people are swearing at each other
Leaving how to play the game up to the community (hard tunneling, camping, 3 genning, etc).
The ability to be vindictive: tbagging at exit gates, leaving a survivor to bleed out, bully squads
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Exploits like camping/tunneling lmao
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I didn't played old dbd and I don't mind if a killer is toxic. But the game is supporting toxic people with anonym epic accounts and anonym names, while having no replays.
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Uh boy, good to see that you unwavering bias is still full throttle on full display.
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Yup totally agree.
Players choose to be ######### and it turns into a vicious cycle. Killer main gets bullied by sweaty toxic survivor squads, so decides to take out their frustration on the next surv team they get the upper hand against. Those survs then torch click and teabag against the next killer they beat, rinse and repeat ad nauseum.
Best way is to be the change you want to see in the game. As killer I make a point of letting at least 2 survs go unless they've been particularly toxic to me or their own team. And as surv I'll never teabag or torch click at a killer. And always send ggs to ppl after a match. And don't kneejerk respond to toxicity. Usually even when ppl start off toxic messaging me i can often talk them round.
I think a lot of players are also too sensitive, just because a surv runs a good chase or a killer tunneled you doesn't mean they're toxic.
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This community has always had a bad reputation for people having big egos and just being downright ######### in general, I've had players who I've killed in dbd see me on other games and decide to exact revenge because I played nurse against them , didn't even be toxic or rude to these people and they still were so petty they remembered my name and decided to throw a completely different game trying to attack me on their own team and everything, that last part pretty much sums up this community in a nutshell, their egos are so big they have to exact revenge away from dbd just so they can feel like they didn't lose.
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If anything ppl called certain playstyles, killers or builds/perks in DBD "toxic". And they're wrong, it's always the person (and it's intensions) behind the surv or killer. Also we have a lot of projection. Just because you would feel in a certain way, doesn't mean the killer is "mad" or the tbagging surv just wants you to feel bad. The more you play, the more you might realize - the only toxic thing in DBD is the endgame chat. What happens in the game should stay in the game. Seeing a rare GG is not worth it, trust me... just hide the endgame chat.
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"It's only toxic when the killer does it."
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I mean... I guess? It really depends. PvP is typically a breeding ground for Toxicity, and an asymmetrical game gives the perfect field to resort to tribalism. Of course, ultimately it ends up being in people's hands, but you can't deny the game is at least not punishing true toxic behaviour enough.
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When people call tunneling, camping and gen rushing toxic, then yes blame the game not the players. This is trying to win the game using, for the other side, boring strategies. But if you are talking about being toxic for real then of course the game is not toxic it's the players.
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Outside of Twitter I don't think the community is even that toxic. There are certainly some bad apples with a following but for the most part it's more of an entitlement problem that plagues DBD and people using the word toxic to describe those problems.
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I dunno. I've heard a lot of people with more experience than me say that it's the most toxic community they've encountered by far, moreso than CS:GO or League of Legends or any of these others out there.
We don't have voice chat and the endgame chat is filtered to a ridiculous degree, but the stuff that goes on on Steam profile comments says it all.
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As some one whos been in the CS:GO community, DbD doesnt even come close to that cess pool and according to a few friends of mine, neither does League (theyve played DbD themselves quite a bit)
All you really have in DbD is whiny kids tell you to not play a certain way because they didnt like it. CS:GO on the other hand had cheaters that just spam slurs in VC until they got vote kicked, not to mention 3/4 mans bullying the hell out of their random(s) until the very last round to vote kick them so they got a penalty. You also had a very common term that included a slur in it.
The only game that I can think of that comes even close to CS is TF2. Watch a friend play it all the time and the cheaters/bots are rampant and do the exact same #########. Keep in mind I stopped playing CS in 2018, and from the looks of it there hasnt been anything to address the toxicity, and the community hasnt changed either.
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The game lends itself to toxic people pretty well.
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Sounds like the DBD Xbox Community prior to Crossplay
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Well, yeah. Like I said, we don't have voice chat. If not for that and the fact that the endgame chat is so filtered there's no chance for anything inappropriate to get through, you'd have a much bigger problem with slurs and the like, I'm sure.
Let's not forget why Bubba's face masks were removed.
Those types of people are around; DBD just does a much better job of disallowing them from expressing certain behaviors.
As far as what can actually be done: I've had teams of three survivors gang up on me with the killer and down me over and over again. I've had teams of teleporting Claudettes that disappear and reappear on a different gen whenever I get close to one. Those things are actually against the rules, but most examples of player toxicity are perfectly allowed.
Facecamping Bubbas who smack you on hook for three minutes and taunt you in the endgame chat. Ghostfaces who drop you in front of the hatch and slam it in front of your face. Doctors who slug everyone and go AFK in a corner.
I've had people spam my page with insults and blatant lies and random troll nonsense. I've had four-mans threaten me with physical violence, try to dox me, and attempt to send me computer viruses in Steam DMs because I tunneled.
I'm just going to guess that those people you've talked to haven't played a lot of DBD, or at least not enough to run into those sorts of people. Or maybe they just have their Steam comments turned off and don't engage with anyone outside of their little safety bubble, which might be the safer thing (and far less fun thing) to do.
Because I've talked to people who play those same games you mentioned, and they tell me that those communities don't come close to DBD.
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(I will say that things were probably worse a year or three ago when half of the community was in its "Toxic Nea" phase.)
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Even when DbD didn't have all these filters, it still wasn't nearly as bad. Also I'm not talking about ingame BM like Tbagging, hitting on hook, bleeding out some one, etc. thats just ingame BM. What I'm talking about? Death threats, insults not from how you play but directly at you, slurs being thrown around like its candy, bullying cranked up to 10 and so much more.
But what ever, if you think DbD is this absolute cess pool of a community then go right ahead. You have your own experiences and I have mine. Just know I quit CSGO for a reason
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Well, yeah, and I'm not saying that I don't do those things sometimes. The ingame BM, not the other stuff. (My DBD orientation is Lawful Evil. I'm really not that nice, and I love a good flame war, but I keep my taunts/insults within the rules, leave certain words out of it, never cheat.)
I'm not saying the entire community is like that. If you get into the DBD streaming community, I'd say that sort of environment is a lot less toxic than other game streaming communities, from what I've seen. Racism, homophobia, and virulent toxicity are extremely frowned upon in a lot of those circles.
But I think there's also a segment of the community who are extremely toxic and aggressive. The only thing you mentioned that I don't see really at all are the rampant slurs, and that's probably because (1) again, there's just no way to say a slur, and if you manage to get one past the chat filter, enjoy your ban later on, and (2) 75% of the community is gay, so certain words get used a little less.
Death threats and excessive toxicity are still pretty common, especially in Steam DMs and other places where certain people think that they can get away with it. I've never played another game where people have actually attempted to harm me because I used a strategy they didn't like.