Slugging cannot be that toxic

When i play and I down the last 2 survivors, nearly allways they try to hide and slug themself for 4 minutes instead of just staying where they are and let me hook em.

If the survivors voluntarily slug themselves to death, how bad can it be?



  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,491

    I get it if there are 2 survivors left and the killer slugs me because the other survivor is around and got found close to me. I have absolutely 0 issues with that. What sucks is when I'm downed and the other survivor is nowhere close to us but the Killer decides to slug me to find the other survivor searching the whole map. Such a waste of time.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2023

    So if the killer Slugs you for 30sec to kill the last one and get the 4k its "lame". But if you slug yourself for 4 Minutes to avoid him getting the BP (because you cannot deny him the 4k) its somehow a resonable thing?

    As killer i never try to slug suv. for 4 minutes, but often at the end and only 3 gen left i mostly know where the last 2 survivors are soa after i down 1 suv i go quick there and down the 2nd one, hook him before i come back to the first surv. to hook him.

    So i try to make it as fast as possible. But often in that time the first suv. tried to crouch away and slug himself for 4minutes.

    And before we misunderstand, i really dont mind that mutch if you slug yourself for 4 minutes. It just surprised me when i saw in a youtube video that "sluging" is from some people considered toxic.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,869

    Yes, basically it's pretty lame. Unless you can see the last survivor or something like a missed skillcheck gave away their location... it's pretty lame. You can argue that patrolling the gens more will hopefully find them, but ultimately your doing what others are stating and scouring the map LOOKING rather than entering a chase. The downed survivor can tell the difference when you run off in a direction away from the teammate they can see the aura of.

  • Moonras2
    Moonras2 Member Posts: 411

    You might try to not leave someone slugged for a long time but the survivor doesn't know that. I've been slugged many times until bleed out because the killer just couldn't catch the last survivor or because they were moving around lockers the entire time the killer was searching for them. I'd rather move around sight seeing than sitting in one spot for the entire duration.

    There are other reasons as well, maybe they are trying to move to a spot the other survivors can pick them up from. They may try to get to an area with less hooks around for a possible wiggle. Sometimes I will move to an area I've seen the hatch spawn before, in hopes it will spawn near me when the other survivor is hooked.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162

    If you are for example down on 2 suv 1gen.

    One survivor is trying to get you away from the gen, while the other is doing the gen. So if you down the last survivor and you just check the gen you have a very high chance to catch the last suv.

    Often you catched them together so you also know on which gen they were working on

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Its really not toxic. Its just like in all things 4mins feels like an eternity if you have to wait, so people blow it way out of proportion when they have to wait.

    During this time a lot of them sit there imagining all the malicious intent their opponent must have in slugging them and project all their anger and malcontent onto them so that by the time the 4 mins are up its been an agonizing endurance at the mercy of some horrible monster out to ruin their fun... rather than just 4 mins.

    When most cases tend to be I couldn't find the survivor to pick them up.. so they bled out.

    If people want the mechanic changed they need to stop hyper-focusing on the supposed toxicity of it all and look at the mechanic pragmatically.

    • Is less than 4 mins enough time to be repeatedly slugged throughout the game and not prematurely bleed out? Could they shorten the timer?
    • If only 1 or 2 players left, both slugged and unable to pick themselves up do we need a button to end the bleed timer and die?
    • If they had a die button how could they stop players using it to avoid moris or deny achievements or tomes?

    The bleed timer is the solution to being slugged, without it you'd just lay there till the killer felt like hooking you.

    The primary question seems to be how long is too long. Because I guarantee if they make it 3 mins, then after a while people will be crying that its too long to wait 3 mins! But if they make it 1 min then people will complain that they never had the chance to be picked up because the bleed out timer is too short!

    Personally I think 4 mins works, maybe they could try 3.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    One would think that the Entity would really view bleedouts as a waste and punish rather than reward the killer for them.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    In terms of lore, it would certainly seem that way. The entity punished the Trapper for not wanting to participate, seems there should be punishment for failing to sacrifice.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Yeah but you are asking your opponent to trade one inconvenience for another. "Just play another match for the adept rather than try for it in this match." Maybe you can excuse them if they have been hunting for a long time but you have no idea and simply want them to make that trade for your personal convenience.

    Why, because I don't want to lay here.

    You are right at that point you have already won but there is nothing wrong with going for the 4k, because it's the goal of the game after all. Calling people pathetic because they want to get the max goal, achievement or otherwise is just... well... an example of toxicity.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    Very amusing topic with some very amusing replies.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I suspect it's a case of 'you wanna waste my time, I'm gonna waste yours'

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,148

    "Going for the max goal" is fine, but there is a spectrum of the lengths one will go to in order to achieve it. The near desperation for the 4K in situations like we're discussing is not terribly becoming for the player.

    Sportsmanship is a thing, and simply because something is technically allowed does not mean it is justified. Hard tunneling or camping are in the same realm of being allowed but generally frowned upon. Skull Merchant players dragging a game out for 60 minutes to guarantee a 4K is the same on balance as a killer slugging a surv for minutes to find a hiding survivor is no better if you're looking at them both as "going for the max goal".

    But none of these strats are being practiced in a vacuum, and decorum has value. DBD isn't a game of chess, it's an unbalanced party game where player experience matters.

    I think it's pathetic behavior, yes. I think it's (or should be) beneath most people. That's not a legal judgment or condemnation, just my opinion. I'm not forcing it on people, just expressing it on a forum.

    Yeah, once you're down to tow survs and one is down, the last one standing isn't going to be found on a gen unless they're a total potato. 99% of the time, once that second to last surv is on the ground, the last surv up is going to cease objectives and play for the hatch. And if the last surv is simply trying not to be found, they almost certainly won't be.

    So what you'll end up with most likely is one surv unnecessarily bled out and a hatch game will ensue, same as if the surv had been hooked. Only difference is needlessly wasted time.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779
    edited September 2023

    If you see the killer is playing for the 4k and you're concerned about time being wasted, you can always run up to the killer as the last survivor and offer yourself up, ending the game immediately - no hatch, no slugging, no egc.

    I don't see this becoming a popular choice, though.

  • KFChris18
    KFChris18 Member Posts: 128

    Short answer: Its not toxic. People just have no patience for anything that slightly inconveniences them.

    Long Answer: Slugging is not in itself. Most people who whine about being slugged aren't being left for 4 minutes, usually around 1 and 2 at max while the killer hunts down a hiding teammate. Are there people that leave survivors slugged for that time for no reason than to mess with them? Sure. But IMO that is no different than survivors tbagging at hatch or waiting for the killer to see them leave. Literally just scroll on your phone if you find yourself in that situation. You aren't being held hostage. The killer did not load up the match to ruin your fun specifically. They just want to get that final kill, which is part of the objective.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Just play another match for adept... you mean like the survivors that have to do that because they get tunneled out? Or make the final trade on a face camping killer and lose it even though they played a great match?

    It's an achievement. It's supposed to be difficult. Slugging is just trying to take a short cut to the achievement.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited September 2023

    Don't think you can really call it "toxic" for a survivor to try and crawl away while slugged to try and get hatch...

    I'd actually commend them for trying...

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    Even if the killer picks me up and hooks me, I'm staying in the game for the full two minutes while the other person hides in a locker or w/e.

    Don't want to promote hiding for hatch or self-killing on hook.

    After all, these things are toxic and should not reward anyone.

    Of course, they can always just run up to the killer while I am on the hook or even unhook me, which also amounts to them doing the same against any decent player - No idea why they'd waste that entire 2 minutes with such shameful behavior most times.

    Truly deplorable behavior that wastes everyone's time.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    Seems like a lot of people just aren't mentally equipped to play matches to completion.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited September 2023

    I mean that's how you feel and I can respect that but if someone is doing an archive that requires a 4k or is doing an adept and there's 2 survivors left, it just makes sense to down one and search for the other. Hatch, while an important game mechanic, is something that you need to play around if you wanna get your 4k. If there weren't these things ingame that the devs chose to require 4ks, then I'd be more sympathetic to your point.

    And for some players depending on their MMR, 4ks can be pretty tough to come by. As you mentioned, they could be trying for an adept on a killer they're not good at, or matchmaking is simply making their life miserable and they get game after game against really good teams.

    And again I get why you don't ever slug for the 4k yourself and I completely agree that's it's not very fun for survivors on the receiving end, but to resent players for playing in a way that BHVR forces them to if they want to reliably get a 4k? That's kinda extreme.

    If a killer wants a 4k, they don't really have a choice.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    It's not. I have been bled out a few times and I just alt tab instantly. Most of the time the killer isn't trying to bleed me out.

    Thread is wack.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    How is it awful?

    It literally is an achievement and meant to be a challenge. Taking a short cut by slugging is kinda lame and as I said, I'm super glad the devs took away the ability to get the achievement via bleed out. Seems the devs also agree that it isn't appropriate.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    So toxic slugging does happen but it doesn't matter cos survivors teabag?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    The devs must also agree that slugging for the 4k is the best way to get these as it bypasses the hatch/auto loss of the adept.

    They must super agree as you can slug someone, look for the last survivor, fail, hook the 3rd within seconds of bleedout, and still have an advantage in the hatch game.

    They must omega approve as you can just stand on the hatch until server kills the game.

    I'm sure you can see the flaw in making such claims.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291


    Seems like some people aren't "mentally equipped" to handle someone out-playing them and getting out via the hatch.

    So, the survivor should just lay in place and do nothing so you can maximize your points or grade gain... so you play out to completion but you expect them to sit in once place for 4 minutes and go AFK so you can do your thing.

    If you want the game played out then play it out. That means complete the killer objective...hook and sacrifice. Not bleed out.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    Feel free to tag a developer/mod and ask them if a 4 man bleed out counts as a win for the killer and a loss for the survivors.

    This topic may also help:

    Just because you wish it wasn't so doesn't mean it isn't true.

  • Hanuka5
    Hanuka5 Member Posts: 162
    edited September 2023

    Thats what i was confused about too, some survivors are saying its toxic but than they slug themself for 4 minutes. I agree with you that its not toxic (as long we are not talking about slugging 4 survivors until the end of the game instead of hooking em)

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited September 2023

    If you've played Killer alot and got plenty of adepts... how are you arguing against slugging?

    You've honestly never been screwed by hatch out of your adept 5 games in row? I don't even have many hours and I've been forced to play repeatedly at a handicap multiple times for trophies and tomes.

    I don't slug either generally as rule unless there is something specific I'm going for. In fact, in normal games it's not uncommon for me to get 10 hooks, down the last survivors and then let them wiggle off and go free...

    However when it comes to adepts or having to get a 4k while using unnerving presense or w/e, you bet your ass I'm slugging 😅

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,949
    edited September 2023

    I actually completely misread you OP, my bad dude... I thought you were saying survivors crawling away to hide is toxic xD

    Personally I have no real annoyance with slugging inherently. There have been occasions I've found it annoying, but I get more annoyed when my remaining team mate can see me slugged, and when they get caught they lead the killer back to me, with no intention to pick up... guaranteeing the 4k...

    It's like leave me alone brother... I'm trying give 1 of us a chance of getting hatch!

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352

    After reading the comments here, I have came to the conclusion that you should always slug the 3º survivor the 4 minutes with no intention to hook him.

    After all, you are going to be the bad guy whatever you do, even when it's the survivor himself who obviously don't want to get hooked.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    oh yeah you do you king, i generally don't care i'll just hook but i definitely don't judge "slug for the 4k"ers anymore since the last survivor will still tbag a nice fair killer on hatch/at gate because they are that happy about their pity escape, AND after seeing people here that don't mind slugging if they are the reason for it (like crawling to a hook-dead zone)

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    The person’s time being wasted is the slugged survivor, not the final survivor standing. It seems counterintuitive and against normal gameplay to give oneself to the killer.