What would make you/other players play upopular Killers more?



  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    In terms of these five I rlly like to play Twins. Hag sometimes and the others. Trickstar I just suck at and dont like him rlly mutch wouldnt play him by anymeans. SM just need a rework, because she is borring to play AND to vs. Freddy i dont know he has great perk combos, but thats it. If I play an M1 Killer I would most likely pick the pig just because I love the hitanimation. (Trickstar also have a great hitanimation, but if you hit normaly you do something wrong)

    And for others play Twins more would need a reduction for colldowns. 8 seconds from a down to normaly walk as Charlet no wonders everyone sluggs with her.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662
    edited September 2023
    • Trickster

    I kind of like him but MFT really makes him feel terrible.

    • SM

    Already play with her somewhat regularly, just not in the lame 3 gen way. I like the fact that she can stack haste a lot, it really makes going against MFT more bearable.

    • Nightmare

    Just bring old freddy back PLEASE, current freddy sucks so much ass.

    • Hag

    Nothing can make me play hag. I really don't despise any other thing in the game as much as her. She has the most unbelivably boring gameplay in existance, and I say that knowing full well Skull Merchant exists.

    • Twins

    I play them seldomly, they just aren't good for anything else that isn't camping and Victor is just too clunky. I hope the rework adresses those issues.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954

    Trickster: give him outfits I like and I'd honestly play him more. I'd prefer a subtle but classy looking killer instead of super extravagant. Also buff Main Event! It's terrible as it stands now.

    Hag: controversial idea, but make her 4.6 m/s and I'd probably play her more. I feel that Hag has been powercrept by other killers,and I prefer to play Dredge for satisfying my desire to teleport.

    Freddy: complete addon pass. Right now they're too useless. He could also have dream pallets and snares at the same time, and not be too OP I think.

    Skull Merchant: N/A, I don't currently own this character.

    Twins: give Victor a more punishing effect directly after he's removed. If you jump a healthy survivor then it does barely anything by the time you get back to Charloette. Slightly decrease the window where survivors can kick victor after a pounce.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    Trickster: Maybe if he was a completely different killer. I just don't enjoy his play style.

    Caitlyn 3Genner: Nothing. I hate this killer with a passion. The only way to win me over would be by completely reworking every single aspect about her. And I mean EVERYTHING.

    Freddy: 2 options. They either commit for the meme and give us a Sharp Hand Joe cosmetic with the lullaby: "Where did you come from, where did you go, where did you come from Sharp Hand Joe" or they go back to his old kit and make some adjustments.

    Hag: That's a rough one honestly. I enjoyed her a lot more before survivors could remove her traps by default.

    Twins: Give them an addon pass, get rid of the 7 seconds cooldown on Victor after a successful down, make survivors actually want to get rid of Victor and most important give Victor one of Feng's bunny sweaters.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    I love playing Hag and Twins. I contrast to most people's opinion, I find then very unique and fun to play. Unfun to play against though. Tricksters gameplay is a bit boring to me. Reloading and shredding survivors to the ground while losing gens across map isn't my type of gameplay. I also enjoy a round of Freddy of I want to torture myself from time to time. He's one of the purest m1 killers you can play right now. Skull merchant is just a no. Sorry.

    Freddy should probably be reverted to his pre rework state with fun additions and changes. Skull merchant needs a full rework. Twins just need better cosmetics, a punishment for holding Victor hostage and the possibility to instantly change to Charlotte after the down OR endure the 7 second cooldown and not change to Charlotte. Hag is fine in my opinion, her playstyle just isn't for everyone. Trickster is would say the same as hag.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Trickster: I already play him occasionally. Any sort of buffs would make an already oppressive Killer even more unbearable to go against.

    SM: Just delete this Killer. Seriously, don't rework her, the entire character is tainted to the core. Remove from the game and move on.

    Freddy: Revert the snare nerfs.

    Had: The only way I will ever play this Killer is if people pay me large sums of money.

    Twins: Same as Trickster.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Wait a moment... the Pick rate for Skull Merchant is so low? From the amount of threads about SM, i thought she would be around 10-15% pick rate... As almost everyone was facing her. (i haven´t faced her in months)

    Anyway Freddy: revert the rework to how he was originally designed and give him some QoL changes like the ability to interact with survivors that are performing an action. No need for this whole fake pallet and blood puddle stuff.

  • James4125
    James4125 Member Posts: 266

    Trickster: make him less obnoxious to play. Recoil on knives is stupid and there's no reason for him to be as slow as Huntress until he pulls up a knife.

    Skull merchant: absolutely nothing. No fix, no rework, nothing. The only killer I don't own and never will.

    Freddy: make his power more effective. Maybe give him both pallets and snares as basekit and let him swap between them like Clown does with bottles.

    Hag: make her better in chase and weaker at camping.

    Twins: in the very least the coololdown after a successful down with Victor needs to go. In addition make taking Victor hostage far more punishing. Maybe having him on you for too long (when not in chase) should cause permanent debuffs? Or maybe he there should be skill checks as soon as he pounces you that get harder and more frequent as time goes on and failing one results in you going down.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I already play hag. And a bit of sm...

    Not playing trickter on console again unless I absolutely have too.

    Only play freddy for dailies cause he's boring.

    I haven't touched twins in so long that I honestly forgot why I don't play them...

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,483

    I don't play killer that much but Hag and Twins are already among the killers I do play. Trickster I don't like as a character so won't play him. Skullie I could play but they have to fix the three gen stuff..I could play her in other ways yes but don't want survivors to get that feeling of knowing it's Skullie so I don't play her until fixed and more fun for survivors. Freddy I find boring to play idk but perhaps if they buff him and fix addons I could play him but would be rare.

  • Solsken
    Solsken Member Posts: 15

    I enjoy hag alot. It is however a completely different playstyle, but god damn shes strong if played right.

    0 chase potential tho. When im tired of stomping with artist or nurse and when im tired of challenging PH and dredge, then i play a relaxing game of hag. Where i just run around and place traps.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    Trickster: I dont like him at all. He is boring, I hate to play against him and playing as Trickster is really unfun, especially on every new map

    Skull Merchant: 3-Gen-Camping for 40min? No thank you. Playing her differently? How? Placing Drones randomly and hope for the best? Nah, boring.

    FREDDY: I am a Freddy-Main, but I havent played him much in the last weeks. He is boring, he is weak. I would LOVE to see OG Freddy with Adjustments (f.e. Incapacitated-Status-Effect while Survivors are in Dream Transition. Dream Transition is not 7sec, but 5sec Basekit.

    Hag: Painting on the floor is kinda boring, I dont like the Camera up- and down. Bodyblock-Hag is probably the best one.

    Twins: I like them, but I dont play them more than twice per week. Just dont feeling it to be played more.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141

    If chasing actually felt rewarding to the point where I don't have to resort to camping or tunneling first hook without 4 slowdown.

    ARTRA Member Posts: 946
    • Trickster


    • SM

    Total rework

    • Nightmare

    Total rework and buffs and addon pass and update model and now talks.

    • Hag

    Not my type of killer.

    • Twins

    Less bugs and give Victor a tiny hat.🤠

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603
    edited September 2023

    Trickster: already play him.

    SM: rework.

    Hag: already play her.

    Freddy: already play him. He's ok. Just kind of bland.

    Twins: make them have less downtime and feel less sluggish.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Freddy is fine. He's not great at anything but he's ok at everything. He's one I'll definitely pick up for a daily ritual.

    Trickster is just utterly unplayable on console. Full rework required.

  • Depressedlegion
    Depressedlegion Member Posts: 338

    Make trickster usable on console.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    (I'm expanding it to all Killers under the average that I have ideas for)

    Demo: Introduce an original Character, the Werewolf. Its just Demo, but people can still buy the Killer to use the mechanics if they didn't have the Stranger Things License back in the day. People with the ST license get the skins still. Previously they have said they can't add cosmetics to powers (the reason for no hats on Victor), so this might need to be a separate Killer slot (unlocked for free for ST license holders).

    Freddy: QoL buffs. You can now TP to completed gens, but it wakes up the closest Survivor when doing so (an existing addon removes this flaw as a buff to that addon). You now can toggle Snares and Pallets basekit. You have 15 charges/tokens, Snares take 3, Pallets take 2. That way you can mix and match, or have the same amount of the normal version alone.

    Billy: Basekit a lesser Lo-Pro chains. No add-on goes Healthy -> Injured -> Deep Wound -> Dying. Add-on does 2 steps, so Healthy goes to Deep Wound, and Injured goes to Dying.

    Doctor: Best I can think of is a longer CD on the basic shock, but less slowdown. This means you need to use it at the right time, but it essentially guarantees you will get the hit if you timed it right, because you didn't slow down as much as a result.

    Singularity: When aiming while moving press Space for an autoaimed teleport. This would stop the 20 Biopods being shot just barely missing the already tagged Survivor that plagues newer Singularities and make them drop the character.

    Dredge: Make breaking locks on lockers less punishing (when walking about the map). Maybe give a 5% haste for 5s to make up for the attack CD lost time. Not enough so that you could use this as a chase buff, but enough to break something mid chase and not be punished for it.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Trickster - Huntress is better and more fun. No reason to pick him when i can play better option of him.

    SM - Make her power better for loops and remove 3-gen potential.

    Freddy - Give me og Freddy and i will play him so often. He was my main.

    Hag - Never.

    Twins - Never.

  • GroßusSchmiedus
    GroßusSchmiedus Member Posts: 556
    edited September 2023

    Trickster: Ricochet Blades are now basekit, he can be nerfed in other ways if it turns out to be OP, the ricochet is the most unique and fun in his kit imo, it would also make him stand out a bit more rather than seen as the abortion of Huntress and Deathslinger

    Twins: Simply much less clunky and buggy.

    Hag: Teleportation range is now infinite, teleportation range add-ons now increase the max amount of traps, she is currently way to defensive sometimes cause you don't even get that much of a choice. You can't blame Hags for playing defensively if big maps take away your power.

    Freddy: Rework sleep state: Now default state, clocks are nerfed to be a very temporary relief (but Freddy can't put you to sleep) and make both traps and dream pallets basekit.

    SM: A complete rework.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Trickster - I do like playing as him, but MFT makes him feel awful and he just needs a whole rework/revamp on his power imo.

    Skull Merchant - I actually do play her from time to time, but she is also unbelievably boring to play. Not to mention, the only really viable way of playing her is 3 gen-ing, which is very unhealthy for the game. She needs a rework to make her power more fun and healthier for the game.

    Freddy - Another incredibly boring killer to play, even more boring than Skull Merchant. Just bring old Freddy back, please.

    Hag - She's just too frustrating to play imo. You have to waste all this time setting up traps, her teleport range makes her feel bad, her movement speed and camera height makes her miserable to play as. Not to mention her power promotes camping and sometimes that's the only viable way to play her. Her power needs some buffs or a rework.

    Twins - If they weren't so clunky and buggy to use and Victor could actually do more, I'd actually like playing as them. You kinda feel helpless when you down someone across the map as Victor, have to wait out that awful cool down, switch to Charlotte to be able to go over and pick them up, then get there just to see that they got up by Unbreakable or a teammate. It's the same when you're playing as Victor and can't break gens. Even missing an attack with Victor feels terrible because of the awful cool down. Twins need a whole rework and thank goodness that they'll be getting one soon.