Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Regarding MMR ... yesterday I got matched with a 20h killer

Hello everyone,

I don't want to make a big wave, but yesterday, when soloQ-ing, I got thrown as obvious backfill into a group of three survivors who had all already readied up.

We were thrown into RPD and encountered a Nemesis; I am not the best survivor, as I am more of a killer main with probably a 70/30 split in favor of killer, but most of the time I can at least pull my weight. Well, I got found first, managed to loop Nemi all over the map and eventually shake him off, while the gens were flying. He got a couple of hooks and even got my one time, but during the end game collapse he got a down in front of the main gate and I managed to help that survivor wriggle off by bodyblocking the entry and confusing Nemi long enough.

Well, a lot of things felt odd and in the post game chat is became apparant, that this player got only 20h total in DBD! Thats nuts! The other survivors got various amounts of 300-1000h, but I myself got 2300h. I don't know ... maybe sub 100-200h players should get a special border. Mean spirited survivor will always bully a weak killer, but at least the decent ones could adjust their playstyle a bit. I felt really sorry for that player with their 20h into the game and getting paired up with what was essentially a death squad not playing serious.


  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    I don't really remember who I managed to grind through back when I started in 2021, but yeah, it actually couldn't get any worse then this here.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited September 2023

    I mean lobby-shopping is pretty much a necessity for many killers to actually be able to have fun in the game, but yes they should fix the backfilling breaking MMR.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Oh yeah, I didn't think about that, but thats most likely it.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,958

    Its wild how the sardonic comments about killers lobby shopping always come out in these conversations, but not enough people say anything about fixing mmr when backfilling. It would fix the issue just as well.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,551

    Because this would further increase queuetimes. And if we consider that Killers who are more experienced at the game are more likely to dodge, this means that Survivors might wait a while before some Killer decides that they want a slight challenge.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,958

    They wouldnt be more likely to dodge if they only had equal matches, since backfilling wouldnt match them with lower MMR. The only reason to lobby shop would be if the survivors had something that indicated it would be a rough game, like 4 toolboxes. Even then, survivors can always last second switch like they do now anyway.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    This is what happens when you have a game with a dwindling playerbase where que times are prioritized over any other metric and the dev just basically go, fine, whatever goes.

    There are very few new players so in order to avoid waiting for more than 5 seconds, they are pitted against 1800+ MMR Blights, Nurses etc.

    Everyone is throwing backfill around like the second coming of Jesus Christ, so I'm REALLY curious what they will blame once lobby dodging gets disabled (I think Mandy confirmed this was at least on the discussion table, but I could be misremembering). Because even if backfill gets disabled, the rest of the problems don't get solved. Which is that Hockey Based Matchmaking is laughably inept at pairing people of similar skills together and that there isn't a big enough new playerbase to have fast lobbies for complete beginners.

    I honestly believe that they should play against and with bots. I understand that people play multiplayer games for the social interaction, but both they and the other survivors are getting shafted while Killers can go around saying that Pig is actually perfectly viable.

  • Deathstroke
    Deathstroke Member Posts: 3,533

    Nope the matchaking is not working to make matches balanced. I get regularly P400 swf squads on killer and P100 killers on survivor. Im not amazing killer or survivor die most my games. On killer maybe I can secure kill or two agains't them but win is out of question unless they mess up. On survivor I mostly face OP wesker and blight players on their M+K pc setup.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,946
    edited September 2023

    I'm not sure what has been going on with matchmaking but I've also had some survivors that played their first match against me. I'm not a professional DBD tournament player but that shouldn't happen. One game it was the other way around. I have 2.3k hours in the game and consider myself to be somewhat decent but I can't keep up with a 30k hours SWF that runs their strongest builds on a map of their choice. At least I got to have some fun chases against these guys and they were pretty good sports.

    I've also noticed this when I play survivor. I'm beginning to suspect that it's not caused by backfilling because if it was, why was it never this bad before? I had a Legacy 3 Dwight with 7k hours as a team mate the other day, who could loop the killer for days.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    no it's not. they need to take the losses and lower their mmr.

    lobby shopping, causes issues.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    mandy absolutely DID NOT confirm this.

    mandy just said it on a whim as an example of what could help mmr work.

    people say they want equal matches over fast queues... but that is usually a lie, people wanna get into a damn game fast.

    also... who tf says pig is fine?

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    New player experience is terrible, its why i think they should remove the level restriction on perk equip, it doesn't matter if you're killer or survivor.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,551

    I have honestly rarely seen it this way. Sometimes I get into games where the Survivors are way below my level, but I always think that I maybe did not play the Killer enough in the past time so my MMR on them dropped.

    But yeah, this can also happen, this is true. But we wont see complaints about this here.

    IMO Lobbydodging should also go into the DC-penalty. Including quitting out in the Loading Screen. As compensation they could also remove quickswitching so that Killers can prepare.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    And while they are at it, also show the other survivors in the lobby the 4 little perk symbols over their heads or something like that.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited September 2023

    Lobby dodging wouldn’t matter if matchmaking was strict. It’s just reverting to pre 6.1.0 matchmaking.

    The question is why devs can’t revert to pre 6.1.0 matchmaking?

    Is it really lobby dodging all the time, or are there occasions where a Killer of similar skill level isn’t available for matchmaking, forcing the game to grab someone from higher or lower rank?

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 502

    It's not that people don't want to test themselves it's that unless your playing nurse or blight its usually an auto-loss. It's a competitive game and killer's want to have fun too and not just camp a hook and hard tunnel the first survivor downed because of dogmeat gen speeds and broken maps.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,566

    Agreed. And sometimes I load into a lobby and see another killer sitting there with the survivors or another blatantly obvious cheater. Been a while, but it has happened in the past. There are legitimate reasons to back out of lobbies.

    It could be on an hourly or bi-hourly cooldown. Immediate re-queue on the first, 1 minute timer on the second, 3 minute on the third, and so on. Just something to make it really annoying for killers who dodge any lobby that doesn't look like an easy 4k and survivors who dodge teammates based on cosmetics/prestige/platform.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,998
    edited September 2023

    Seconding this. I do not want to play against TTVs. They are almost unanimously toxic people in equally toxic SWFs who are awful to play against. I do not play this game to be used as a chew toy by clout-chasing streamers. They are the primary reason I dodge lobbies as killer, and I'd dodge TTV killers as survivor too if I could, because both sides are bad and have thrown good amount of abuse at me.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,551

    True. When Lobbydodging is not really possible without a penalty anymore, it should be fine to show the other Survivors the Perks of their teammates in the Lobby without the fear of them dodging because someone does not play full meta or something like that.

    I mean, I understand this, but this is also the reason why the DC-Penalty starts low. So even if you would get a penalty, it would be a small one and you would probably not notice it anyway since it is gone when you return to the game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,551

    Personally I would also remove all the information aside from Characters and Items. Gameplay-wise there is 0 reason why someone should see the Profile of another player before the game starts. This would remove things like dodging because of hours, SWFs or Streamers. I also dont really think that going against TTVs is that different. Most of them only stream to a handful of viewers anyway.

    And while you might not lobbydodge to get the easiest games, I know people do. There is a streamer I know (dont watch them, because they are unbearable to watch), but they have 14k hours, are a Nurse-Main since the start (including Legacy) and still check every profile in the Lobby and dodge. This might be an extreme example, but you would guess that someone with that many hours on the strongest Killer in the game might not need to lobbyshop. And if someone like that does it, others do it was well.

    When it comes to backfilling ignoring MMR.. This is due to queuetimes. BHVR wants to keep them low and it is understandable. I mean, if I look at my games when I play Survivor (evening, incentive is on Killer at this point in my region) - lets say it takes 1-2 minutes for searching a game. Then we are in the Lobby, Killer checks profiles and dodges. Now the next Killer will need like 20 seconds to be in the Lobby, starts checking profiles (takes maybe 20 seconds as well) and dodges. And this repeats a few times. This adds up. And if we consider that this is with MMR not being that relevant for the Matchmaker, it might just increase to unreasonable times the Survivors have to wait in the Lobby for no real reason. Now WITH MMR being a big factor when it comes to backfilling, it will probably take really long for a new Killer to be in the Lobby (compared to now) and if they dodge again...yeah.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    "I don't lobby dodge to get easy games. However, I lobby dodge to get easy games"

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    Stricter MMR would clearly affect survivor queue times, hence why nothing gets done. I’m getting killer games in maximum 30 seconds at perk time. Mostly less than 20 seconds.

    In a 4 vs 1 there will obviously usually be slightly longer wait times for the 4, but I have a feeling that with stricter matchmaking those queue times would be too long in the eyes of BHVR.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 707

    It insane. I have 2k hours mostly on killer, but I do play survivor sometimes. I'm never matched with newbies on killer but on survivor imconstantly playing with baby killers and survivors. I mean I'm not the best survivor out there but theres no way im equal in skill to the meg with yellow sprint burst.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited September 2023

    Oh I completely understand why they throw MMR out of the window for backfilling. People already waited to get into the lobby and BHVR doesn't want them to have to wait again every time someone leaves. And it's probably the smart choice, regardless of what people say, more people prefer unbalanced, fast games over long queue times. It's also why I don't think they ever will add MMR to backfilling, which is a shame.

    It probably is best to remove information for the killer in the lobby, if they make it impossible to check hours for people who do that, and even to see prestige and player names it'd reduce lobby dodging hugely, I know I'd almost never do it without all that info.

    As long as it remains though I'm gonna use it.

    Argueably true. Technically I do lobby-dodge to get easier games. However I'd much prefer go against people who are actually closer to my skill level rather than babies. I just don't want to go against people much better than me, and if I can do anything to reduce the chance of that appening, I'm gonna do it.

    If matchmaking actually worked, then I wouldn't need to as I wouldn't get matched against much better survivors in the first place, and I also would never get matched against babies.

    Post edited by Krazzik on
  • zarr
    zarr Member Posts: 1,058
    edited September 2023

    Backfill is surely an issue (and one they have been saying they want to address for a long time now), but even without it, the real issue is the ridiculously low MMR cap. They say only few players are at the cap, but you have to keep in mind that they think of the playerbase hollistically, meaning that statement includes the, what, about 80% of players that are below 100 hours and launch the game once in a blue moon, if ever? I wouldn't be surprised that, if you were to exclude all players below a beginner-level hour count and look at those that play even just semi-regularly, easily half or more of them will be well at or above the cap. And the players at that cap can range from a 500-hour Meg that even with Windows Of Opportunity has a habit of avoiding pallets, to a 5000-hour Blight whose only difficult decision to make is whether to equip Adren Vial or Alch Ring for his next 4k-at-4-gens-standing match.

    There must be reasons for BHVR to have if anything seemingly only gone further and further down with the cap, even in the face of what I assume is more and more people climbing in MMR. Whether it's queue times or the belief that players actually don't want their matches to be all too evenly-matched, I wonder whether implementing the option to pick between "strict" and "lax" matchmaking could be feasible. This would essentially be the "competitive queue" mode, only you don't even have to separate queues, you just change the search parameters, such that these people still can end up in the same lobbies, but preferentially end up with others. And since it's an option the player can pick, they will either accept the potentially increased queue times, or they can always pick the "lax" option if queue times are otherwise too long.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    The last part you said about "not everyone wants even matches" rings somewhat true, I guess. I remember how I notices an uncomfortable increase in sweat, when I played back when the MMR system was implemented. After a string of mostly 3k + 4k matches I suddenly had to sweat like I was playing the finals in a tournament, but it was jsut a casual Tuesday. Back when survivors where at the high of their power, I bet that the good survivors I matched with had a lot of fun looping me and showing off all their tricks, but I burned out so fast from all the sweat every day, every game. I remember a lot of complaints that you shouldn't hesitate as a killer to, well, kill and be punished for being good, but exactly that is what it felt like. The occasional sweaty game was ok, but only sweat all the time burned me out and I probably wasn't alone, as this lead to the decline in killer population and eventually the 6.1 shakeup.

    Before somewhat chimes in with some wisecrack "ah, I get it, you only want to stomp babies", no, thats not the case, but there needs to be some kind of middle ground between stomping newbies and sweating your arse off. Or at least a certain range. Evenly matched parties at the higher level means extremely well coordinated teams of survivors, so the killer has to bring their absolute a-game and pay dearly for even the slightest mistake, while many survivors at that level revel at showing off their looping skills and how invincible they are. The skills might be evenly matched, but the stress level is skewered and thats why killers at high level burn out much more easy then survivors. So by widening the MMR brackets and allowing some uneven matches, you give everyone some moments to shine, before it is back to the sweat mill.

    At least in theory. Even with wider brackets, matchups like the one in my first post shouldn't be happening.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I'm a >3kh devotion 16 prestige 55 Nurse and I often get matched against players who don't know what the hatch is.

    The MMR sometimes fails, dramatically.